• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hey, it's the new guy! (AKA, me XD)

Hi, nice to meet you! I also liek mu- *gets shot by random other user*

Have a good time here on TCoD! Oh and follow the yellow brick road!
-puts away marshmallow gun-

Welcome to TCoD, where people introduce you with trite sayings about tea and cod.
Yes, please feel free to beat anyone who offers you tea and cod over the head with the heavy weapon of your choice. REALLY GUYS, IT'S OLD. STOP SAYING IT.

Welcome to TCoD, where we eat cod and drink mint- *shot again* FLARETH STOP SHOOTING PEOPLE
Hello, new person! Welcome to TCoD. Please enjoy using our various facilities, but remember to wipe your feet before entering!
DO NOT listen to ProgMetal_64. The welcome mats are evil, and they bite. I almost lost my foot to one. >:3


Welcome, and yes I leikz Mudkipz. It was my Hoenn starter Pogeyman. :3
lol. Didn't think this thread would get so popular. For an introduction thread, anyway.

Please do what my sig says! Please. I'm very desparate. PLEASE!!!

lol. Didn't think this thread would get so popular. For an introduction thread, anyway.

Please do what my sig says! Please. I'm very desparate. PLEASE!!!


I've noticed that certain introduction threads get popular. It all depends on what the user types and the intro. Your's what short, yet very entertaining. :D

Ooooooohhhh, you has adoptables, too? So do I! I MUST CLICK. >:c

EDIT: It says that the links aren't working or something. D:
I think you have to be a member. Although...

If that dosn't work, tell me. I'll post some new links that just might work!

I already am a member. xD That's why I said I have adoptables, too. :3

So, yeah, not working. But like you said, you could just post new ones. :3
ok then. I'll get right on it!

I'll post when I have new links.

EDIT: sorry guys, I can't find new links. :(

But I'm also a member on Globel PokedeX Plus

I'll post some of those links instead.

Just register, then pass a test to get started. And if you get some answers wrong, you can just edit your answers! :D

EDIT 2: There. A link to GPP. Please help raise my pokemon and hatch my eggs!

If you do, I just might return the favor...
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ok then. I'll get right on it!

I'll post when I have new links.

EDIT: sorry guys, I can't find new links. :(

But I'm also a member on Globel PokedeX Plus

I'll post some of those links instead.

Just register, then pass a test to get started. And if you get some answers wrong, you can just edit your answers! :D

EDIT 2: There. A link to GPP. Please help raise my pokemon and hatch my eggs!

If you do, I just might return the favor...

Aww... that stinks. D:

Y'know, I've heard of GPXP, but I've never joined it. I MUST JOIN. X_X
Relax. The test is easy. Registration takes about... 10 minutes, tops.

10 minutes?! Wow, that's long for a registration....o.O Oh, well. Anyways, I'll register soon. I'm too lazy to take a test, simple or not. D:
It's 10 minutes tops. That means that's the longest it'll take, but chances are, it'll be shorter then that.

And there are only like, 10 questions.

BTW, moonwalker, nice one. "I never knew this about Pokémon. :D" Good thing I saw the tab's name! lol

It's 10 minutes tops. That means that's the longest it'll take, but chances are, it'll be shorter then that.

And there are only like, 10 questions.

BTW, moonwalker, nice one. "I never knew this about Pokémon. :D" Good thing I saw the tab's name! lol


Still. I'm so darn tttiiiiiirrrrrreeeeeddddddddd.........D: But, I might aswell. I'm just not to crazy about having to register on the Fourms like it says I have to. But if there's a way around that...

I actually looked at the tab. The page hadn't even loaded yet ^_^

Also, there isn't a way around it, but you don't have to particapate in those forums.
I actually looked at the tab. The page hadn't even loaded yet ^_^

Also, there isn't a way around it, but you don't have to particapate in those forums.


Oh. Okay! :D *starts to join* But do you go on the Fourms? Dunno why I wanna know, but I just do.
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