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ASB Data Collection Thread

140 30 Big Red Cherry Bomb

-- Active

[Scout] Cyndaquil (M)
Ability: Blaze

[Kin] Shroomish (F)
Ability: Poison Heal
Item: Toxic Orb

[Pankaja] Hennic (M)
Ability: Serene Grace
Item: Soft Sand
Body Mod: Sign of the Scorpion
Description: All Hennic gain dark brown henna markings shortly after birth; most are mostly similar with a few changed, but sometimes, a young one will gain a marking which is radically different. Pankaja is one such young one, his henna marking much different from those in his litter.

Pankaja bears the sign of a Scorpion on his back, the head facing his tail, and the scorpion's tail curling around his neck, the stinger on his forehead. The Scorpion in henna marks represents protection against evil, and protection against stings. The marks of a Hennic give their power; as such Pankaja has some...unique abilities, but also makes him susceptible to a few things a Bug-Type would be.

When the attack causes poison or recoil, a spectral apparition of a scorpion tail doles out the effect, starting from Pankaja's forehead and stretching for about 7 feet. The tail lashes out a split second after the attack hits/Pankaja is drained of energy.
Effects: All Dark, Ghost, and Poison attacks do 2% less damage to Pankaja, and the attacker takes 2% untyped damage as recoil. While Pankaja is still immune to Ghost attacks, the recoil attack from that type attack doesn't occur. The Pokemon who knocks Pankaja out is also mildly poisoned by the scorpion mark as revenge. Pankaja is considered weak to Fire and Flying type attacks in the same manner as a normal weakness. This attribute has no effect of status moves.

[Roger] Enculli (M)
Ability: Mold Breaker
EXP: 4

[Jacob] Squirtle (M)
Ability: Torrent
Item: EXP Share

[Fulgora] Eevee (F)
Ability: Adaptability
Item: Thunderstone

[Spy] Sneasel (M)
Ability: Keen Eye
Item: Razor Claw
EXP: 2
Move Mod: Cloak and Dagger
Description: Spy is a master of stealth, devoting most of his life to the art, and made him quite good at it. He is, in fact, so good at it that he can cloak himself in darkness even longer than most would expect from your average Faint Attack or the like. Using this attack, Spy can cloak himself in dark energy, rendering him completely invisible to the average eye; only Pokemon with Keen Eye, Pokemon with Aura Sense, or a Pokemon who managed to use Odour Sleuth, Miracle Eye, or Foresight on him before he cloaked will have any idea where he is.
Type: Dark
Stat: Status
Energy: 4% initially, 2% each action cloaked
Target: Self
Duration: 3 actions maximum
Effects: Keen Eye, Foresight, Miracle Eye, and Aura Sensing Pokemon will see the faintest outline of a Sneasel, and Odour Sleuthing Pokemon will keep his scent. He remains cloaked for three actions, though if he uses an attack that targets another Pokemon, or if he is hit with an attack, it wears off.

In addition, if Spy uses a claw-based offensive attack when cloaked, it wears off instantly, as normal, and the attack will be guaranteed a Critical Hit.
Usage Gap: three rounds after effects end

[Zarin] Eevee (M)
Ability: Steadfast
Item: Soothe Bell
EXP: 2
Body Mod: Aura Born
Description: Zarin's father was a Lucario, and by some miracle of breeding, he inherited some of the Riolu line's unique ability to control aura. The power is still weak due to his young age, but this grants him some new abilities. He has a small amount of power over his own aura and can use it to preform a few attacks, and granted him a new ability; Steadfast. These attacks are Mind Reader, Calm Mind, Dark Pulse, and a weak Aura Sphere. The Aura Sphere is not as strong as it could be if he were really a Riolu or Lucario, so it's base power is and is 70 instead of 90 costs 2% more energy.

But this breeding also deprived him of a few moves that Eevee would normally be able to use, namely Growth, Trump Card, Last Resort, and Tickle.
Effects: Ability change to Steadfast, - Growth, Trump Card, Last Resort, Tickle. + Mind Reader, Calm Mind, Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere (70 power +2% Energy cost).

