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Open Darkness Rising

Crazy Linoone

broke ASB


The moon hung high in the night sky, a perfect sphere, its faint light filtering through the trees and barely reaching the ground. The normally yellow glow of the moon was tinged with red; Cresselia’s power is at its weakest tonight. There were no stars, for they were obscured by clouds, but Akabari liked to think of them as wimpy Lights who are too afraid of what will happen tonight to come out. Yes, for tonight is the night of the one hundred and eighth eclipse of the red moon; tonight is the night when Giratina’s prophecy will come true.

His claws sinking slightly into the soft dirt, Akabari peeked from behind a tree, studying the small clearing where the Darkness had decided to meet. He could already see a few creatures crowding around the forest edge, shuffling back and fro, their eyes glittering in the shadows. There was no Light around besides the moon, whose faint red glow made the ground seem as if it was covered in blood.

There was a subtle shift of light, something faint but definitely there. Akabari’s head snapped up, his red eyes scanning the sky, and, when he found what he was looking for, he boldly stepped out of the shadows and into the clearing.

The eclipse has begun.
Darkness. The bloody red glow of the beautiful glorious moon all around, flooding down across the land. The faintest call of the night calling from the breeze, the rustling trees and bushes, the song of the night-bird, bringing with it the joy of the darkness, the thrill of hunting and blood.

Melpomene stepped - no, floated - into the clearing, the bloody moonlight glinting off her matching red eyes, and the Mark on her forehead glimmering slightly. She bounced slightly as she floated, occasionally bobbing low enough to touch a foot to the ground, then floating back into the air. The eyes of the Night were all around her, her fellows, allies, brothers and sisters. But she was their superior and she knew it. The Godwife, Dark Mother...it was her destiny.

The eclipse was going on above her, and it was this night she knew that would finally bring her to her master. The bloody moonlight glinted off her yellowed zipper-teeth, casting them an eerie orange tinge as she turned her head side to side, scanning the others around her. She couldn't make out any other than an Absol who had stepped into the moon's embrace before she had. She dipped her head in a slight bow to the other, a sign of respect and friendship. If you bared your neck to someone, it meant you trusted them, and she wanted to let her subjects know that she did trust them...

She let a mental laugh ring out of the clearing; soft and gentle, hopefully, and then spoke, her mental voice strong, clear, and confident.

>Don't be shy, come on out, all of you...<
Darkness. Calling out to all of it's servants around the land. Calling 'Come. Come spread the darkness. Come. Come destroy the light.' The bloody red moon the warning for all pokemon that lived in the light. The Era of light is over. Cometh the age of Darkness.

Holochinse slowly plodded his way into the clearing, dyed red from the light of the blood stained moon. He looked up, looked at the glorious red moon. He tilted his head back down said gleefully 'This is the time that darkness rises!'

He looked over to his left, seeing a Banette bobbing up and down in a playful manner, as ghosts normally do. He walked over, bowed slightly to show trust, before saying happily to her.
"What do you think Miss Melpomene? What do you think of our new Era of darkness?" He looked back at the crimson moon, an evil grin sat smugly on his face.
Darkness. The blood-red moon hanging over the land like fears hanging over the thoughts of little children. The eclipse slowly deteriorated the face of the moon, as a call to all Pokemon across the land. What Giratina said was going to come true, no matter what the cost.

"Finally, our calling has come to frutition." Iles sighed happily, "Soon, the era of Darkness will reign supreme!"

Iles hissed.

"For thousands of years, we've been outed by the Light. Now, it's their turn." Iles laughed.

(I know, I know, fail!post.)
Quiet sounds filled the night as Meletios made his way to wherever the Darkness decided to meet. Since he'd forgotten where exactly that one, Meletios was intently scanning the ground, which was soaked in the light of the blood moon.

Then, he heard something, or someone, rather, seemingly out of nowhere. Laughter, and a gentle summons. Sometimes, Meletios wished he had telepathy, and this was one of those times.

Looking down, though, he spotted a group in a clearing. Meletios dived down and landed in a tree. There weren't any Honchkrow to be found, though.

"Bah, I can finish this on my own.", he decided out loud.

Then he noticed two others below where he sat perched.

"Oh hello there! Wonderful weather tonight, eh?", he asked of a Banette and Nidorino.
It was... the darkness. Finally, it was the night. An eerie glow was cast by the blood-red moon over the clearing, as Requiem floated on the outside behind a tree. She was highly used to being in the dark, and didn't mind that this night felt a little... different. After all, this was when she would get what she had been singing of. The Light had to finally give in to the Darkness's power. Absently, she floated into the clearing, noticing that there were already a few others here. What first caught her eye was an Ariados, approximately the same color as the moon. After just a glance, her eyes trailed off to the sky in thought, and she stared for a moment at the bright red disk in the sky. It was soon to disappear... Requiem chuckled to herself satisfactorily.

