(I think our referee is nearing a nidoqueen, by the way? Possibly also ultraviolet? So there is also that!)
Indeed. Just one point of experience down. The catch is, I have to send out first in every battle ever, and in every battle ever, there's an ol' massive Nidorina counter lurking.
(I find it extremely ironic that I'm using your calculator to determine how much damage I'll be dealing to your pokemon, Kratos. Also, I think it’s finally occurred how biased I am towards Hoenn despite the fact I got all of the games within a very short timeframe. All three of my sendouts are gen three! I’m looking forward to this a lot.)
What bias? Hoenn
is the best region!
3vs3 Rotation
DQ: 7 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: Weather moves, moves requiring external resources
Round 1
Mai (OOO)
Currently out: Dia

Male Sableye
Ability: Stall
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Stable
Condition: Staring at the ice.
Phase ~ Shadow Ball/Snore ~ Shadow Ball/Snore
Rael: 100%H/100%E/Stable
Kaleidoscope: 100%H/100%E/Stable
Kratos Aurion (OOO)
Currently out: Lesovik

Male Cottonee
Ability: Prankster
Item: Sun Stone
AHBE Move: Sleep Powder
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Stable
Condition: Avoiding the ice.
Taunt/Safeguard ~ Sleep Powder/Taunt/Safeguard ~ Leech Seed/Sleep Powder/Giga Drain
Yakuza: 100%H/100%E/Stable
Thorn: 100%H/100%E/Stable
Arena: Cold Storage
Driftveil City has plenty of attractions: its picturesque lighthouse, its bustling marketplace, and, most important of all to trainers, its official gym. Surely any of those would have made fine sites for a battle and a worthy introduction to Driftveil's culture.
Instead, trainers and spectators find themeselves huddled, shivering, in a glorified walk-in refrigerator.
As it turns out, it's rather expensive to rent out Nimbasa's music hall for a few crazy trainers to have their battles in. And it's even more expensive when you have to pay for repairs after a couple of those trainers smash a hole in the stage and set fire to the orchestra pit. Over budget and facing a suddenly-inflated insurance premium on whatever location it decided to rent, the league found itself too strapped for cash to secure one of Driftveil's more desirable locales.
There was no way they could simply call off the battle, though, so they made do. And, with a bit of effort, they even managed to wrangle a local into teaching their battlers a unique bit of Unovan battle-style, the rotation battle. He's a heartbreaker... His name... Charles...
In a rotation battle, each player sends out three pokémon from the get-go, though only one fights at a time. Up to once per round, at any time, a trainer may choose to "rotate" their pokémon, swapping the one in battle for one of the two in reserve. Now, though the arena manages to avoid the iciest parts of Cold Storage, the floor's a little slick, and the pokémon being rotated in will need to take an action to get its footing. The act of rotating therefore takes a full action, but is otherwise unpenalized. A pokémon that is rendered uncapable of leaving the field under its own power cannot be rotated out.
The frigid conditions of Cold Storage are going to sap a bit of the fun out of this new battle style, though. It's so freezing that all pokémon in battle will lose 5% health and energy at the end of each round, whether or not they're currently in battle. Ice types, of course, love the cold and are immune to this effect--too bad they happen to offend Charles, who can't stand their shameless aping of his aloof and distant attitude. At the end of each round, any ice type actually in battle has a 10% chance (each) of becoming taunted, tormented, confused, or paralyzed as a result of suffering through Charles' intense, furious, and yet carefree stare for the entire round.
For these battles, the first player to post will post all three pokémon that they will be using, as well as which one will start in the active position. The second will then do the same, as well as issuing commands, and the battle will proceed as normal from there.
Arena status: Unchanged.
A security door latched open. Four people crawled into the enormous inside of the... Building? Structure? Well, more like oversized appliance. They weren't the first trainers to walk in for the official tournament, and they wouldn't be the last, although one of the four was supposed to be there for each of the battles. That one, sporting a roughly wine-coloured hair and outrageous beard of the same color, wore just jeans and an open jacket, in spite of how infernally cold it was within the League-appointed battlefield. He seemed not to care in the slightest, but then again, he seemed that way about any given thing.
The other three, however, were all geared up for cold, and realized as they got in that they weren't geared up enough. Just two layers of warm clothes did very little to the inhuman frostiness. There was a reason why those in that facility's employ wore protective all up to their heads.
