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Search results

  1. ultraviolet

    Nintendo announces Nintendo 2DS

    I dunno, I think the fair amount of children who want Pokemon XY/new Zelda Game/Smash Bros. etc but don't have a 3DS probably justifies the 2DS' existence well enough.
  2. ultraviolet

    Nintendo announces Nintendo 2DS

    I dunno I doubt they're gonna be making a handheld console aimed at children with fragile screens (and apparently it feels quite solidly built, too). I mean, most of us survived as GBAs or GBCs for a long time, didn't we? Nintendo are specifically aiming for a younger audience (this is an...
  3. ultraviolet

    Nintendo announces Nintendo 2DS

    i have to admit that i appreciate Nintendo's response to the fact that tons of people don't use the 3D on the 3DS and that instead of forcing us to like that one feature they were really pushing, they've kind of understood that most people are buying a 3DS because new games are going to be...
  4. ultraviolet

    Nintendo announces Nintendo 2DS

    the only thing i'm kind of annoyed about is that it doesn't close like the DS/3DS do, which means you'll probably have to put it in a case like in the commercial to protect the screen which i think's kinda... crappy. it does look a bit uncomfortable to use but eh. mum wants animal crossing and...
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