3vs3 Rotation
DQ: 7 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: Weather moves, moves requiring external resources
Round 4
Mai (OOO)
Currently out: Kaleidoscope

Female Illumise
Ability: Tinted Lens
Item: Leftovers
Health: 87%
Energy: 75%
Status: Stable
Condition: Snacking.
Fake Tears/Growth/Silver Wind ~ Silver Wind/Growth/Protect ~ Silver Wind/Growth/Protect
Dia: 47%H/68%E/Phasing, Encored 2A, Substitute 20%
Rael: 85%H/85%E/Stable
Kratos Aurion (OOO)
Currently out: Lesovik

Male Cottonee
Ability: Prankster
Item: Sun Stone
AHBE Move: Sleep Powder
Health: 48%
Energy: 64%
Status: 1- Special Defense. Safeguard is in effect (8 more actions).
Condition: Fucking pranks, when will they work?
Rotate (Yakuza) ~ Fly (Up) ~ Fly (Up)
Yakuza: 85%H/85%E/Stable
Thorn: 85%H/85%E/Stable
Arena: Cold Storage
Driftveil City has plenty of attractions: its picturesque lighthouse, its bustling marketplace, and, most important of all to trainers, its official gym. Surely any of those would have made fine sites for a battle and a worthy introduction to Driftveil's culture.
Instead, trainers and spectators find themeselves huddled, shivering, in a glorified walk-in refrigerator.
As it turns out, it's rather expensive to rent out Nimbasa's music hall for a few crazy trainers to have their battles in. And it's even more expensive when you have to pay for repairs after a couple of those trainers smash a hole in the stage and set fire to the orchestra pit. Over budget and facing a suddenly-inflated insurance premium on whatever location it decided to rent, the league found itself too strapped for cash to secure one of Driftveil's more desirable locales.
There was no way they could simply call off the battle, though, so they made do. And, with a bit of effort, they even managed to wrangle a local into teaching their battlers a unique bit of Unovan battle-style, the rotation battle. He's a heartbreaker... His name... Charles...
In a rotation battle, each player sends out three pokémon from the get-go, though only one fights at a time. Up to once per round, at any time, a trainer may choose to "rotate" their pokémon, swapping the one in battle for one of the two in reserve. Now, though the arena manages to avoid the iciest parts of Cold Storage, the floor's a little slick, and the pokémon being rotated in will need to take an action to get its footing. The act of rotating therefore takes a full action, but is otherwise unpenalized. A pokémon that is rendered uncapable of leaving the field under its own power cannot be rotated out.
The frigid conditions of Cold Storage are going to sap a bit of the fun out of this new battle style, though. It's so freezing that all pokémon in battle will lose 5% health and energy at the end of each round, whether or not they're currently in battle. Ice types, of course, love the cold and are immune to this effect--too bad they happen to offend Charles, who can't stand their shameless aping of his aloof and distant attitude. At the end of each round, any ice type actually in battle has a 10% chance (each) of becoming taunted, tormented, confused, or paralyzed as a result of suffering through Charles' intense, furious, and yet carefree stare for the entire round.
For these battles, the first player to post will post all three pokémon that they will be using, as well as which one will start in the active position. The second will then do the same, as well as issuing commands, and the battle will proceed as normal from there.
Arena status: A portion of the ice was ripped out and sculpted into snow Sableyes.
At some point, Charles, too, tried to assemble a couple of snowmen; however, the lack of finger protection on his gloves remarkably quickly turned that effort too painfully cold even for the extremely cool. The resulting disaster also led to slipping and landing a bare chest on the stone-cold floor, to further amusing effect. Commands were still dealt in between the laughter.
Lesovik was hesitant to rotate out; he still really, really wanted to drop an actually successful prank or two. However, he knew that he couldn't hang around for too long, lest he mess up his teammate's entrance. As such, he gave way, with Yakuza taking the scene and nearly drooling as soon as he heard his trainer say "tasty bugs".
Sensing this animosity in the new arrival, Kaleidoscope began to beg for mercy. She even landed took the time to land and kneel (knee?) down, enduring the freezing floor without a shift in expression (much unlike Charles). Tears rolled down her face slowly as she pleaded not to be eaten away.
While the Honchkrow would rather imagine that he's not the kind to abandon a perfectly good snack over a hysterical broad's drama, the flawless performance moved him just fine. Of course, not that it was time to land the claim just yet; first, he had some impulse to gather.
Completely out of nonwhere, however, the Illumise started to fight back, once more whipping up a silvery gust packed with mysterious energy. Startled right out of his mind, the crow Pokémon took right off as quickly as he could, lunging all the way to the top of the refrigerator -- which wasn't terribly tall for the purpose of getting the hell away, but would have to do just fine.
What he didn't get to see from the altitude was that, after the Silver Wind attack, the firefly Pokémon's body had taken upon the slightest glittery glow. He wouldn't have imagined, of course, what that truly meant.
Having gotten away for a while, his appetite won over the dread of the attack he'd been struck with suddenly. Without much further hesitation, he swooped down, landing a bodily hit that knocked his foe right over.
With his prey on a pinning spot, Yakuza expected more of the crying he'd seen earlier. He even stopped for it. This gave Kaleidoscope a chance to whip up another Silver Wind, however, with extra sparkle.
The cornering completely lost from that mishap, the Honchkrow once again took off, soared all the way up to the ceiling, and then darted down. And just as he hit the second time, the end of the round was called.
Round 4 – End
Mai (OOO)
Currently out: Kaleidoscope

Female Illumise
Ability: Tinted Lens
Item: Leftovers
Health: 52%
Energy: 59%
Status: 1+ Attack, 1+ Defense, 1+ Special Attack, 1+ Special Defense, 1+ Speed.
Condition: Sparkling like a vampire on a sunny day.
Performed: Fake Tears ~ Silver Wind ~ Silver Wind
Dia: 42%H/63%E/Phasing, Encored 2A, Substitute 20%
Rael: 80%H/80%E/Stable
Kratos Aurion (OOO)
Currently out: Yakuza

Male Honchkrow
Ability: Super Luck
Item: Expert Belt
Health: 59%
Energy: 76%
Status: 2- Special Defense. Safeguard is in effect (5 more actions).
Condition: Wanting him some more frightened crying, damn it.
Performed: Rotate Yakuza ~ Fly ~ Fly
Lesovik: 43%H/59%/1-SDef
Thorn: 80%H/80%E/Stable
Arena status: A portion of the ice was ripped out and sculpted into snow Sableyes.
Additional notes:
- There's a roof to this refrigerator, you know; two sets of upwards flight would have been a little too much. Either way, one is enough to be out of range for Silver Wind.
- Silver Wind on the second action got the all-stat bonus activated.
- Fly on the third action hit past the damage cap.
- Kratos Aurion attacks first next round.