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this is my third introduction thread


Ben Wade's Assistant Coach
so a few months ago i posted a "guess what im back" thread (http://forums.dragonflycave.com/showthread.php?t=9053)

but then within a few days of that my sister broke the family computer by downloading a torrent of classical piano music off the pirate bay without checking the comments or noticing the severe lack of seeders. we did not have a computer but now i have a NEW LAPTOP which is all mine and she cant download anything on it, so i can get here again

anyways because of that my comeback ended as soon as it begun and i dont want people thinking i got bored and left again so i'm just posting again from my laptop that i am coming back from my forced break since my last comeback. so for the third time, once when i registered once for my initial comeback and then once now

Hello there, Zimzop~ I do know you, yup yup. Enjoy your stay here, I have nothing weird or anymore exciting to say, as I feel rather lazy and tired. Except that YAY NEW LAPTOP PARTY. ;;Confetti throw;;
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