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Search results

  1. S

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    Dec 4 - a quick doodle in memory of my frog that died. Dec 5 - this is total BS, but I spent that whole day travelling and I can't seem to draw in the car. Dec 6 - more crap doodles. Dec 7 - oh hey, a tangela gijinka. Her head's too big and I think her left arm is too short. Dec 8 - bored in the...
  2. S

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    SO WHAT I'VE DRAWN SINCE FRIDAY (will stop being too lazy to scan it someday, I promise) Dec 4: a picture in memory of my froggy Dec 5: just a quick observational doodle of a lamp in the hotel room Dec 6: some random ideas for space colonies and robotic trees Dec 7: tangela gijinka Dec 8: a...
  3. S

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    Yo! Heads up! I have to get things ready to head out of town tomorrow morning for a college visit on Sunday; there's no way there's gonna be a post tomorrow, and I probably will be too lazy after doing things I need to to post today. I did draw the memorial picture, though. So basically I'll...
  4. S

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    Woah, the flipnote is a DSi thing? How does one obtain this flipnote? Is it one of those things you need an R4 for like Colors? I'm asking for a DSi for Christmas and I'd like it if it had at least one worthwhile feature that the Lite doesn't. I always feel bad asking for new systems when my...
  5. S

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    Hey, guys. Unfortunately my froggy didn't make it. :( Expect in memoriam drawing tomorrow. I apologize for the BSed-ness of December 2nd and December 3rd. The former is a random Pokemon trainer character, my first attempt at Paint.NET and I hate the colors I used like burning (+ GODAWFUL...
  6. S

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    Hey guys. I drew a picture for today, but 1) Paint.NET decided to go all "Not Responding" right as I was finishing up the outlining and 2) One of my frogs is sick. He's twitching and acting like he's paralyzed, and I already caught him lying on his back once (not a good sign). We have like a...
  7. S

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    Hey look! Crap! This is one of those things where I can't decide whether I like or hate it. I haven't exactly got how I'd like to draw faces down yet, so this dude's face is like my old cartoon style and realism had fugly children. D: I really had to push myself to not procrastinate on this...
  8. S

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    I remember it starts tomorrow >:V! I'd like to do some fanarty shit, but if nothing else I'll have an observation drawing of some mundane object for you all to marvel at every day.
  9. S

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    Does no one here keep sketchbooks? Here I am with my $15 moleskine notebooks because I'm a hipster tard like that. :c Yeah, I can't draw directly onto the computer worth shit. To answer superyoshi's questions: last year, just about everyone only did quick doodles. It doesn't need to be...
  10. S

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    SURE. It's crunch time as far as portfolios are concerned, so every day is like ArtMo for me now. :v I promise this year I won't do like 8 days of shitty cartoons and then quit.
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