[GLaDOS] Porygon2 (X)
Ability: Download
EXP: 1
Item: Dubious Disk
Body Mod: Personality Cores
Description: GLaDOS is not your typical Porygon; it was manufactured not by Silph Co., but a rival company called Pokéture Science for testing with behaviour and computerized teaching of other Pokémon. It possesses several abilities that a regular Porygon from Silph Co. does not, such as its Signature Move. Another of these abilities is the fact that it possesses Personality Cores, advanced personality software developed by the company for research. Currently, three of these cores are active in GLaDOS, as follows:

Orange 'Curiosity' Core: Its default state. The Curiosity Core does not grant any additional benefits or weaknesses. When this core is active, its eyes are orange.

Blue 'Knowledge' Core: When GLaDOS drops to 50% or lower health, the Knowledge Core activates instead of the Curiosity Core. This Core helps it know how to more effectively protect itself. When this Core is active, GLaDOS gets a +1 bonus to her DEF and SP.DEF. Its eyes glow blue when this core is active.

Red 'Emotion' Core: When GLaDOS drops to 25% or lower health, the Emotion Core activates instead of the Curiosity Core or Knowledge Core. This core fuels its anger, making it a more vicious attacker. When this Core is active, GLaDOS gets a +1 bonus to its ATK and SP.ATK. Its eyes glow red when this core is active.
Effects: Orange Core: No change
Blue Core: +1 bonus to DEF and SP.DEF
Red Core: +1 bonus to ATK and SP.ATK.

In addition, if GLaDOS goes above the maximum amount of health allowed to a Core, it will revert to the previous one. The stat bonuses cannot be transferred to another Pokemon by any means, and do not allow it to pass the usual -/+6 min/max. The bonuses do not stack. For example, if it were to pass from Blue to Red, the DEF/SP.DEF gained from the Core would disappear.
Move Mod: Weighted Companion Cube
Description: GLaDOS is not your typical Porygon; it was manufactured not by Silph Co., but a rival company called Pokéture Science for testing with behaviour and computerized teaching of other Pokémon. It possesses several abilities that a regular Porygon from Silph Co. does not. One of these is the ability to creature an illusionary object, known as a 'Companion Cube' in the mind of another Pokémon in battle.

The target will become infatuated with the Companion Cube just as if it were another Pokémon of the appropriate gender, but only it can see and 'interact' with it; any other Pokemon in the battle besides the target and GLaDOS will be unaware the Cube exists.

But over time, the targeted Pokemon will become more and more paranoid towards the Cube - and GLaDOS's - intentions. This is how the infatuation is decreased over time, instead of being attacked, as the Companion Cube is an inanimate object. The infatuation works as normal otherwise. The attack of an affected Pokemon will also drop sharply as long as the Companion Cube is in view as long as it is infatuated with it. When the infatuation fades, the Cube will disappear.

This attack doesn't work on Genderless or Oblivious Pokemon.
Type: Psychic
Stat: Status
Energy: 7%
Accuracy: 95%
Target: Single
Duration: until attraction fades
Effects: Causes infatuation with illusionary Companion Cube, decreases attack of affected Pokemon by -1 temporarily.
Usage Gap: Once a battle per foe, three rounds between use. Only one foe at a time can be affected.

[Rasputin] Shinx (M)
Ability: Intimidate
EXP: 1

-- Boxed

[Philharmonic] Chatot (M)
Ability: Tangled Feet
Body Mod: Conductor's Baton
Description: Philharmonic was born with an oddly long tail - almost a foot long, nearly as long as he is tall! He was made fun of by his siblings for the abnormal body part, but he pressed on.

As he started the battle, he learned that when he flicked his tail back and forth as chatot often do, his foes would be distracted by it. So be trained very hard with it, and now the tail constantly flicks back and forth in a distracting rhythm. The constant ticking will sometimes attract the attention of something attacking Philharmonic, and will miss or just not attack at all. he can even speed up the flicking to catch other Pokemon's attention even more, but it needs some effort, unlike the normal speed.
Effects: 5% additional chance that a Pokemon attacking Philharmonic will miss. If he speeds up the tail, it ups to a 10% chance, but Philharmonic takes 2% energy for each action it's sped up.
Move mod: Tone-Deaf
Description: Chatot memorise words and phrases quite well, and Philharmonic is no exception. In fact, most of his kind are quite good at using sound to battle. But Philharmonic has developed a way to play with sound that no other of his kind can. He's very familiar with pitch and melody, able to string words he knows together with a soothing melody and appropriate pitch to make a song. But he can make more than just sweet and simple songs.

