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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Hehe, I love how Flareth gets shorter in every group pic that's drawn X3

Awesome, awesome stuff. Can't wait to see the coloured version :D
Oh, some dark colour would be fine. If it goes well with my hat and shirt, that is.
I-I have boobies? B-but I- oh well :v

I WILL upload my picture tomorrow, I keep putting it off because I don't feel like colouring very much, and I can't do it at school.
Plus I have to colour in my McCain!ABBA drawing before he becomes irrelevant/dies.
Alright, thanks for that. I'll finish it off as soon as I've finished writing this short story for homework that I've been putting off for a month or so.

EDIT: Ah, I've got the whole of tomorrow to finish it. Here it is:

If you can't tell that the firework has blown up in my face, you need glasses.
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I has a hat :D

And I swear I will get the pic done tonight and upload it tomorrow D:
I've got two that were supposed to be done on Friday that I never got around to finishing because candy so hopefully you'll see them soon. :/
Spoon is not a spoon this time! But Salamander is still a salamander.

:D at Hobo!hodo!Eclipse in HOWSE. And Dannichu is in her rainbow attire. And I am very much amused. Yessir.

And Kratos is still not amused.

Hehe, yeah she is; lying by VPLJ's foot X3

I adore my rainbow attire so much~ God, that'll look so awesome when it's properly finished :D

And yaaaay for the prospect of new group art :3
I adore this thread so, so much~
O.o I MISSED THAT. I thought Zora was Spoon for a second there... Even thought it's quite obvious that she's Zora. Because she's short.

Linoone needs glasses.

:D Howse. That still amuses me so much.
I love Kratos' amusedness, it makes Arylett snacker~ (And yes, you guys DO know what that means now. ;;Snackers;;)

Whee, I look so astonished! And... hmm... I'm assuming my shirt's blue. Ahahaha! I like it. I do like it a lot. And the HOWSE sign makes it even better~!

And yes Danni, I adore this thread very muchloads too~
O.o I MISSED THAT. I thought Zora was Spoon for a second there... Even thought it's quite obvious that she's Zora. Because she's short.

Linoone needs glasses.

:D Howse. That still amuses me so much.

Oh. My God.


No I am serious, it is. I'm a MIGHTYENA. I am ATNURA~! Yesyesyes~! I REALLY need to make a costume like that for next year. Ahahahaha! Ahahaha!

And Kratos, why can you never be amused? D'awww. Spaekle the Towel~! Ahahaha. ;;Puts on Spaekletowel;; And PichuK's costume is... ;;Giggles;; Yes, that's what it is. And I love how Dannichu STILL Has her Infamous Rainbow Scarf, even in costume.

I love it, so much. So much~
I don't know how many times I've said epic win and awesomeness in this thread.

Dannichu and her tradmark scarf, AND a kamineko costume on.
Linoone and Beret.
Unamused Kratos Aurion
Need I say more?
I haven't posted here in forever, and I really should, because you're all including me in group pics x_x

Anyway, no access to scanner and all that, so here's something I whipped together last night.


I can't get the shoulder blade to look right, and it's annoying :x
Awesome group pictures as always! In Kai's I'm all :D with my Spaeklerobe and in Zora's I'm all x:> as a towel again. And I find the recurring HOWSE very very amusing for some reason, haha. I like the wings in PichuK's drawing too.

So I got a bit of a self-esteem boost today. :]

I'd been working on the same project for my art class for about a month and a half, maybe two months. The assignment was to turn an everyday occurance into something extraordinary, and I did "the toast is burnt". The picture was sarcastically dark and grim and featured myself and my friend's brother reacting in shock/horror/digust to the toast coming out of the toaster burnt. ...Only at the last minute I decided I didn't feel like trying to make the faces look realistic, so I turned them into bizarre caricatures that personally reminded me of Salad Fingers. It was half-assed, but I was proud of my creepy expressions so I turned it in anyway.

So at the end of the day my homeroom buddy came and told me she overheard my art teacher talking to the other art teacher; she said that my picture really scared the crap out of some people in the lower classes (xD) but they were both agreeing that I had a lot of 'talent' and 'style'.

tl;dr - my art scares people but apparently I'm good? xD

And now I need to start on my next project. Need an idea. Hmm.
Shiiit Spaekle your post reminded me I have an art project due sometime this month aaah
Congrats though, it's always nice to get praise. Do you think we'll be able to see your picture sometime?

And Zora, great group picture! I can only see the top of my head but I'm wearing a monocle and looking pissed off so that's a plus.
Everything else looks great, too. Good job!
WHAT!? Why haven't I joined this before <<

Joinage plz.

Now lets see, I think I have some drawrings in the mess of my folders... Couldn't find anything worth mentioning, but I know I have an art thread somewhere...

Aha! Here, take a look. It includes my photoshop arts and drawings :3
And Kratos, why can you never be amused?

I HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR YOU GUYS D: Typically it doesn't surface around other people but it's there

amusing group pics are amusing, anyway. As is Jesus in a thong. He is totally the kind of person that would have a thong and wear it proudly.

PichuK, if I may offer some advice: yes, the shoulder blade does look something like a hunch, but that's possibly because a) the Pichu doesn't have a neck and b) it's wider than the arm. Yes, I know Pichu doesn't usually have a neck, but it doesn't usually have visible shoulder blades, either; a small neck might make a better transition. And making the should blade a little smaller and aligning it with the arm would probably help. I think.
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