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Girl Scout song lyrics?


Good for you.
I know this song from Girl Scout camp, but I don't know what its called or how it goes entirely.

I know that it begins like this:

Land of the silver birch,
Home of the beaver,
(something about a moose?)
Freely at will,
Blue lake and rocky shore,
I will return once more,
We are the Quapaw,
We are the Quapaw Tribe

This has been bugging me for a while. Does anyone know how this song goes, what it's called, or how I can find it?

We sing a variation of this song at my summer camp, except we use the lyricss

Boom didi yada
Boom didi yada

Instead of using "We are the quapaw tribe"
...Oh my god I never expected this thread to ever come up. But now my heart is a-fluttering with nostalgia.

Ehehehe I did that song too at my old camp. It was the "theme song' to one of the little campsites, only the version there was:

"Land of the silver birch,
Home of the beaver,
There where the mighty moose
Wanders at will...

...Oh god. Excuse me for a second. *goes to dance giddily in childhood memories for a bit*
We did something with that song (the boom-didi-yada version) practically every year in music class when I was in elementary school, with much emphasis on how Canadian a song it was. I'm a little surprised to learn that people sing it in other countries, though not nearly on the same scale as when I learned Tim Horton's exists in parts of the US.
We sing a song with that tune at GS Camp! It goes like this:

I love the mountains
I love the rolling hills
I love the flowers
I love the daffodils
I love the fireside
When all the lights are low

I'm pretty sure we stole it from somewhere, but it fits.
We sing a song with that tune at GS Camp! It goes like this:

I love the mountains
I love the rolling hills
I love the flowers
I love the daffodils
I love the fireside
When all the lights are low

I'm pretty sure we stole it from somewhere, but it fits.

And now I remember three years ago, when we tried to make a forum-wide cover of the original, but failed miserably.
At our camp we also made a harmony part to it. It's really pretty. I've done the harmony more than the original, so I've mostly forgotten the original tune.
Thanks guys, I didn't expect to get this many answers. I guess since this was the song for our Quapaw thing, we changed the 'boom-didi-yada' or whatever part to make it fit.

It's a Canadian song? I'm surprised it made it all the way south to Arkansas. That makes it a little more awesome!
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