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I need some tech help.

I liek Squirtles

sobble squad
I have a problem with my DSi. Yesterday I could play it just fine, but today it won't turn on. I've checked the manual, but to no avail. Can somebody help me?
I've heard dust on the inside of the casing causes lots of problems. Like,my DSi's trigger buttons don't work, I'm pretty sure that's what caused it.
Try taking out the battery. (I don't suggest this if you don't want to void the warranty or break it further) Taking it out for about twenty seconds to allow it to reset, then putting the the battery, let it be in for a few seconds then try.

Otherwise you might need to get it repaired professionally.
Yep, what Hawke said is right. If you have tried all of the suggested things to no avail, it needs professional work. Go to your local videogame store and ask for advice.
Well, I do know about the dust. That's how my DS lite was damaged somewhat. Now that I think about it, from Friday to Saturday I left it on top of the box thingie you need for watching TV.
Must be some connections, then. You're better off sending it for repairs. If it's been dropped, not even recently, the wiring will have been shaken off the soldering.
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