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Pokémon Registration Office

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Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Two Pichus and a Cubone - $30 altogether.


[Anarchy] Pichu (Female)
Ability: Soundproof
Signature Attribute: DJ-Chu

Anarchy has been surrounded by sound all her life, being born, raised and eventually caught in an area known for it's festivals and raves. She discovered a pair of headphones with a built in mp3, lost by their owner during one of the festivals (I say lost, she found it in one of the tents and presumed it lost) and took it for her own. It didn’t take long for her to find out how it worked, after playing with her new toy and watching other humans wear a set of headphones.

Since obtaining them, she refuses to take them off. Seeing this, they’ve been modified to suit her. This creates a block between outside sounds and Anarchy’s ears, which softens noise and means that sound based attacks, which depend on clarity and volume, can’t break through to her ears. At least, not with enough power to cause damage. In battle her trainer gets around this by wearing a headset herself when using her, speaking directly into the headphones to tell her what to do. Her static ability is lost as the headphones absorb the excess electricity, which is used in her attack.

Effects: Replaces Static with Soundproof

Move Mod:

Name: Tempo Push
Type: Normal / Base Power (if any): 80 / Accuracy: 100%
Target: All
Class: Special
Stat: Special


Learning to use electricity as a Pichu usually results in multiple shocks and accidents as they learn to control their abilities. Not so much for Anarchy. The headphones absorbed the excess electricity, almost acting as a second store besides her cheeks (and robbing her of her Static ability. This also prevents the electricity stored from being used for other attacks, such as thundershock). Using this extra power, she amplifies the music from her headphones to release it in a blast.

The attack is strong as it uses stored power, rather than what Anarchy can generate on the spot. There’s a 20% chance of also deafening her foe too. As the headphones rely on built up static collected by her headphones over they have a long build up time (four actions). During this time, they malfunction and no longer provide Soundproof protection, leaving her open to sound based attack until they recharge.

Effects: Doesn't affect Pokemon with the Soundproof ability. Removes Anarchy's Soundproof ability for four actions as the headphones recharge. 20% chance of deafening foe for two to three actions. When a foe is deafened, they are effectively given the Soundproof ability and cannot understand verbal commands. If there is no other means of commanding the pokemon, they must act of their own accord until their hearing returns.

Contest Type: UltraJam
Contest Score: +40, -20



[Shocktail] Pichu (Male)
Ability: Static



[Shkan] Cubone (Male)
Ability: Rockhead

Changes made. I put in the contest info since it was on the temple for these...ignore it if you so wish, I was just being careful.

Sorry, I'm going to have to overturn Mike's approval for the signature move. First of all, signature moves are not allowed in contests, so you should take the contest info out.

Second, the drawback doesn't balance with the effects, especially considering that Pichu is a baby Pokemon. I'd suggest 4% recoil damage in addition to having Soundproof removed because, as Mike said, I'd expect significant ear pain if the move is able to deafen the opponent. Also, as Soundproof doesn't affect a whole lot of moves, having it deactivated is a minor inconvenience at worst, I'd think.

Finally, I'm not quite sure I know what you mean by "This also prevents the electricity stored from being used for other attacks, such as thundershock." Do you mean that because the headphones absorb electricity, Anarchy's electric attacks are weaker? If so, it should be mentioned in the body mod, not the move mod. If it doesn't mean anything of the sort, I'd suggest removing the line or at least clarifying it, as it seems to be a bit of unnecessary information at this point.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

[Firestrike] Torchic (male)
Ability: Blaze
Price: $10

[Gorouna] Geodude (Female)
Ability: Sturdy
Price: $5

[Dokon] Croagunk (Male)
Ability: Anticiption
Price: $13

[Neitelo] Natu (Female)
Ability: Synchronize
Price: $10

Total: $38
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

]Two Pichus and a Cubone - $30 altogether.


[Anarchy] Pichu (Female)
Ability: Soundproof
Signature Attribute: DJ-Chu

Anarchy has been surrounded by sound all her life, being born, raised and eventually caught in an area known for it's festivals and raves. She discovered a pair of headphones with a built in mp3, lost by their owner during one of the festivals (I say lost, she found it in one of the tents and presumed it lost) and took it for her own. It didn’t take long for her to find out how it worked, after playing with her new toy and watching other humans wear a set of headphones.

