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Other Forums

This is the only true forum I hang out at, besides maybe the Marble Hornets board on unfiction. I quit going to PC and Serebii, and was active on some INTP forum for a while but haven't been in forever.

I lurk a lot of LJ communities, but only actively post on a couple.
Quite a few...

This place called Myth is where I frequent the most, a roleplay forum I mod at and have been a member of for two years. Hello!Online, which is a fan forum for the Hello! Project Japanese idol group. I don't post as much as I lurk nowadays though. MysticWicks, an awesome big pagan forum... uh, I tend to go on manga ones like the OneManga and MangaFox forums. And a couple of others. :D

I used to use forums a lot more, now I only have a few that I go to.
*coughs* Let me check...

I have 17 forums that I am a part of. 15 intended for roleplay, two that are social-ish, which are TCoD and Dexgenesis.
I lurk around PersonalityCafe. Mostly the ISFJ and INTP forums because they are very relevant to my interests. I've only ever posted in the ISFJ forum though.

I also lurk around an RP forum or two.

I've registered at several other forums but I usually only make a post or two before I lose interest and forget about them. D:
I mostly hang out here, and I post sparingly on the DC forums as well. I joined a few (Serebii, etc) but don't go to them anymore...and I help run one, intended for RPing (the PAL forums)

I need to get more social :V
I'm a member of RPG-D, RPG-U, RPG-C, CAUTION! 2.0, Red Carpet & Rebellion v2.0, a roleplaying forum called Iron Butterfly and my own HP RP, Stonewall Institute. I'm also a moderator at GoVTeen.

I'm a member at the ModTheSims forums (formerly Sims2Community) but I haven't posted in months.
I lurk on Smogon, occasionally post on TF2Maps.net. There are some other TF2-related ones, but there are like five other people that play TF2 here, so.
This is really the only forum I go on. I mean, I have registered on some others, but only to see/read things I can't as a guest.

I posted a couple of times on Serebii's forums like ages ago and maybe one other forum, but not anymore. :V
I'm a member at Bulbagarden, under the same name. I'm also a member of Vocaloid Otaku as hopeandjoy9, but I'm not active.
This is the only one, and even here I barely post any more. I can't remember the last time I posted on another forum.
*sips tea* I only eat cod.

But yeah, I mostly lurk now, since I don't bother signing in.

I think the reason I've stayed here for so long is because the community is small and intelligent. People here usually capitalize their I's, use proper grammar, and are fun to be around with (unless you're an idiot).
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