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  • Um well, this is my third year of university, and it's a four-year course, so one more year after this I guess. I dunno if I'll end up doing a Master's degree afterwards, we'll see.

    What about you? And what do you want to do once you're all finished with school and such?
    Ohh! I remember. I took a quick glance at your region thread a minute ago, it certainly rings a bell.

    Eh, we were all eleven-year-old idiots at one point. I was still kinda one of those when I was your age now. ...Now I sound really old :C

    I'm good, university is providing me with significant amounts of stress, but I'm finding equally significant amounts of procrastination to help me avoid my responsibilities, which is good and bad.
    Oh, that sounds exciting and dramatic! Thanks for explaining aha, I guess it wouldn't have really been the place to explain it on my introduction thread. I hope it's sorted soon anyway. I think I might vaguely remember you anyway (from your old usernames), how are you?
    You're on/were on Nationstates? I just found you on The Kingdom of Alexandria's forum :P
    Meh, doesn't really matter anyways. Fight is done, and I am done with ASB. Maybe if i had something for me to care about, or more structure, but meh.

    Btw, want any of my pokemon?
    The latter. And go figure, when I decide to give up, THAT is when the mod decides to show up. =D Good to know ASB has quality mods that only pop in for their money~ (Yes, I'm a tad bitter about that assholish display)
    I just don't find it as interesting as I had hoped. :\ There's just nothing to ASB. Not enough for me, anyways. Sorry Dazel. I gave it a shot.
    Um, doing well! I'm gonna finally get a 3DS soon and Y so I can see how awesome Kalos is, so, hyped for that! How are you?
    Ahh, those things are rather minor, yeah. But since I'm responsible for checking your calculations, if you make any changes to that, even if it's 1%, it'd be great if you let me know precisely where the change was. c:
    I thought Whirlpool worked like Fire Spin in that a tornado of water was summoned around the target, when it's actually a whirlpool (a la HGSS), and the target must be in or near water. Then, I allowed the U-Turn to escape the whirlpool. That, and I made Hidden Power Normal typed.
    Yes, I have. I'm surprised my only error was the Whirlpool thing. I was only confused by it because of how the games animate it.
    I'm... kind of having a bad time. Mind if I PM you about it?
    The PM won't be immediate (I'm leaving my grandparents' house in about now), but it'll be within the hour. Can you hang around?
    I don't know why it's so dramatic of a thing. I would often bring up marriage in the past and talk about it. If you're so close to someone, close enough to be married, it seems like talking about anything wouldn't be that big a deal. I just thought, you know, we're already unofficially there. Let's just make it official 'cause we plan on getting married eventually anyways if things don't fall to shit. And they haven't.
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