• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

hi! im new and all! REPLY PLEASE!


"Woot Woot Raise the taxes." -cheif of partying
hi. im new here. i have been here a few times before and read stuff. but then i found it had forums. (i ussually only came here by searching on google and this was a site) i like the style switcher. i cant spell well so :p
any way. i am new and hope this place is going to be one of my favorite sites! i am savol456. reply!
EDIT: what do the things above my post mean? are they for like a post kinda thing or something? why is egg writen twice?
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"Egg" is your custom usertitle. You can change this to anything you'd like so long as it doesn't break a rule.

The image below is your post rank. "Egg" means you haven't posted much. When you've posted enough, it'll change to a Caterpie. Metapod is the next rank, and then finally Butterfree.

At any rate, welcome.
Welcome, Savol456! I see that Vixie has already explained, so no need for my assistance on that~!

I'm Mini_Moonwalker, and I'm here to show you where to go and such. Your profile is your hotel room, the threads are the pool, and the gift shop is the Art Request Shops. Also, you get a free friend request from me as your welcome gift. :3

Also, would you like some tea and cod? Coffe and salmon? Red Bull and crabcakes? Milk and cookies? I has it all. :3

I also recommend you try out the Anime-Styled Battling. It's quite amusing~

Anyways, welcome, and enjoy your stay~
And again, Moonwalker beats me to the punch. I also has lots of coffee and salmon, be you've already been offered some, so...

Welcome to the forums! Please enjoy your stay, but remember to wipe your feet. People may say the welcome mats are carnivorous, but if the mat doesn't have the word "welcome" on it, it's perfectly safe.
thanks for the help! redbull and crabcakes please. also check out my writing story fanfic thing! its my first try at a pokemon one. and thanks for welcoming me!
thanks for the help! redbull and crabcakes please. also check out my writing story fanfic thing! its my first try at a pokemon one. and thanks for welcoming me!

Okay! *gives you RedBull and crabcakes* If you need anything else, I'm your waitress~!

Ooh, I leikz fanfics! :D I shall check it out~ And welcome!

Oh, and like Prog said, that mat is totally safe. *points* But, if you step on a Welcome Mat...

You'll lose a leg. o_o;;;
RespectTheBlade said:
Hello, and welcome to the cave! The exit is over there in case you need it...
I'd recommend you check out the Anime-Style Battling part of the forum.

Hello! I am Superbird, and I am always lurking around here. I check in every hour or so. Can I take your baggage?
Guys relax! No need to get into a fight! Welcome newcomer to TCoD! Since they have done everything else I have nothing to offer... Except maybe doubling the advice not to step on *points* that Welcome Mat.
Thank you for the quotage, superbird.

I'm (RespectThe)Blade, the person on the forums who has swords for arms.
(I will NOT be offering tea or cod in this post. Now take your tea and cod, quick.)
I'm Magnemite, ironically refered to as Maggie/Maggy, (being a girl's name while I'm a guy), by *some* people *coughMewtwocough*... I try to stay on as often as possible, but may be spurratic due to Marching Band starting up... Even less often once SCHOOL (ugh) starts... And I overuse the (.../!!!'s)... So... HI!!!
EDIT: I'm usually not this good at details. P.S. I prefer the sprite shops/ RPG's/ Forum Games sections...
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