She looked around carefully; she could also see a Murkrow, two Banette, and a Nidorino. There were other Ghost-types, at least, so she could at least feel a bit less shy. Not like Requiem was nervous or anything. Of course not! How could a Mismagius be scared of anything?
The darkness...was finally here. The eternal light was finally exstinguished. Finally, Fenos's rings were glowing! He hadn't remembered the last time he had seen his rings glow.....then again,that's not saying much. Fenos was at a crossroads with himself.

What do I do? The time is here to revolt! But I don't wish to face my brother.......
Lucidia didn't really like being social. She was supposed to arrive at this clearing in the time of the eclipse, and if she knew that then it was almost positive that other Pokemon were going to be there. Hopefully she wouldn't be required to talk.

The miniscule amount of light bathed the ground in crimson, making it look as if a large thing had come through here and killed everything in sight. Somehow it reminded Lucidia of the Mightyena and his deputy Sableye who used to be superior to her; that was before she left for her own good. That was after she blacked out in the war between Light and Darkness; they were either dead or hadn't noticed her slip away.

As blackness faded into her vision, obscuring the visibility and casting gigantic shadows behind everything, she was able to step into the clearing. She noticed that the others here would most likely be bigger than her; it didn't really matter, because apparently no one was going to hurt her.
Lunoso gently floated above the dark forest floor, brightened only by the moon of his namesake. The shapeless purple mass of his body shifted sickeningly, like a venomous pudding given the ability to levitate.

The Grimer drifted into the clearing, inches above the grass.

Luno, thinking he had been silent long enough, looked for someone to speak with. He noticed a Houndour, smaller than he would expect. The Poison-type drifted over to her and let loose one of his famous groan-inducers:

"Is it hot out tonight or is it just you?" he said to the Fire-type, part of his oozing face raising in a semblance of an eyebrow.
Lucidia could see fine in this inky darkness, but she expected that some bird Pokemon would be practically blind. Tasty, but it wasn't time for eating now. Someone here was going to speak, but who?

Something approached her, and she almost wrinkled her nose in disgust; without a doubt it was a Poison-type. Those were the ones that usually smelled bad.

She turned her head towards it; a light purple-colored blob of sludge with a face and two extensions of slime that she guessed were supposed to mimic hands. She watched curiously as the Grimer floated towards her in an unusual fashion.

At its remark about something being hot or it was her heat, she was utterly bemused. Her left ear twitched, and she tilted her head slightly, signaling that she didn't usually get the meaning of vague metaphors like that. Of course she was Fire-type, so it was possible that she would radiate heat, but it wasn't possible that this mass of purple stuff could have picked it up from so far away...
Phren knew the darkness and the red moonlight should resonate deeply with him, but perhaps it was the azurill body that made it difficult to truly recognise Significance. Mostly, Phren just found it difficult to see - his eyes could really only adjust so much to the low light, and he was still not fully accustomed to using his hearing to determine his surroundings. Still, the clearing had fewer shadows, and Miss Melpomene was calling, after all.

Phren bounced into the clearing, wearing an expression of carefree joy like only an azurill could pull off. Emoting was strange, but it was another form of communication, which meant it was another way to manipulate others. It was also what one expected of an azurill. "Hello," he chirped. It was not the right place for this, perhaps, but it was what he usually did. He was weaker than he should be and he was different from the others, in a way he could not change, so it was important to appear harmless. However he had to take care not to be annoying, because the creatures of the night attacked, sometimes, when he was. Usually the Dark's violence was less focused, which made them dangerous to Phren, too, in a way different from the Light.

Miss Melpomene had no reason to know him, and he did not know her well, but she was why he originally came so he bounded to her. His body language displayed only comfort and contentment when he stopped beside her, closer than he would otherwise. She had the type of madness that was like the typical mentality of the Dark but more so, a sort of self-centred mind that could lash out because she wanted to, the kind that Phren might have if he was stronger.

There were other pokemon, too, and they were all strong enough to kill him so he paid attention to them. He could not escape attention, properly, so he brought attention to himself in the way that he preferred. "Nice night, isn't it?"

"No, you see, it's because you're a Fire-type, and so you would exude heat, and so..."

