• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Original introductions are original.


Gone with the wind, perhaps to a happier place.
Apparently, introducing yourself is part of removing annoying headers.

So...Hello. I'm DarthWaffles, Bringer of the Apocalypse, Destroyer of Worlds, Lord of Fire and Rain and Phantom of Winter, but you can call me DW for short.

My interests and etc. include, Pokemon (Narh rly?), Fire Emblem, Pheonix Wright, Video games in general, CAPS LOCK, pondering random thoughts, and attempting to figure out how to understand 'Lost' (Seriously, I watched 'Lost' and got lost).

Yeah. That's all about me. So go on, post your heartless 'welcomes' and 'hellos'. Nah kidding, but still,

Nice to meet you.

It's called "Lost" for a reason, my dear sir.

Oh yeah this is an introductions thread.

'sup? I'm Male Gardevoir, the crossdresser (and totally NOT gay) Pokémon. You seem like a intelligent fellow, so I greet you welcome and I hope you enjoy this jolly place, where we drink tea and eat cod.

Or was it the other way around?
SPOILER ALERT: The smoke monster is fueled by the confusion generated by the show's complicated storyline. The cast of the show fake an "All Just a Dream" ending and the smoke monster dies.

I think.

Anyway, Gardy there stole my intro post. Have fun and don't get killed.
Hello hello hello~

I'm Blastoise, the randomly generated computer program planning your demise. And destruction. and puppies.

DarthPancakes are better.
Salve Hello, Waffles.

I adore your avatar. Gumshoe simply must be counted among my favorites in the Phoenix Wright series, along with Godot. Yes, I play Phoenix Wright. I also nearly always believe I am spelling that incorrectly. I hope to see you around the forum!
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