Since obtaining them, she refuses to take them off. Seeing this, they’ve been modified to suit her. This creates a block between outside sounds and Anarchy’s ears, which softens noise and means that sound based attacks, which depend on clarity and volume, can’t break through to her ears. At least, not with enough power to cause damage. In battle her trainer gets around this by wearing a headset herself when using her, speaking directly into the headphones to tell her what to do. Her static ability is lost as the headphones absorb the excess electricity, which is used in her attack.

Effects: Replaces Static with Soundproof

Move Mod:

Name: Tempo Push
Type: Normal / Base Power (if any): 80 / Accuracy: 100%
Target: All
Class: Special
Stat: Special


Learning to use electricity as a Pichu usually results in multiple shocks and accidents as they learn to control their abilities. Not so much for Anarchy. The headphones absorbed the excess electricity, almost acting as a second store besides her cheeks (and robbing her of her Static ability). Using this extra power, she amplifies the music from her headphones to release it in a blast.

The attack is strong as it uses stored power, rather than what Anarchy can generate on the spot. There’s a 20% chance of also deafening her foe too. As the headphones rely on built up static collected by her headphones over they have a long build up time (four actions). During this time, they malfunction and no longer provide Soundproof protection, leaving her open to sound based attack until they recharge.

Effects: Doesn't affect Pokemon with the Soundproof ability. Removes Anarchy's Soundproof ability for four actions as the headphones recharge. 4% recoil damage to Anarchy. 20% chance of deafening foe for two to three actions. When a foe is deafened, they are effectively given the Soundproof ability and cannot understand verbal commands. If there is no other means of commanding the pokemon, they must act of their own accord until their hearing returns.



[Shocktail] Pichu (Male)
Ability: Static



[Shkan] Cubone (Male)
Ability: Rockhead

Edited again. I took out the part about the electricity - what I meant was that if Anarchy ran out of energy, she can't use the energy in the headphones.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

]Two Pichus and a Cubone - $30 altogether.


[Anarchy] Pichu (Female)
Ability: Soundproof
Signature Attribute: DJ-Chu

Anarchy has been surrounded by sound all her life, being born, raised and eventually caught in an area known for it's festivals and raves. She discovered a pair of headphones with a built in mp3, lost by their owner during one of the festivals (I say lost, she found it in one of the tents and presumed it lost) and took it for her own. It didn’t take long for her to find out how it worked, after playing with her new toy and watching other humans wear a set of headphones.

Since obtaining them, she refuses to take them off. Seeing this, they’ve been modified to suit her. This creates a block between outside sounds and Anarchy’s ears, which softens noise and means that sound based attacks, which depend on clarity and volume, can’t break through to her ears. At least, not with enough power to cause damage. In battle her trainer gets around this by wearing a headset herself when using her, speaking directly into the headphones to tell her what to do. Her static ability is lost as the headphones absorb the excess electricity, which is used in her attack.

Effects: Replaces Static with Soundproof

Move Mod:

Name: Tempo Push
Type: Normal / Base Power (if any): 80 / Accuracy: 100%
Target: All
Class: Special
Stat: Special


Learning to use electricity as a Pichu usually results in multiple shocks and accidents as they learn to control their abilities. Not so much for Anarchy. The headphones absorbed the excess electricity, almost acting as a second store besides her cheeks (and robbing her of her Static ability). Using this extra power, she amplifies the music from her headphones to release it in a blast.

The attack is strong as it uses stored power, rather than what Anarchy can generate on the spot. There’s a 20% chance of also deafening her foe too. As the headphones rely on built up static collected by her headphones over they have a long build up time (four actions). During this time, they malfunction and no longer provide Soundproof protection, leaving her open to sound based attack until they recharge.

Effects: Doesn't affect Pokemon with the Soundproof ability. Removes Anarchy's Soundproof ability for four actions as the headphones recharge. 4% recoil damage to Anarchy. 20% chance of deafening foe for two to three actions. When a foe is deafened, they are effectively given the Soundproof ability and cannot understand verbal commands. If there is no other means of commanding the pokemon, they must act of their own accord until their hearing returns.



[Shocktail] Pichu (Male)
Ability: Static



[Shkan] Cubone (Male)
Ability: Rockhead

Edited again. I took out the part about the electricity - what I meant was that if Anarchy ran out of energy, she can't use the energy in the headphones.