At this point, Luno fell into a bubbling, babbling incoherence, muttering, half to himself. No one ever got his jokes, and if they did, they generally threw stones at him! For Darkrai's sake, they weren't that bad...
Fenos finally got his mind off of his complications and got up the nerve to talk to someone. He walked casually-no, shyly-to a Bannete and Azurill (it was a weird pairing) and asked if he could join the conversation. There was no answer. Fenos decided to try his luck with someone else. He somewhat sprinted over to a Houndour. Fenos took notice of an odd skull-like marking on its forehead. Fenos sort of just blurted out "Heyhowyadoinnictomeetyou!" Fenos knew he looked like a dork so he started to turn away.
So... it was time... wasn't it?

A confirmation would be sent to her, in the form of a sight up in the sky. The crimson orb shimmered brilliantly, guiltily pleasing to her. It looked almost like a bloodstone. Such a beautiful colour, was that of red...

This Creature of Dark grinned unconsciously, white fangs contrasting against the night around them. It was strange, she had never quite felt like this before.

Though something inside of her still feared the fellow Creatures of Dark, unfamiliar ones that she had never met, the emotions were being pushed back deep into the crevices of her mind, back by the Darkness itself and its hypnotic red glow.

Its pull was too strong, and she felt it leading her towards the location where all the other Beasts were gathered. Into the clearing wandered the gray-furred, curly maned canine, silently.

Yeah, it was time, all right.
Darkness. The time to strike is now. The Weavile placed his claw to his forehead as a salute to Giratina. Come my lord, gather your followers and take back what was ours to begin with! He stood up from his perch in the trees ,grinning at the crimson orb that hung from the sky, and he leaped through the trees and quickly made his way through the forest. All the while he chanted in his mind:

The time has come at last

Ocent knew darkness, or at least he thought he did. Being sealed inside for nineteen of his years gave him a view of what he thought was darkness.

But this...

as the eclipse began, the eerie red light shed itself upon a cracked stone. That stone began to quiver, and then it lay still.

But only for a moment.

It quiver twice more, and then it gave off one last, violent shudder. It was at this point that the Spiritomb who knew himself only as Ocent emerged from the keystone.

Taking his natural shape of a razor edged circle, the ghost took note of his surroundings. He had, of course, brought himself to this spot prior to the eclipse, but had chosen to conceal himself in his keystone until the time was right.

He didn't want anyone else seeing him before the promised hour. That would not do, no, it would not do at all.

Our time has come, he thought, that Bronzong thought he could defeat us, but we cannot be permanently beaten. Darkness brought us here for a reason, and that reason is that we are required for the plan of Darkness. And if we successfully assist Darkness in its plan, we will finally learn who we are.

With that in mind, Ocent spotted several other pokemon ahead of him. Deciding that they too served Darkness, he floated forward to join them.
Lucidia slowly slid her head back into its normal position as the Grimer explained what he had said. He was apparently downcast by the fact that everyone thought his jokes were bad. Lucidia felt sorry for him, but she wasn't going to lie so that he felt better. Once he had begun blabbing a mess of words, she interrupted. "Oh, that was clever. Sorry, I'm a slow thinker; that was what I thought," she apologized quickly, as she was naturally trying to fit all the words into the smallest time possible while still leaving the sentences understandable. She didn't like talking to others at all, but she felt that what she had just said couldn't be put into ear or paw motions.
Fenos realized that-once again- no answer came. He soon noticed a faint tapping noise from behind him. He searched around, but all he could find was this weird cracked stone thingy. That's it! The stone was shaking, and finally, a creature came out. He felt that he had seen the creature before. But where? Fenos caught up to it and introduced himself (hoping to at least get some answer).
"Oh!" Luno exclaimed, rising taller as he spoke. "You understood? Woot!"

The Grimer was beside himself in joy, someone had complimented him! In his amazement, he completely missed the runty Houndour's discomfort. While he shifted around in happiness, the Grimer caught sight of...

A Spiritomb, a bit oddly-colored...

A curly-looking Mighteyena...

And... an Azurill? Here? With a Banette? How... hilariously unlikely.

"Hey, little boy blue, what brings you to this dark neck of the woods?" the Poison-type punned, grinning widely and wildly.
An Umbreon called Fenos...

That was what had just introduced itself to Ocent. The Spiritomb gazed coldly at the Umbreon for several moments before speaking.

"We are a Spiritomb known as Ocent," He said, "and that is all you should know of us."

Without waiting for a response, the Spiritomb floated away, and looked around to see who he would have to put up with to finish his quest.

Few of these look like they could hinder us. The Absol comes across as one such threat, and there is something about that Azurill that disturbs us...

That one, we will watch.
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