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Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver Roleplay


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Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver Roleplay

Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver Roleplay

The heart and soul of Pokémon roleplaying.
Based on the highly anticipated remakes.


Zapdoszulu: Trainer's Guide

Roleplay in the classic towns of Johto and Kanto. In each of the towns you can choose between a Story Mode or a Roleplay Mode.

1. Story Mode

The Story Mode option allows you to explore you favourite regions and tackle new challenges at your own pace. It will be a test of your ingenuity, bravery and skill and your story will unfold depending on the choices that you make and the paths you take.

In Story Mode, trainers can search for Pokémon hidden in threads must use special passwords or codes to capture them.
They must solve puzzles in order to complete their adventure and to fulfil their destiny as a Pokémon Master.

2. Roleplaying Mode

Roleplaying Mode allows you to create a character profile and begin your journey as a Pokémon trainer in the classic roleplaying style. In this mode you can catch Pokémon that aren't available in Story Mode as well as earn a second set of badges by defeating the Gym Leaders in Roleplay Mode.


Here's a sneak peek of Story Mode:

Ecruteak City Gym

It is early morning and after your adventure in Burned Tower you feel that you are ready for the next challenge. Today you will face Morty, who you met for the first time last night.

Inside the gym, it is completely dark and the floor is swathed in a dense fog. A plaque has been nailed to the front door. It reads:

Leader: Morty - The Mystic Seer of the Future.
Follow the invisible path. Click the path above the trainer sprite to begin.










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Re: Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver Roleplay

Yep, it sure did since Foresight makes Ghost Pokemon vulnerable to Normal attacks.
Re: Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver Roleplay

foresight wasn't even mentioned

and anyway, you aren't actually roleplaying anything; it's just puzzles, sort of
Re: Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver Roleplay

foresight wasn't even mentioned

and anyway, you aren't actually roleplaying anything; it's just puzzles, sort of

Since both pokemon fainted, you both draw another Pokeball. Morty's final pokemon is Gengar. You decide to send out Noctowl.

Morty orders Gengar to use its Shadow Ball. Gengar generates a huge dark void in front of it and launches it at Noctowl. But because of Noctowl's Normal type, the Shadow Ball goes right through Noctowl without hurting it.

"So, you have chosen your pokemon well," says Morty. "But there are always other ways to win."

You command Noctowl to use Foresight. Its eyes glow white like beacons and the whole gym is suddenly illuminated by the brilliant light. Gengar is clearly visible to the naked eye and can no long hide in the shadows. Gengar uses Confuse Ray but it is foiled by Noctowls Foresight.

"This is it. Use Takedown!" you cry.

Noctowl zips across the room and slams into Gengar head on. Gengar is thrown heavily onto the floor. Morty declares the battle over.

The part about Foresight is in red. Also there is roleplaying but there hasn't been much because the site is new. You'll find an example here: http://zapdoszulu.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=nbt&action=display&thread=295

But you're right about the solving puzzles part. We have that too and it's part of the Story Mode section so if you are waiting for rp replies from MODs you can play the Story Mode on your own.

I hope that clears up a few things.
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Re: Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver Roleplay

I don't know, but I think that you are controlling it a little TOO much. Try toning it down a little bit.
Re: Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver Roleplay

Thanks for the suggestion. What parts do you think should be toned down?

Anyone else want to make suggestions or want to rate it?
Re: Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver Roleplay

You are saying stuff that people didn't do. I would like to battle rather than read text.
Re: Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver Roleplay

Well, that's why there are the 2 options. You can roleplay and have battles with other players or MODs or you can "read the text" in Story Mode and solve puzzles or both if you like.

It's flexible ~
Re: Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver Roleplay

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