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Karkat Vantas vs. Metallica Fanboy V (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

Let us exterminate this annoyance from your newfound sight, Beatle.

Set up Reflect first thing. Then, for the next two actions, let her flail, then follow with Giga Drain.

Reflect ~ Giga Drain ~ Giga Drain
5vs5 singles
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 55%
Banned Moves: Direct recovery, Pain Split, any moves that instantly faint a battler (Explosion, OHKOs, Destiny Bond, Perish Song, etc.). Chills are restricted to 5 per Pokémon.
Arena: MFvsKV V

Oh gog, will these two ever settle their gogdamn problem? Well, it's more fun if they don't. And to celebrate this being the fifth match, they'll fight using only Gen V Pokemon, in a five-colored, V-shaped platform. Each round, there's a 45% chance a Pokemon whose name starts with a V (listed below) will randomly attack one of the battlers with an (effective, so no Dream Eating awake Pokemon or using Swords Dance or one of the banned moves) attack from their movepool, and a 55% chance that one of the active Pokemon will turn into one at the end of the round (this effect ends after three actions). Pokemon with names starting with a V are: Vanillish, Vanillite, Vanilluxe, Vaporeon, Venipede, Venomoth, Venonat, Venusaur, Vespiquen, Vibrava, Victini, Victreebel, Vigoroth, Vileplume, Virizion, Volbeat, Volcarona, Voltorb, Vullaby, Vulpix.

Other: Gen V Pokemon are allowed to use Sleep Talk, dammit.

Team Karkat Vantas

Almighty Electric Flounder (Female)
Ability: Static
Health: 36%
Energy: 62%
Status: This bodes badly for me, I think. Attack +2, badly poisoned (5% this round, 6% next), confused (mild; 20% chance of confusionfail)
Commands: Flail ~ Flail ~ Flail
Chills: 0/5

Team Metallica Fanboy

Beatle (Male)
Ability: Overgrow
Health: 44%
Energy: 46%
Status: I CAN SEE! I CAN SEE! I CAN SEE!! Burned (moderate; 5% per round, physical attacks halved)
Commands: Reflect ~ Giga Drain ~ Giga Drain
Chills: 0/5

Round 13 Begin!

Still revelling in his new sight, Beatle gives out a mighty roar, while the ref wonders just why he's not confused at all by his new sense. It doesn't seem to be an issue, though, she muses; he seems to be attacking fine. His eyes taking on a shimmering green color, he channels his energy into a translucent, inch-thick green shield. He grins, knowing that he and his Substitute are at least somewhat safer. And it turns out to be a wise decision: Flounder hurls herself towards him, entering the shield with a strange splthump sound. She grimaces - it's like moving through treacle! - but quickly focusses, moving towards Beatle's clone as quickly as she can and beginning to flail around. She whips against it as hard as she can manage, punching a portion out of its body; the real Beatle stands by and grins mockingly at her.

His mocking grin hiding a real one, he decides to add injury to insult. His eyes once more take on a green tint as he manipulates Flounder's energy, which quickly begins to manifest as a greenish aura around her body. Tearing itself away from her, it floats straight to Beatle, absorbing quickly into his skin. A loud, rumbling growl issues forth as he feels the healing effects with some relief. Flounder suddenly panics: that beast is going to get the best of her unless she does something! She again hurls herself as hard as she can against the clone, her desperation causing her to attack far more strongly, and it's the end of its endurance: she smashes it into several pieces, and it quickly returns to energy form, fading away.

The next action plays out almost exactly the same. Beatle, in another green glow, tears away another portion of her life-energy, feeling the healing effects with satisfaction. Flounder is beginning to seriously panic by now, pushing towards Beatle and whipping against the leathery skin desperately. She finally manages to hit the real Beatle, at the very least; he suddenly kicks out at her violently, sending her flying across the arena.

As she slams into the ground, both battlers begin to be again consumed by the grey light. Beatle begins to shrink back to his Deino form, with some dismay; Flounder, meanwhile, grows and bulges, a cone growing out of her bottom half and her top half mutating into some bizarre, bulgy shape. When the glow fades away and Beatle wails over the loss of his sight, Flounder is an ice-cream-like creature, both faces grinning widely. She exhales a cloud of icy mist over the arena, sending shivers down Beatle's spine.