If Pokémon run out of energy in ASB, they faint anyway :p
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

[Firestrike] Torchic (male)
Ability: Blaze
Price: $10

[Gorouna] Geodude (Female)
Ability: Sturdy
Price: $5

[Dokon] Croagunk (Male)
Ability: Anticiption
Price: $13

[Neitelo] Natu (Female)
Ability: Synchronize
Price: $10

Total: $38

]Two Pichus and a Cubone - $30 altogether.


[Anarchy] Pichu (Female)
Ability: Soundproof
Signature Attribute: DJ-Chu

Anarchy has been surrounded by sound all her life, being born, raised and eventually caught in an area known for it's festivals and raves. She discovered a pair of headphones with a built in mp3, lost by their owner during one of the festivals (I say lost, she found it in one of the tents and presumed it lost) and took it for her own. It didn’t take long for her to find out how it worked, after playing with her new toy and watching other humans wear a set of headphones.

Since obtaining them, she refuses to take them off. Seeing this, they’ve been modified to suit her. This creates a block between outside sounds and Anarchy’s ears, which softens noise and means that sound based attacks, which depend on clarity and volume, can’t break through to her ears. At least, not with enough power to cause damage. In battle her trainer gets around this by wearing a headset herself when using her, speaking directly into the headphones to tell her what to do. Her static ability is lost as the headphones absorb the excess electricity, which is used in her attack.

Effects: Replaces Static with Soundproof

Move Mod:

Name: Tempo Push
Type: Normal / Base Power (if any): 80 / Accuracy: 100%
Target: All
Class: Special
Stat: Special


Learning to use electricity as a Pichu usually results in multiple shocks and accidents as they learn to control their abilities. Not so much for Anarchy. The headphones absorbed the excess electricity, almost acting as a second store besides her cheeks (and robbing her of her Static ability). Using this extra power, she amplifies the music from her headphones to release it in a blast.

The attack is strong as it uses stored power, rather than what Anarchy can generate on the spot. There’s a 20% chance of also deafening her foe too. As the headphones rely on built up static collected by her headphones over they have a long build up time (four actions). During this time, they malfunction and no longer provide Soundproof protection, leaving her open to sound based attack until they recharge.

Effects: Doesn't affect Pokemon with the Soundproof ability. Removes Anarchy's Soundproof ability for four actions as the headphones recharge. 4% recoil damage to Anarchy. 20% chance of deafening foe for two to three actions. When a foe is deafened, they are effectively given the Soundproof ability and cannot understand verbal commands. If there is no other means of commanding the pokemon, they must act of their own accord until their hearing returns.



[Shocktail] Pichu (Male)
Ability: Static



[Shkan] Cubone (Male)
Ability: Rockhead

Edited again. I took out the part about the electricity - what I meant was that if Anarchy ran out of energy, she can't use the energy in the headphones.
The attribute is fine, but I'm reversing approval on the signature move. First, it's missing an energy cost, and you need to take out the part about pokémon not being able to understand their trainer's verbal commands. It's a little on the powerful side for a pichu, depending on how you set the energy cost. The cubone is approved.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Two Pichus and a Cubone - $30 altogether.


[Anarchy] Pichu (Female)
Ability: Soundproof
Signature Attribute: DJ-Chu

Anarchy has been surrounded by sound all her life, being born, raised and eventually caught in an area known for it's festivals and raves. She discovered a pair of headphones with a built in mp3, lost by their owner during one of the festivals (I say lost, she found it in one of the tents and presumed it lost) and took it for her own. It didn’t take long for her to find out how it worked, after playing with her new toy and watching other humans wear a set of headphones.

Since obtaining them, she refuses to take them off. Seeing this, they’ve been modified to suit her. This creates a block between outside sounds and Anarchy’s ears, which softens noise and means that sound based attacks, which depend on clarity and volume, can’t break through to her ears. At least, not with enough power to cause damage. In battle her trainer gets around this by wearing a headset herself when using her, speaking directly into the headphones to tell her what to do. Her static ability is lost as the headphones absorb the excess electricity, which is used in her attack.

Effects: Replaces Static with Soundproof

Move Mod:

Name: Tempo Push
Type: Normal / Base Power (if any): 80 / Accuracy: 100%
Target: All
Class: Special
Stat: Special
Energy Cost: 8%


Learning to use electricity as a Pichu usually results in multiple shocks and accidents as they learn to control their abilities. Not so much for Anarchy. The headphones absorbed the excess electricity, almost acting as a second store besides her cheeks (and robbing her of her Static ability). Using this extra power, she amplifies the music from her headphones to release it in a blast.

