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New member
Hey there, it's nice to meet you all! I'm a British/Australian girl interested in politics, psychology and philology, among other things. Feel free to drop me a line if you want to chat! I love meeting new people. I hope to see you all around the forums, and hopefully become an active participant in the community. Thanks for reading :b
Hello, first person I've ever seen to use 'b' in a sticky-out-tongue-face. Before RTB gets here, got to refer you to the ASB part of the forums.
Really? I've seen many people use it before. Oh well, there's a first time for everything.

Thank you! I'll go check it out!
And I must direct you to the Wi-Fi league; I'm getting bored with no challengers!

Also, judging by your username, are you a competitive swimmer also? If so, what's your favorite/best stroke? My best is butterfly, but I hate it, and my favorite is backstroke.
I'll give that a look-see too, thank you ever so much!

Your assumption would be correct. On a competitive level, I swim freestyle/front crawl, but I'm fairly competent with breaststroke too.
Ugh, breaststroke. I can swim it, I guess, but I think it's my second-best, however my coach, for meets, usually puts me in the 50 Fly and 50/100 Free. (I'm thirteen, in middle school, and 50s are the highest in any stroke except free, where the longest is 400.)
Well, it's usually :P as compared to your :b.

You should, it's quite fun.

Ahah, I suppose. My tongue is smaller :b

I'm sure, thanks again for the recommendation!

Ugh, breaststroke. I can swim it, I guess, but I think it's my second-best, however my coach, for meets, usually puts me in the 50 Fly and 50/100 Free. (I'm thirteen, in middle school, and 50s are the highest in any stroke except free, where the longest is 400.)

Well, I envy you for being able to swim butterfly so well! I haven't been doing that much competitive swimming lately (school can be to blame for that), but typically I swim 50, 100 and 400 freestyle.
I could never do the 400! We have someone on our school team, though, who holds the record for the 400. I don't do it much, either, until the school season starts in January.

I can swim the whole lap underwater (a 25, the whole length) without coming up for breath.

And Barubu, it's SwimGeek talk, of course you have no clue.
I have no idea what any of this means, but I can hold my breath for fifty-two seconds.

Not bad! You'd be surprised at how few people can hold their breath for over thirty seconds.

I could never do the 400! We have someone on our school team, though, who holds the record for the 400. I don't do it much, either, until the school season starts in January.

Wow, that's really impressive! I don't think I could swim up to those standards, to be honest. Doing the 400 is just a matter of building stamina, I'm sure most people could manage it with a good deal of practice.
Yeah, that definitely would help. I run the 100 in track, but that's the extent of my running stamina. It's odd how I can swim much further than I can run :B
Well, hi. I'm late, but I'm here. Greetings from me, the resident bird-lover here at the forum. Would you like some beverages, fish, and pastries?

So, just don't step on the Welcome mats. they will eat you. *hands foamm sword* You can fend them off with this.

So, until later, I hope to see you around!
Welcome! Don't be disturbed by the...huh, looks like they left. Well, while we're waiting for them to come back, look through this pile of assorted oddly colored micellaneous items! If you find a clock, keep it.

Well, see you around!
Welcome, Chlorine! I see you are interested in swimming, but the question is, are you also interested in chemistry?

(also before RTB gets here I would like to give you a foam sword)
@[O]: I am interested in chemistry, yes, even if it's royally kicking my arse at school right now. Gotta love those halogens :B. Cheers for the sword, by the way, I promise to put it to good use.

@Leafstorm: Ahaha thank you, I'll be sure to make use of that advice. I hope to see you around!

@Superbird: Cheers! Of course I'd like some, silly, what kind of person would that make me if I didn't? Hope to see you around :b
@[O]: I am interested in chemistry, yes, even if it's royally kicking my arse at school right now. Gotta love those halogens :B. Cheers for the sword, by the way, I promise to put it to good use.


Chemistry is in fact the best subject at our school, and my chem teacher actually looks just like this but not as fat. His name is Scott, too.
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