With astonishing timing, though, the poison coursing through her veins takes its toll, and Flounder can take no more. Dropping to the ground with a thud, her form begins to deflate, quickly flattening out. Karkat recalls her, hoping that she'll be a Stunfisk again when she's healed.

Round 13 End!

Team Karkat Vantas

Almighty Electric Flounder (Female)
Ability: Static
Health: 0%
Energy: 38%
Status: Knocked out!
Attacks Used: Flail ~ Flail ~ Flail
Chills: 0/5

Team Metallica Fanboy

Beatle (Male)
Ability: Overgrow
Health: 43%
Energy: 31%
Status: I can no longer see! D: Burned (moderate; 5% per round, physical attacks halved); Reflect active (three more rounds).
Attacks Used: Reflect ~ Giga Drain ~ Giga Drain
Chills: 0/5

Damage / Energy Calculations
Reflect - 3% energy, 1% per action
Flail - 5% damage, 6% energy (accuracy roll 58, needed 100 to miss)
Giga Drain - 15% damage, restored 7% health, 5% energy (accuracy roll 89, needed 100 to miss)
Flail - 6% damage, 8% energy (accuracy roll 20, needed 100 to miss)
Giga Drain - 15% damage, restored 7% health, 5% energy (accuracy roll 89, needed 100 to miss)
Flail - 10% damage, 10% energy (accuracy roll 37, needed 100 to miss)

- Totally forgot about the clone first time, so I had to rewrite part of it.

Arena Notes
- This round, Flounder became a Vanilluxe.
- A massive part of the arena is scorched black and, currently, quite hot.

Next Round
- Karkat Vantas sends out
- Metallica Fanboy attacks
- Karkat Vantas attacks
- I ref
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One, the end-of-round status and the flavor completely clash. I'm assuming the flavor's right and Beatle is no longer a Venusaur (baw, I was loving that awesome movepool) and Flounder became a Vanillite.

And on that matter, Karkat has to make a new sendout before I can give Beatle commands; Flounder did just get knocked out.
My place in this battle, it's gone to crap
I might be able to turn the tables, with the power of rap
Yo Squorn, if I choose to send out J-Z
Will his body mod be used, drivin' everyone crazy?
It was approved in September
This battle started in June
In case you didn't remember
You big ol' buffoon

Fuck, looks like Legal Alien won't be getting any experience. Oh well. No point in really fighting it, Beatle; attempt Draco Meteor, then use Dragon Rush and finish off with Outrage. Spread out a Dragonbreath if he uses Double Team. Chill if he uses Protect or Detect.

Draco Meteor/Dragonbreath/Chill ~ Dragon Rush/Dragonbreath/Chill ~ Outrage/Dragonbreath/Chill
What's that? Draco Meteor? Nuh-uh. Fake Out, all the way.

Follow up with a pair of Brick Breaks.

Fake Out ~ Brick Break ~ Brick Break
5vs5 singles
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 55%
Banned Moves: Direct recovery, Pain Split, any moves that instantly faint a battler (Explosion, OHKOs, Destiny Bond, Perish Song, etc.). Chills are restricted to 5 per Pokémon.
Arena: MFvsKV V

Oh gog, will these two ever settle their gogdamn problem? Well, it's more fun if they don't. And to celebrate this being the fifth match, they'll fight using only Gen V Pokemon, in a five-colored, V-shaped platform. Each round, there's a 45% chance a Pokemon whose name starts with a V (listed below) will randomly attack one of the battlers with an (effective, so no Dream Eating awake Pokemon or using Swords Dance or one of the banned moves) attack from their movepool, and a 55% chance that one of the active Pokemon will turn into one at the end of the round (this effect ends after three actions). Pokemon with names starting with a V are: Vanillish, Vanillite, Vanilluxe, Vaporeon, Venipede, Venomoth, Venonat, Venusaur, Vespiquen, Vibrava, Victini, Victreebel, Vigoroth, Vileplume, Virizion, Volbeat, Volcarona, Voltorb, Vullaby, Vulpix.