The attack is strong as it uses stored power, rather than what Anarchy can generate on the spot. There’s a 20% chance of also deafening her foe too. As the headphones rely on built up static collected by her headphones over they have a long build up time (four actions). During this time, they malfunction and no longer provide Soundproof protection, leaving her open to sound based attack until they recharge.

Effects: Doesn't affect Pokemon with the Soundproof ability. Removes Anarchy's Soundproof ability for four actions as the headphones recharge. 5% recoil damage to Anarchy. 20% chance of deafening foe for two to three actions. When a foe is deafened, they are effectively given the Soundproof ability. Uses 8% energy.



[Shocktail] Pichu (Male)
Ability: Static



[Shkan] Cubone (Male)
Ability: Rockhead

Edited Anarchy again. Also increased the recoil damage
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Two Pichus and a Cubone - $30 altogether.


[Anarchy] Pichu (Female)
Ability: Soundproof
Signature Attribute: DJ-Chu

Anarchy has been surrounded by sound all her life, being born, raised and eventually caught in an area known for it's festivals and raves. She discovered a pair of headphones with a built in mp3, lost by their owner during one of the festivals (I say lost, she found it in one of the tents and presumed it lost) and took it for her own. It didn’t take long for her to find out how it worked, after playing with her new toy and watching other humans wear a set of headphones.

Since obtaining them, she refuses to take them off. Seeing this, they’ve been modified to suit her. This creates a block between outside sounds and Anarchy’s ears, which softens noise and means that sound based attacks, which depend on clarity and volume, can’t break through to her ears. At least, not with enough power to cause damage. In battle her trainer gets around this by wearing a headset herself when using her, speaking directly into the headphones to tell her what to do. Her static ability is lost as the headphones absorb the excess electricity, which is used in her attack.

Effects: Replaces Static with Soundproof

Move Mod:

Name: Tempo Push
Type: Normal / Base Power (if any): 80 / Accuracy: 100%
Target: All
Class: Special
Stat: Special
Energy Cost: 8%


Learning to use electricity as a Pichu usually results in multiple shocks and accidents as they learn to control their abilities. Not so much for Anarchy. The headphones absorbed the excess electricity, almost acting as a second store besides her cheeks (and robbing her of her Static ability). Using this extra power, she amplifies the music from her headphones to release it in a blast.

The attack is strong as it uses stored power, rather than what Anarchy can generate on the spot. There’s a 20% chance of also deafening her foe too. As the headphones rely on built up static collected by her headphones over they have a long build up time (four actions). During this time, they malfunction and no longer provide Soundproof protection, leaving her open to sound based attack until they recharge.

Effects: Doesn't affect Pokemon with the Soundproof ability. Removes Anarchy's Soundproof ability for four actions as the headphones recharge. 5% recoil damage to Anarchy. 20% chance of deafening foe for two to three actions. When a foe is deafened, they are effectively given the Soundproof ability. Uses 8% energy.



[Shocktail] Pichu (Male)
Ability: Static



[Shkan] Cubone (Male)
Ability: Rockhead

Edited Anarchy again. Also increased the recoil damage

I hope for both our sakes it's okay this time OTL

Approved x3.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Two Pichus and a Cubone - $30 altogether.


[Anarchy] Pichu (Female)
Ability: Soundproof
Signature Attribute: DJ-Chu

Anarchy has been surrounded by sound all her life, being born, raised and eventually caught in an area known for it's festivals and raves. She discovered a pair of headphones with a built in mp3, lost by their owner during one of the festivals (I say lost, she found it in one of the tents and presumed it lost) and took it for her own. It didn’t take long for her to find out how it worked, after playing with her new toy and watching other humans wear a set of headphones.

Since obtaining them, she refuses to take them off. Seeing this, they’ve been modified to suit her. This creates a block between outside sounds and Anarchy’s ears, which softens noise and means that sound based attacks, which depend on clarity and volume, can’t break through to her ears. At least, not with enough power to cause damage. In battle her trainer gets around this by wearing a headset herself when using her, speaking directly into the headphones to tell her what to do. Her static ability is lost as the headphones absorb the excess electricity, which is used in her attack.

Effects: Replaces Static with Soundproof

Move Mod:

Name: Tempo Push
Type: Normal / Base Power (if any): 80 / Accuracy: 100%
Target: All
Class: Special
Stat: Special
Energy Cost: 8%


Learning to use electricity as a Pichu usually results in multiple shocks and accidents as they learn to control their abilities. Not so much for Anarchy. The headphones absorbed the excess electricity, almost acting as a second store besides her cheeks (and robbing her of her Static ability). Using this extra power, she amplifies the music from her headphones to release it in a blast.

