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Sprout Tower - a Pokemon Spriting Forum

Yes, it's rather empty right now. I just put the finishing touches on it tonight.

The story of Sprout Tower is as follows -
Once, around 4-5 years ago, there was a guy called Shed. Shed loved to mix, and created a forum based on it, called PMF. PMF lasted for a while, then Shed went to college and moved on. He let me and another one of the members, Ilex, take over.
I was ultimately unhappy with the direction PMF was going in (abandoning it's heritage as a Pokemon spriting paradise), but Ilex and other members remained adamant that things had to change. "Pokemon Spriting is dead!", one of them told me.
Heh. Look at Serebii, PC, TCoD... it's far from dead. All it needs is a little push.

So, with the support of a couple good friends, I made this forum (yeah, it's really new), hoping to bring the Pokemon spriting community all together in one place.

The focus of Sprout Tower is to improve Pokemon spriters and eventually get them ready for the 'big game' - places like Pixeljoint, Pixelation, etc. Whether you want to keep spriting Pokemon or not is your choice, but the board is Pokemon-focused (though non-Pokemon spriters are welcome).
Sprout Tower has many features which will come into play as we get larger - the board works around a money system (Pokedollars) which can be used to request from other spriters, buy profile/name additions, and make advertisements on the board. Money can be earned by posting, critiquing, and participating and winning in contests.
Contests and critique are what Sprout Tower will pride itself on. We will hold small, weekly 'challenges' (like Pixeljoint), larger monthly contests, and other, random themed contests. Winners get their gallery prominently on display as a sticky at the top of the galleries board, as well as extra Pokedollars.
As I said before, everyone who critiques a sprite will get extra Pokedollars depending on how valuable that crit is perceived to be.

So, want to improve your spriting? We're waiting.

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