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Search results

  1. S

    3DS price to decrease - 20 free games for those who already own it

    I think one of the Pokemon guys said in an interview that they want to continue supporting the DS, but that may just mean something like what happened with the first PMD games with versions for the GBA and DS. I doubt they'd care about making any major release backwards-compatible.
  2. S

    3DS price to decrease - 20 free games for those who already own it

    Oh, I logged onto it the other day as soon as I heard about this. I didn't get any notification or anything about the 20 games but I assume I'm good to go. :v
  3. S

    3DS price to decrease - 20 free games for those who already own it

    If a remodel of the 3DS comes around in the next year or so I likely won't buy it. I'm totally happy with my 3DS as it is - it's not clunky and horrible like the original DS. My only real complaint is with how easy it is to accidentally slide the 3D switch. That and maybe how DS games look...
  4. S

    3DS price to decrease - 20 free games for those who already own it

    Actually it's $250. ...Which is still as much as the Wii was when it first released. And it came with Wii Sports for free. :|
  5. S

    3DS price to decrease - 20 free games for those who already own it

    The price is dropping everywhere. Apparently they can't give a set price for Europe but it'll be by at least a third! I'm not sure about the exact price for Canada. :c EDIT: some googling turned this Canadian flyer up saying the price will be lowered to $198. At Wal-Mart anyway.
  6. S

    3DS price to decrease - 20 free games for those who already own it

    http://www.gamespot.com/news/6325850/nintendo-slashes-3ds-prices So basically the 3DS is flopping and Nintendo is probably afraid of the Vita so the price of the 3DS is going down dramatically! If you're interested in a 3DS, you could just wait until August 12 for the lower price, or you...
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