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I need some site staff, anyone who knows some nice HTML and CSS?

Should I even be asking for help?

  • Yes, you need help and asked.

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Uh, sure, why would it be bad?

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Um...no comment?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not really, you shouldn't beg...

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Shut up and leave me alone.

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Cookies!

    Votes: 11 45.8%

  • Total voters


어떤 계절도 영원할 순 없으니까
So, I am writing a website from scratch. I learned a little HTML and CSS, but need some more help. Graphics, Javascript/Adobe Flash users, even just someone to help with content. I'm not too picky, but looking for that sort of thing. I don't know if this is in the right place, so mods, move it if it's in the wrong place. Thanks!
EDIT: Info about the site:
I don't have a host yet, but I feel it may be too early to start worrying about that;
It is mainly a Pokemon site, fansite, NOT news site, but I need some help for ideas (not just tell me, but somehow spark something...);
For the moment, uh...I'm looking for freelance, but if you stick around longer to help, I'll be grateful;
It would be nice if you knew some HTML or CSS, I know some as well, but I seriously can't grasp CSS and it would be helpful to work with someone that did;
I have a testing site which I plan to revamp;
I'll get screenshots...I'll edit again for that;
I do in fact wish to affiliate with TCoD afterwards if the site doesn't seem too bad, so I suggest you read over her Website tips and affiliate requirements;
And I need someone to help with graphics and art. I'll do the spriting, but stuff like the banner, the background, general site design, etc;
I am gonna do a fanfic section, and anyone who has some can post and I'll stick it up there with your crediting...
I want this site to be unique, it will be small, yes.
Any more questions, ask away and I'll answer them...
IMPORTANT: Okay, I admit; there will be no pay or anything, just credit where it's due; for example, if someone makes those graphics I wanted, I'll clearly state "ALL graphics by [insertnamehere], thank you and to use them, you must ask [insertnamehere] for permission."

EDIT: Links to the screenshots. Hopefully you'll be able to read off of these. And I'm going to change the color, yes. >_< Looks awful right now.

(This staff list might be helpful in showing you what positions I would like to be taken)
Current Staff List:
General Advisor: Glace
Graphics Designer:
Programming Help:
Yeah, I don't need THAT much help. But anyone willing to do something else (even a taken position could be held by more than one person) is free to ask.
Last edited:
It's the right place to ask, but you really need to provide more information if you actually want to get a response. What is it you need help with? What kind of website is this and what sorts of content do you intend for it to have? What, specifically, will this "staff" be doing? Do you already have a host, or plans for the site layout? Are you going to be giving the people who help you some sort of compensation? etc..

It isn't enough to just say "I need help, please start offering it"; you need to explain more about what you're trying to accomplish and give people a reason to want to help you. For example, you're more likely to find help if you explain that your site will contain content about X, because then people will say "oh, I like X, too! This sounds like something interesting and I'd like to be involved in it!"

Additionally, getting staff to help you is something of a commitment, both on your end and on their end. Are you just looking for people to "freelance" for you (basically, just ask them for help this one time/occasionally and you'll deal with the rest from there), or are you looking for long-time, dedicated staff that will conceivably be working with you for the life of this project? People will want to know how long they're going to be working with you, too, and you need to be prepared to work with them, for the possibility of disagreements, what might happen if you need something and can't contact them... is there any reason you need to have staff, rather than simply waiting until you've had more time to perfect these skills yourself?

tl;dr, more detail and perhaps an example of what you're looking for/what you already have, as well as more about what you're expecting from people.
*.* Wow, the owner of Altered Origin actually answered? Cool. Anyway, thanks~ I'll edit that first post. I now see how vague it is...
P.S. Did you vote "Cookies!"?
I could help with your CSS, if you want. That or I could just help you learn it. I'm experienced with (and obsessed with) making layouts IE compatible. I'm not the best ever for the job, but I at least love doing it. ^_^
CSS is what I need the most help with; I'd love to learn it ^-^
I can help. I know HTML, CSS and a litte bit of JavaScript. I can also be the Graphics Designer. I can make some sprites,banners, and other artwork. I'm even trying tocreate my own site. Plus, if you need a site hoster, try iPage.
CSS is what I need the most help with; I'd love to learn it ^-^
I know a lot of CSS! I can help you make a CSS stylesheet.
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