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The Christmas thread

Kai Lucifer

A traveller on the winds of time
it had to be made

So, what is happening to you at christmas? What are you hoping to get? etc. etc.

I'm hoping to get a bunch of stuff, mainly 2 of the Phoenix Wright games, The Fullmetal Alchemist box set, and some new art equipment.

Usually, I visit my dad's side of the family on christmas day, and visit my mum's side on boxing day. This yeah, however, my Gran has come to us to stay the night.
For christmas I hope for a few wii games, maybe a DVD or two and Dr Who series 4 boxset.

My grandparents are coming too us this year and boxing day i'm going around my other grandparents house.
I want money so I can buy my own stuff because I want things that are considered embarassing to most people ):
In non-weird gifts I'd like The Vicar of Dibley or A Bit of Fry and Laurie or Jeeves and Wooster. Or a subscription to attitude. Only one of these though, they're all pretty expensive and most of my family's not really loaded.
The only thing I've actually asked for is a graphics tablet, and I'm almost certainly getting one. Other than that, I have no idea D:
My parents got me Final Fantasy IV for the DS. Going over to my grandparents' in about an hour to open more gifts. :p
I didn't really put much on my list, so I'll probably just get Okami for the Wii and a bunch of useless stuff I don't need. And hopefully some money from various relatives. :D
I'm going to my father's house for Christmas, but there are a lot of presents from family that I have, and since I'm at my mother's house this morning, I opened them.

I got a bunch of Naruto books (I especially liked reading volume 33 of the manga), and a few articles of clothing, including platform boots.

Also Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia. :D I'm playing right now.

Don't forget Super Mario Galaxy!
whaaaaaaaat how come you guys are opening your presents it's still the 24th here c'mon give us brits a chance

also on a topical note I have absolutely no bloody idea about what my presents are. Not even after feeling one of them.
I'm going round my grandparents house. I hope I get a bit of money and a game and maybe, a few surprises...
I want nothing. This holiday is just a drag on me right now.

Wait, I wished for sleep earlier. Let's go with that. Sleeping through this damn holiday has been my plan all year.
Chrismas means I don't see much of my friends. But I am having a sledding party on the 30th though. Well, I want a snowboard for chistmas. I haven't gone snowboarding for a long time.
All I really asked for was, like ZC, a tablet, which they said I'd definitely get.

Not sure what else though.
A red laptop, with a webcam. That's what I'm getting for Christmas~

I already went to relative's place on Christmas Eve, so I can pretty much just chill out at home and relax on actual Christmas. We have the big feast and stuff on Christmas Eve. Not sure why.
A $1,700 trip to the Florida Keys during spring break to visit SeaCamp, a Science camp where we swim with dolphins and collect water samples an look at them under microscopes and other exiting things.

I asked my father for an Xbox360, but he's a cheap jackass, so I think he'll probably just get e some crappy $30 something, while my mom spends a few thousand while we are already in the pits. Way to dig deep, Dan!
Wooo! Christmas~

I did end up getting that tablet. Using it now, and it is really awesome.
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