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Anybody else going anywhere this summer?


I was going to go to California last summer, but I had a conflict with a math class, and I had to stay, and this summer I am going. I know I am cause I am sitting in an airport right now waiting for a plane. Blastoise thinks I am rich since I get to go somewhere other then home for the summer, but I know someone else is doing something for the summer. So the question is what are you doing this summer?
I'm driving to utah and staying for two weeks for a dance camp, Then coming back. Then I'm flying to VEGAS! for a dance compitition and staying for a week, Then coming back.
I've never been to New York, but I hear mixed things about it. I guess any place is like that though. I mean we all have our thoughts. Hope you have fun.
Modern, Ballet, Tap, Jazz,

Mainly modern though. For utah.

Vegas I'm performing my solo. Which is lyrical and to Lovestoned/I Think She Knows by Justin Timberlake. And taking a workshop in Tap, Ballet, and Jazz.
I have a lot of family from Portugal. Mom says it is beautiful. Haven't heard much about Lebanon though so I am going to make you tell me all about it KronoGreen, and no you do not have any choice in the matter.

...Kidding :p Unless I'm correct. In which case that was completely serious.
I am travelling to Belgium a lot, obviously. Going to Athens for a few days in the summer, and also going to Wacken Open Air in Germany.
Hopefully, Alaska. Depends, though, on how much free time we'll actually have, because we usually will have less then we expected.
My dad's in Germany. I go three times a year, and he lives in this big house in a tiny village full of awesome people who I can't understand. :O

Probably go up to my granny's in Scotland too.
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I'm not really going anywhere (certinaly not abroad), but I do have a lovely selection of friends from assorted places who are coming to see me. So I'm happy :D
I'm going to the south of France with my family. I might possibly get to go out to Paris ahead of the others which would be awesome~

Apart from that I don't have any other plans. Might go somewhere in England for the lulz.
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