The attack is strong as it uses stored power, rather than what Anarchy can generate on the spot. There’s a 20% chance of also deafening her foe too. As the headphones rely on built up static collected by her headphones over they have a long build up time (four actions). During this time, they malfunction and no longer provide Soundproof protection, leaving her open to sound based attack until they recharge.

Effects: Doesn't affect Pokemon with the Soundproof ability. Removes Anarchy's Soundproof ability for four actions as the headphones recharge. 5% recoil damage to Anarchy. 20% chance of deafening foe for two to three actions. When a foe is deafened, they are effectively given the Soundproof ability. Uses 8% energy.



[Shocktail] Pichu (Male)
Ability: Static



[Shkan] Cubone (Male)
Ability: Rockhead

Edited Anarchy again. Also increased the recoil damage
All approved now.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

I wish to have a new Mon, please
And here is how I shall pay

[Wammy] Wailmer (Female)
Ability: Water Veil
Body Mod: Impressive Bulk

Since birth, Wammy was always a big Wailmer, bigger than all the other baby Wailmers. Unfortunatly, this, coupled with an obsession with eating, has made Wammy litterally huge compared to many other Wailmer. Her wieght made less and less Pokémon want to date her, until even her parents were ashamed. She was so heavy that she wasn't accepted to go to the Registration Office and be put up for sale, so she decided to train hard. At first, it worked, but the amount of muscle she gained made up for the drop in fat. It wasn't until a group of bullies started bullying her friend that she noticed the god things about her bulk. She could use it to shield others.

When the Registration Office officials came, they chose her because of her ability. She was put up for sale the next week. Unfortunatly, noone liked her, because they all thought she was fat and worthless. If only they'd known

Attract has a 25% chance of failing when used on Wammy
Attacks aimed at teammates have a 10% chance of being blocked by Wammy (who then takes damage equal to what she would have taken if the attack had been aimed at her)
Attacks aimed at Wammy have +3 Accuracy
Wammy starts the battle with -3 Speed and +3 Defence
Last edited:
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

I wish to have a new Mon, please
And here is how I shall pay

[Wammy] Wailmer (Female)
Ability: Water Veil
Body Mod: Impressive Bulk

Since birth, Wammy was always a big Wailmer, bigger than all the other baby Wailmers. Unfortunatly, this, coupled with an obsession with eating, has made Wammy litterally huge compared to many other Wailmer. Her wieght made less and less Pokémon want to date her, until even her parents were ashamed. She was so heavy that she wasn't accepted to go to the Registration Office and be put up for sale, so she decided to train hard. At first, it worked, but the amount of muscle she gained made up for the drop in fat. It wasn't until a group of bullies started bullying her friend that she noticed the god things about her bulk. She could use it to shield others.

When the Registration Office officials came, they chose her because of her ability. She was put up for sale the next week. Unfortunatly, noone liked her, because they all thought she was fat and worthless. If only they'd known

Attract has a 25% chance of failing when used on Wammy
Attacks aimed at teammates have a 10% chance of being blocked by Wammy (who then takes damage equal to what she would have taken if the attack had been aimed at her)
Attacks aimed at Wammy have +3 Accuracy
Wammy starts the battle with -3 Speed and +3 Defence

The Wailmer is approved, but you'll have to wait for someone else to approve the body mod.

Damn it, I had fossil Pokémon mixed up with starters. >:c

[Desk Lamp] Lileep (M) <Suction Cups>


Approved (noooo, I'm not the only one with a member of the Lileep line anymore ;~;).
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

I wish to have a new Mon, please
And here is how I shall pay

[Wammy] Wailmer (Female)
Ability: Water Veil
Body Mod: Impressive Bulk

Since birth, Wammy was always a big Wailmer, bigger than all the other baby Wailmers. Unfortunatly, this, coupled with an obsession with eating, has made Wammy litterally huge compared to many other Wailmer. Her wieght made less and less Pokémon want to date her, until even her parents were ashamed. She was so heavy that she wasn't accepted to go to the Registration Office and be put up for sale, so she decided to train hard. At first, it worked, but the amount of muscle she gained made up for the drop in fat. It wasn't until a group of bullies started bullying her friend that she noticed the god things about her bulk. She could use it to shield others.

