• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?


Ohai. Welcome to TCoD, where it is our custom to say "Have some complimentary Tea and Cod".

What might your HeartGold team be?
Cool kids use MixFlygon. Screw that Scarf.

But yeah, back on topic. Steele already gave you our obligatory welcome, so I'll just say "o hai dere"

Enjoy your stay.
My team is
Lv 100 Garchomp
Lv 100 Swampert
Lv 62 Snorlax
Lv 60 Dragonite
Lv 60 Dragonair
Lv 37 Charizard

Right know you have no useful Ice resists, how are you going to stand against wild Swinub? D: I recommend running an Arcanine, Ninetales, or FUCK YEAH ERUPTION ENTEI over Charizard.

Oh, and your team needs a Dark type to deal with the dreaded Psybeam.

Have a nice time here, read the rules, have fun, and make your ragequait totally epic.
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