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Search results

  1. ultraviolet

    The Challenge Board

    challenging Espeon and Nyuu to that triple battle that we've been meaning to do since like early last year... hrm. 3vs3vs3 single Style: Switch DQ: 14 days Damage Cap: 50% Banned Moves: OHKOs Arena: Ponyville Square In some kind of weird crossing of fandom universes, the battlers find...
  2. ultraviolet

    The Challenge Board

    WHAT IS THIS? Music Dragon has returned to ASB? A CHALLENGE! 4vs4 single Style: Switch DQ: 14 days Damage Cap: 50% Banned Moves: OHKOs Arena: Town Square The Asber Town Square is a wide, flat expanse, paved with cobblestones and dotted with park benches and trees here and there. In the centre...
  3. ultraviolet

    The Challenge Board

    I knew I had a battle flying around somewhere! I was wondering what had happened to it ; ;
  4. ultraviolet

    The Challenge Board

    I knew I had a battle flying around somewhere! I was wondering what had happened to it ; ;
  5. ultraviolet

    The Challenge Board

    4vs4 single switch DQ: seven days Damage Cap: 50% Banned Moves: OHKOs, weather-changing moves. Arena: Floaroma Meadow The gentleman who sells honey in Floaroma Town has ... somewhat reluctantly let two trainers borrow his meadow for a pokemon battle. The area is covered in a rainbow of flowers...
  6. ultraviolet

    The Challenge Board

    yeah I should probably do some battling :I whoosh
  7. ultraviolet

    The Challenge Board

    Taking this because this is one of my favourite books <3 profile
  8. ultraviolet

    The Challenge Board

    You need to actually provide a link to your profile post (like mine for example). You do this by going into the profile thread, and finding your post. Then what you do is click the number in the top-right corner (on this one it should say #1331). When you click that, it'll take you to a new page...
  9. ultraviolet

    The Challenge Board

    Format: 4 vs 4, single Style: Switch DQ: Two weeks Dmg. Cap: 40% Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs, Chills 3/Pokemon Arena Name: Tropical Greenhouse Arena Description: Someone, somewhere in ASB has been silly enough to let two trainers borrow their Greenhouse for a battle. The Greenhouse is very...
  10. ultraviolet

    The Challenge Board

    sorry man I just took that at the top of the page. :I
  11. ultraviolet

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take this, but you haven't included your profile link for some reason. my profile
  12. ultraviolet

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take this! c: Profile
  13. ultraviolet

    The Challenge Board

    I accept! =) profile
  14. ultraviolet

    The Challenge Board

    well I'd really like another battle :B 2vs2 single Style: Switch DQ: Seven Days Damage Cap: 30% Banned Moves: OHKOs, Direct-Healing moves, Earthquake, Weather-changing moves. Arena: Underground Cave The battle takes place in an underground cave around 500m below the surface. Special lanterns...
  15. ultraviolet

    The Challenge Board

    hey hey can I take this? my only battle never got a ref :c profile~
  16. ultraviolet

    The Challenge Board

    I'll accept! I haven't done this in a long time. o.o ~profile!
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