When the Registration Office officials came, they chose her because of her ability. She was put up for sale the next week. Unfortunatly, noone liked her, because they all thought she was fat and worthless. If only they'd known

Attract has a 25% chance of failing when used on Wammy
Attacks aimed at teammates have a 10% chance of being blocked by Wammy (who then takes damage equal to what she would have taken if the attack had been aimed at her)
Attacks aimed at Wammy have +3 Accuracy
Wammy starts the battle with -3 Speed and +3 Defence

Balance-wise, this looks fine - but for clarification, you say 'starts the battle with...', do you intend the modifications to be static (In the event of being affected by a move like haze, modifiers reset back to these values) or can they be cleared away to neutral? (And would this apply to switches such as normal modifiers do)
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Ok, I'mma make my first mod and thank heavens I can change it when evolved.

Body Mod: Asphyxiating gas

You don't think it's named Asphyxia for nothing, do you? This Gastly was born and raised in the Lavender Pokemon tower. However, one time it wandered outside and found itself stuck in Mr. Fuji's chimney. When Mr. Fuji came home, he lit a fire. The Gastly almost suffocated, but at the last minute it managed to squeeze free and save himself. The heavy gasses and smoke and ash never quite left his body, so he's now covered in a cloud of dangerous gases which are produced along with the normal purple gases to make a sickening gray color.

Whenever an attack requiring physical contact is used there is a 10% chance that the user will suffocate and cough and the attack will fail because they have to get inside the gas cloud to reach his blobish body. From then on it works like a constant light paralysis because they have smoke in their lungs, which is unaffected and coexists with any other paralysis. E.g. One normal decreasing paralysis chance and a light paralysis chance both in order to attack.. Doesn't have any effect in water or other arenas not open to air. Also, rain washes all the chemicals out of the air, so this power doesn't work during rain.
Last edited:
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Ok, I'mma make my first mod and thank heavens I can change it when evolved.

Body Mod: Asphyxiating gas

You don't think it's named Asphyxia for nothing, do you? This Gastly was born and raised in the Lavender Pokemon tower. However, one time it wandered outside and found itself stuck in Mr. Fuji's chimney. When Mr. Fuji came home, he lit a fire. The Gastly almost suffocated, but at the last minute it managed to squeeze free and save himself. The heavy gasses and smoke and ash never quite left his body.

Whenever an attack requiring physical contact is used there is a 10% chance that it'll suffocate and cough and the attack will fail. From then on it works like a constant light paralysis because they have smoke in their lungs. Doesn't have any effect in water or other arenas not open to air. Also, rain washes all the chemicals out of the air, so this power doesn't work during rain.

First of all, follow the format whenever getting anything approved--your gastly's gender is missing, for one, and the name would probably help.

I'm not crazy about the description--something about it doesn't seem quite logical enough--but I can't think of a way to fix it and I guess it's passable.

Effects section needs more detail. Any physical contact attack? Like thunderpunch? What does that have to do with inhaling smoke? (And I would reword that sentence so that it's clear that the attacker is the one suffocating. Right now it could mean the attacker or Asphyxia, and really looks like it's talking about the attack itself.) Specifying that it has to be an attack involving the head would help, or else at least say that Asphyxia actively expands around the attacker's head whenever it puts itself in range by using a physical attack.

Other approvers may disagree, but I think 10% chance of causing permanent paralysis is a little much. I realize it's just light paralysis and can be avoided by trying not to use physical attacks, but... eh. I'd like to hear what another approver has to say about it. (And would it really be permanent? Smoke and chemicals don't actually stay in your lungs indefinitely.)

How does this interact with normal paralysis? I'm assuming that since there's a difference between having a damaged leg and smoke in your lungs they can coexist, but does that mean that a pokémon that has been paralyzed by this mod and then also paralyzed by, say, zap cannon, has an extra level of paralysis tacked on on top of whatever the ref's usual stats scale is?

And if it's raining, wouldn't all of the chemicals be washed away until the end of the battle? Why would they come back? In fact, why would there always be some of that smoke in Asphyxia at all times, even without the rain? It's not something that gastly naturally produce, so it seems like the supply would eventually be exhausted. Unless there's some reason that your gastly is suddenly able to produce this smoke, etc. on its own (which you should state and explain), you should probably include that it has to keep replenishing its supply every once in a while; that doesn't have to be an effect or limitation of the mod, but should at least be touched on in the description.
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