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Newly, Improved Justin Bieber!

He's better, I'll give him that. :D Not exactly someone I'd listen to, but hey. He's better than Justin Beiber himself. xD
Give him a break :D He's only 12. That's about 4 years a difference than Justin Bieber? And already he's that much better than him.
When I was singing as nasal as I could to voice Piris, I sounded better than Justin Bieber. I doesn't take much effort.

Justin Bieber's a girl
it made me smile, i like his voice. i don't like the music, but yeah. and it was entertaining to watch the girls in the background freak out.

i don't really have an opinion concerning justin bieber, i guess i need to listen to her first.
I don't have an opinion on Justin Bieber because I've not heard one thing about him other than people complaining on the internet. Although I guess I don't like him after finding out that he doesn't know what the word "German" means.
Although I guess I don't like him after finding out that he doesn't know what the word "German" means.

I read that article on Yahoo. He claims that the host said "Jewman". But even after looking at the card, he still didn't get it :DDD
How dare Justin Bieber be so popular!! God. This automatically makes him the *worst person in the world* because his voice hasn't broken and I don't appreciate his music. Clearly, I must insult him at every opportunity because it's cool. Man, I feel *awesome*.

The kid's pretty good, though.
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