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Wild PILLOW Appeared!

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Squornshellous Beta

Active member
Hi! I'm Squornshellous Beta, Squorn for short. Squornshellous Beta is, for those who don't know, a world of wild pillows in Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy series, first mentioned in Life, the Universe and Everything.
Ohai. *Hugs*

Welcome to tCoD, where we eat tea and drink cod. Have a cookie.
Hai. *Flinches from physical contact*

Mmm, Tea and Cod. An obvious joke, but.
Credit to <Joseph: Night SHADE>, used with permission.
Hi, Joseph!

Don't you love how when banned members come back to the forums with second accounts, they never even try to hide who they are?
I'm blaming this on the fact that I haven't been around that long. But, seriously, you can't credit everything to your old username and think you'll get away with a duplicate account. And your signature is a dead giveaway.
^ That last line is so right. Really, I don't know much about <J:NS>' banning, but I trust the staff's judgement. Go die in a fire.
Wait, was Joseph banned? I figure that sprite theft and duplicate accounts would get him banned, but he got away with it twice, so...

Does this forum allow for IP bans...?
Wait, was Joseph banned? I figure that sprite theft and duplicate accounts would get him banned, but he got away with it twice, so...

Does this forum allow for IP bans...?
Wait, was Joseph banned? I figure that sprite theft and duplicate accounts would get him banned, but he got away with it twice, so...

Does this forum allow for IP bans...?

I though he was banned... or he is just quitting his old account so people will think he was banned. I think IP bans are only allowed for posting something like pornography. I hope your reading this <J:NS>, because I have your Trapinch you little bastard.
Okay, seriously. Report button. Several of you in this thread are begging for a flaming infraction; if you suspect someone is abusing multiple accounts, please just report it instead of swarming over them. I'm going to lock this to prevent further nonsense, and be warned that I would be giving out infractions if it didn't mean I'd have to hand one to almost every single one of you.

For the record, we don't use IP bans here because they're almost never effective.

Welcome to the new member in the event that you're not a puppet, in which case I also apologize for locking your thread.
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