It was not without reason that it was named the Cold Storage.
The massive refrigerator housed literal truckloads of goods. Each one of them were meant to be kept in low temperatures, which is why the reason why they were stashed in that specific place. That was one of the marking features of the place; other was the sheets of ice that spread out along several patches, notoriously making it difficult to remove the giant steel crates once they were loaded in. For those who weren't giant steel crates nor wearing appropriate gear, of course, the annoyance was another altogether: it made step tricky and slippery. Thankfully, the battle was to take place in a less iced spot, but it was next to impossible to nail down a range sizable enough that didn't at least have a thin sheet of slippery evil.
Upon finding that one patch, the fellows took position, with the battlers standing against one another and the referee between them. And Charlie next to the referee. The latter two exchanged a few mutters before Metallica Fanboy recited the rules and then commanded for the trainers to make their (three) sendouts.
Mai spent a couple of seconds psyching up, then withdrew three Pokéballs and tossed two to the sides and one into the battlefield proper. The one that went that way revealed a vaguely humanoid, dark purple figure, jewely eyes sparkling with the artifical lights. The other two sendouts were a chubby, black-and-purple pig Pokémon and a bipedal, lightly fluttering bug, mostly black but also notably blue.
Seeming keen on intimidation, Kratos Aurion first unleashed two powerful critters around his sides -- a large, black-feathered bird with an imposing hatlike crest and a massive, spiky creature of purple scales, sharp horn, massive ears and vicious grin. Only to then have the lead-in be a foot-tall fluff. Imperial suxors, but eh, there's a perfectly round number there, and that can't go to waste.
Commands were issued and, as such, began one of the matches for the third round of the 2011 League Championship.
Dia had been ordered to act immediately, but it couldn't help but become distracted and take note of his surroundings before that. And by that, I mean he spent about half a minute scanning his surroundings. Fortunately, his opponent was waiting on his move, so, regardless, he still had time to go first.
When he got around to performing his move, he grinned mischievously... And all of a sudden, there was no grin. And no Sableye around, either. All that could be seen were strangely floating jewels, two of which were obviously his eyes, so one could tell he hadn't escaped somehow. Still, it was a disappearing act of sorts.
At the time, Lesovik saw it (or rather, didn't see it) merely as amazing provaction fuel. After all, what kind of coward just up and disappears upon the prospect of being smacked by
a foot-tall fluff? The remarks upon that coward's ability to fight or lack thereof ran quite wild.
Assuming that he'd gotten a rise out of his opponent, Cottonee eagerly recalled a few rambles in order to pull off the next wicked trick: sleep powder. It's so funny when they just keel over like they don't know what just hit them! However, this time, he was out of luck -- the powder, being perfectly solid although, well, powdery, went right through the target, to no significant effect.
At first, there was no telling what actually happened, but it became obvious that the sleep-inducing move failed when Dia quickly charged and then fired a blast of ghostly energy, sending his opponent tumbling backwards and leaving a strange mark on his face. Which was pretty much the most part of his body.
Irate that his genial trick failed so, the cottonseed Pokémon gave it another shot, to the same complete lack of effect. Another Shadow Ball flew in response, and on that note, the end of round rang.
Both battlers irradiated enough anger that it could melt some of the snow down. They seemed as though they were completely unaffected by the cold... But, of course they were. Even the gargantuan Nidoking in waiting trembled and shivered, to a rather amusing scene.
Round 1 – End
Mai (OOO)
Currently out: Dia

Male Sableye
Ability: Stall
Health: 95%
Energy: 85%
Status: Taunted (1 more action). Phasing.
Condition: Fighting like a totally not coward.
Performed: Phase ~ Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball
Rael: 95%H/95%E/Stable
Kaleidoscope: 95%H/95%E/Stable
Kratos Aurion (OOO)
Currently out: Lesovik

Male Cottonee
Ability: Prankster
Item: Sun Stone
AHBE Move: Sleep Powder
Health: 72%
Energy: 87%
Status: 1- Special Defense.
Condition: Going to prank that coward so hard.
Performed: Taunt ~ Sleep Powder ~ Sleep Powder
Yakuza: 95%H/95%E/Stable
Thorn: 95%H/95%E/Stable
Arena status: Unchanged.
Additional notes:
- Sleep Powder failed to affect the phased Dia.
- The first Shadow Ball lowered Lesovik's Special Defense.
- Mai attacks first next round.