Other: Gen V Pokemon are allowed to use Sleep Talk, dammit.

Team Karkat Vantas

J-Z-Ruggu (Male)
Ability: Shed Skin
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Yo. Attack +1.
Commands: Fake Out ~ Brick Break ~ Brick Break
Chills: 0/5

Team Metallica Fanboy

Beatle (Male)
Ability: Hustle
Health: 43%
Energy: 31%
Status: I can no longer see! D: Attack +1; Burned (moderate; 5% per round, physical attacks halved); Reflect active (three more rounds).
Commands: Draco Meteor / Dragonbreath / Chill ~ Dragon Rush / Dragonbreath / Chill ~ Outrage / Dragonbreath / Chill
Chills: 0/5

Round 14 Begin!

The next Pokémon to emerge onto the field, and Karkat's final competitor, is a Scraggy, which immediately begins to mutter something under its breath. For some bizarre reason, the trainers seem to feel some compulsion to join in, inexplicably giving their commands in rhyme; the referee just buries her face in her hands, muttering something about how battles are better without all this nonsense.

It's a surprise to everyone when the rapping Scraggy darts forward, throwing his fist into Beatle's face in the most obvious way he can. Beatle, even blind, can feel the rush of air produced by the attack, and flinches back; J-Z pulls his fist away, leaps over Beatle's body, and lands on the other side, dealing a quick punch to his side before dashing away again. Beatle yelps, turning frantically around to try and retaliate; finding no target, he tries to concentrate on his attack for the action. Unfortunately, he draws a blank on any sort of commands; it seems J-Z's attack has managed to shock the command out of his mind.

Beatle tries to puzzle out what to do for a few seconds, but to no avail. J-Z, seizing the opportunity, darts towards Beatle again, punching through thie shield as he goes. Then, arm raised high, he deals Beatle a nasty blow to the head, sending him reeling, before once again fleeing the area. Beatle shakes his head, trying to stop it aching, and then suddenly raises his head and growls at J-Z; a flicker and a spark, and suddenly his coat is swathed in blue flames. He charges at J-Z, tackling him to the ground and crushing him under his weight.

Straining to get up, J-Z punches Beatle again in some attempt to weaken him. It doesn't seem to have a negative effect; to the contrary, it only seems to be empowering him. The flames burning around them growing and burning hotter, he roars, the power beginning to overpower his mind. With a massive heave, J-Z manages to shove Beatle off of him, quickly retreating to a safe distance, while the Deino rages in the center of his flaming circle. Suddenly, he looks in shock as his body begins to glow in the same grey light; rounding and swelling, fur begins to sprout from his skin, and his face deforms; two antennae burst from his forehead; a Venonat. He squeaks in surprise as his brain tries to process the cascade of images from his new compound eyes.

Round 14 End!

Team Karkat Vantas

J-Z-Ruggu (Male)
Ability: Compoundeyes
Health: 75%
Energy: 84%
Status: What is up with that thing?
Attacks Used: Fake Out ~ Brick Break ~ Brick Break
Chills: 0/5

Team Metallica Fanboy

Beatle (Male)
Ability: Hustle
Health: 8%
Energy: 14%
Status: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH D< Burned (moderate; 5% per round, physical attacks halved); Outraging (two more actions).
Attacks Used: [flinch] ~ Dragon Rush ~ Outrage
Chills: 0/5

Damage / Energy Calculations
Fake Out - 4% damage, 6% energy (accuracy roll 47, needed 100 to miss)
Brick Break - 13% damage, 5% energy (accuracy roll 63, needed 100 to miss)
Dragon Rush - 11% damage, 8% energy (accuracy roll 7, needed 55 or above to miss)
Brick Break - 13% damage, 5% energy (accuracy roll 24, needed 100 to miss)
Outrage - 14% damage, 9% energy (accuracy roll 38, needed 80 or above to miss)

- This sucktacular reffing brought to you by: writer's block.

Arena Notes
- This round, J-Z-Ruggu became a Venonat.
- A massive part of the arena is scorched black and, currently, hot.

Next Round
- Karkat Vantas attacks
- Metallica Fanboy attacks
- I ref
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So I DON'T have to write stupid rap whenever I order commands?


