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  1. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I dunno, having a device in the pokémon world that can heal any kind of pokémon to me presupposes that intense research has gone into pokémon biology, because how else would such a machine exist? unless pokémon centres run on the tears of chansey or something
  2. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    dewgong is so pretty and underrated! i think it's really cute
  3. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    surskit is forever ridiculous to me because i remember encountering one for the first time in sapphire and being like 'what. WHAT. WHAT???' because I didn't know what it was so I immediately disliked it. but eh really it's cute. It looks like the combination of a spider and a schoolgirl.
  4. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    jfc i just got Sudowoodo's name after like what ten years???? of having known it exists? it's psuedo-wood-o. because it's pretending to be a tree. i get it edit: oh also [Music Dragon] ... My god!!! [Music Dragon] Jess. Get the President on the line.
  5. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I love corsola! I've never actually used one because I tend to always keep pokemon that evolve because they're more exciting, but it's so cute. :D it's a widdle clump of coral with tiny stumpy feet and a face! aww! I always wonder what pacifidlog does when the corsola want to go somewhere. What...
  6. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    can't look at gurrdurr without thinking I AM BENDER PLEASE INSERT GIRDER
  7. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I dunno what it is, but most monkey pokemon just don't really do anything for me, like aipom or chimchar/monferno (infernape is p. cool). When I got my free monkey in BW it pretty much went to the box and stayed there.
  8. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    hardly any of the shiny pokemon make any sense.
  9. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Actually, Seviper and Zangoose have the same eyes, just flipped: anyway, eh. Zangoose does a good job at being a mongoose (I guess), but Seviper is like my favourite pokemon, so.
  10. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    budew always annoyed the crap out of me because roselia is really cool but I could never get budew to evolve before it had learnt all its moves and started to become pretty average in comparison to my other pokemon.
  11. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    let's not next time, or at least chuck it under a nsfw hide.
  12. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Braviary is unfortunate in that it looks a lot cooler than it is, and it turns up really late in the game. :/
  13. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I love Kyogre! the only thing I really didn't like was how slow it made battles in sapphire because 'go Kyogre! KYOOOORRRRREEeee it is raining! [rain animation]' and then more 'it is raining [rain animation]' like every single turn
  14. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I caught them all in platinum (I think?) and found a shiny one. They're kind of meh. Unown are hard to read. :C
  15. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    :D I love Lanturn! They're crazy useful. Chinchou is cuter though.
  16. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Bellsprout... Bellsprout... Bellsprout... Bellsprout... anyway eh bellsprout. I always thought it was amusing how bellsprout is kind of dorky and adorable and then its evolutions are like >8O
  17. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    well the weird thing about starfish is that it actually kinda depends on the species; starfish are variously hermaphroditic or dioecious, and some reproduce asexually. I guess game freak just kinda went 'starfish are weird, let's just make them genderless'. gonna go ahead and make the new...
  18. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    oh man, that's why I wanted one! but I pampered it lots and lots and gave it a soothe bell. :D
  19. ultraviolet

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    ... wouldn't you have to get a remoraid anyway to get the pokedex...?
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