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If you had a tail...


Fluffy Tails ftw!!!!
Okay, this may be wierd, but imagine if you were an animal and had a tail. Would you have a short tail, long tail or a big fluffy tail?

I would have a fluffy tail. Then whenever I am tired, I could just lay down and go to sleep on it. I love fluffy tails.
I think I'd rather have larger ears instead, so I could wear a second backpack.

one of those lizard tails that can grow back would be cool, though.
I have spent literally hours of my life pondering this question, and have determined that my ideal tail would be a snow leopard's tail. (A close second is any kind of prehensile tail).

I have an entire head-canon of what AU-with-tails would be like, too. It's fun to think about. :D
A large fully clumsy tail that waves everywhere and annoys everyone. That would suit me quite well I think. And then I'll squeak like I normally do everytime someone trips up.
Probably like a squirrel tail. Perhaps not as long compared to my body as an actual squirrel's is though.
Andalite tail, of course.

I could go with a buizel tail too, though, and if both of those are impossible... eh, I guess anything prehensile would be okay.
kecleon tail
kec kec kec

or idk I'd rather just be a snake, then I'd be one long tail :D
I would have a shortish cat's tail. Mainly because I know cat-tail-speak. A pair of cat ears would be nice, too.

I considered have a silky plume tail, 'cause it would be pretty, but then I through about how annoying it would be to brush. So my tail would have short hair.
small tail so it wouldn't get in the way of anything.
But hey, tails are always cool, so might as well have a big fluffy while I can.
A long, fluffy-ish tail. Also ears to match. And my fur wouldn't be curly because curly hair and curly fur would look stupid.
A prehensile tail. I'd go fluffy one but you know how much shampoo and brushing it'd need to stay glorious?
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