Anyway, not much to say here. He's locked into Outrage. A Signal Beam will one-hit him.

Get your experience.

Signal Beam x3
5vs5 singles
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 55%
Banned Moves: Direct recovery, Pain Split, any moves that instantly faint a battler (Explosion, OHKOs, Destiny Bond, Perish Song, etc.). Chills are restricted to 5 per Pokémon.
Arena: MFvsKV V

Oh gog, will these two ever settle their gogdamn problem? Well, it's more fun if they don't. And to celebrate this being the fifth match, they'll fight using only Gen V Pokemon, in a five-colored, V-shaped platform. Each round, there's a 45% chance a Pokemon whose name starts with a V (listed below) will randomly attack one of the battlers with an (effective, so no Dream Eating awake Pokemon or using Swords Dance or one of the banned moves) attack from their movepool, and a 55% chance that one of the active Pokemon will turn into one at the end of the round (this effect ends after three actions). Pokemon with names starting with a V are: Vanillish, Vanillite, Vanilluxe, Vaporeon, Venipede, Venomoth, Venonat, Venusaur, Vespiquen, Vibrava, Victini, Victreebel, Vigoroth, Vileplume, Virizion, Volbeat, Volcarona, Voltorb, Vullaby, Vulpix.

Other: Gen V Pokemon are allowed to use Sleep Talk, dammit.
Team Karkat Vantas

J-Z-Ruggu (Male)
Ability: Compoundeyes
Health: 75%
Energy: 84%
Status: What is up with that thing?
Commands: Signal Beam ~ Signal Beam ~ Signal Beam
Chills: 0/5

Team Metallica Fanboy

Beatle (Male)
Ability: Hustle
Health: 8%
Energy: 14%
Status: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH D< Burned (moderate; 5% per round, physical attacks halved); Outraging (two more actions).
Commands: Outrage ~ Outrage ~ Outrage
Chills: 0/5

Round 15 Begin!

Before Beatle can move back towards him, J-Z attacks as best he can in the unfamiliar form. A glimmer of light begins to show around the tips of each of his antennae, one red and one blue. He suddenly launches the light at Beatle, simeltaneous beams of blue and red twirling together in the air to form a double-helix, which strikes Beatle directly in the face. The energy burns her skin and she stumbles back, suddenly tripping over; the blue flames slowly die away, and he lies motionless.

As Metallica Fanboy recalls his fallen Pokémon, J-Z is once again consumed by the grey light. Shrinking and morphing, the light quickly fades away to reveal a small Pokémon with a striking resemblance to an ice-cream: a Vanillite.

Round 15 End!

Team Karkat Vantas

J-Z-Ruggu (Male)
Ability: Ice Body
Health: 75%
Energy: 78%
Status: I don't like all these changes.
Attacks Used: Signal Beam
Chills: 0/5

Team Metallica Fanboy

Beatle (Male)
Ability: Hustle
Health: 0%
Energy: 14%
Status: Knocked out!
Attacks Used: [nothing]
Chills: 0/5

Damage / Energy Calculations
Signal Beam - 13% damage, 6% energy (accuracy roll 45, needed 100 to miss)

- It gets quite difficult to describe the transformation sequence interestingly after this long.

Arena Notes
- This round, J-Z-Ruggu became a Vanillish.
- A massive part of the arena is scorched black and, currently, hot.

Next Round
- Metallica Fanboy sends out and attacks
- Karkat Vantas attacks
- I ref
Time to seal this cycle shut.

SBaHJ sendouts? THEY KEEP HAPPENING. sweet bro cant wait to be a useless piece of shit all day and win this battle

Start with Retaliate. On the remaining actions, Vital Throw him, but use Storm Throw if he boosts his Defense (stick with Vital Throw if he has clones, though), and use Focus Energy if he Protects.

Retaliate ~ Vital Throw/Storm Throw/Focus Energy ~ Vital Throw/Storm Throw/Focus Energy
Well then.


Alright, start off with a Protect; no point in losing so much health on the first turn.

Follow up with an Avalanche (as he should move first).

Finally, since removing its access to Brick Break and Protect should be useful, Imprison.

Protect ~ Avalanche ~ Imprison
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