First, he recalls as many of the sounds he's heard in his life as he can and regurgitates them backwards with a random volume and pitch, fluctuating from soft and sweet to loud and off-key. This screaming deafens all who hear it, and confusing all those in range to hear it by making them fly into a frenzy at the offending sound, and the exertion of blasting so much noise confuses Philharmonic out of fatigue. Those who hear the sound are Deafened for three actions, and cannot hear anything but a ringing in their ears for the duration. Pokemon with more sensitive ears may run and hide from the sound.

A Deafened Pokemon cannot hear very well, so sound-based attacks won't have any effect of the Pokemon. It will be slightly easier to sneak up on them as well, as they wouldn't hear their attacker coming.
Type: Flying
Stat: Special
Power: 5%
Energy: 8%
Accuracy: 95%
Target: all but user
Effects: Deafens and confuses targets; confuses Phil
Usage Gap: three rounds from end of effects

[L'Arc-en-Ciel] Togekiss (M)
Ability: Serene Grace
EXP: 5
Move Mod: Arc of Joyous Colours
Description: Togekiss are known to congregate where there is joy and happiness, and L’Arc~En~Ciel likes to spread the joy and happiness he has seen with the world! So he gathers up all the happy thoughts he can and lets them burst forth in a concentrated energy form, resembling a beam of light in rainbow colours. The blast is so bright in colour that it’ll light up any nearby darkness, and has a chance to confuse the foe with its bright light and colour.

The move will fail if L’Arc~En~Ciel is feeling depressed or angry, and the confusion effect won’t happen if the foe has no eyes or is blinded by sand, etc.
Type: Normal
Stat: Special
Power: 10%
Energy: 7%
Accuracy: 95%
Target: Single
Effects: 20% Chance to confuse foe
Usage Gap: Three Rounds

[Edward] Persian (M)
Ability: Technician
EXP: 2
Body Mod: Right Arm of Steel
Description: Edward's previous owner was none too kind to him. He was pushed to win by any means necessary by the cruel man, and when he couldn't, he had replaced Edward's right arm with a Stainless Steel replica in a rather painful operation. Such prosthetics, usually to replace limbs lost in accidents, tend to double as weaponry. The arm is, since it is made of steel, is very strong, and the arm's claws are very sharp. However, it is heavy.
Effects: The weight of the arm gives Edward a permanent -1 to his speed, while the sheer power gives a +1 to physical attacks made with the arm. The base, where the steel connects to his shoulder, is very sensitive, so all moves that land there gain a %2 damage bonus. If he blocks an attack with his arm, he takes %2 less damage. The weight of the arm makes it almost impossible to swim, so if he is placed in water, he'll sink.
Move Mod: Bloodstained Hurricane
Description: In his younger days, Edward was gifted with something called 'The Dragon's Blood', which grated him greater skill with manipulating his own blood as a weapon, and thus this attack was born.

To use it, Edward gathers all the health he is missing and channels it into the Dragon's Blood that rushes though his veins. The blood takes on the form of hundreds of tiny razor-sharp blades of blood that he then sends to the target. The more health he has missing, the more it does, as there is more blood able to reach the target. If he does not have any open wounds at the time, he will inflict an open wound on himself with his own claws, dealing 3% damage. (the damage he inflicts on himself does not count towards the attack's damage inflicted on the enemy)

Edward can even sustain the attack at the cost of some of his own health and energy. When sustained, the attack takes the form of a good-sized dragon-like creature that then latches onto the target, sapping their health.

When the effects of the attack linger, Edward becomes more aggressive, so his attack rises slightly.
Type: Normal
Stat: Physical
Power: varies
Energy: varies
Accuracy: 95%
Target: Single
Duration: Main Attack 1 action, sustain minor until dropped
Effects: Damage dealt is half the health he is missing, rounded up, and Energy is half that. If sustained, the attack inflicts 3% Damage/Action and Edward takes 1% Damage & Energy per action sustained. He gains +1 ATK only for as long as the attack is sustained.
Usage Gap: 5 rounds after the attack ends

[Rinna] Umbreon (F)
Ability: Synchronise
EXP: 4
Move Mod: Shadows of the Night
Description: Rinna is an Umbreon, and has trained herself extensively in night combat to assure her skill. One of the things she gained as a result of this training was a pact with the 'Shadows of the Night', powerful spirits of dark Pokemon that died. So they gave her a powerful attack; when she is in danger, she can unleash their mighty power in a single burst of dark energy. The burst takes the form of a serpent-like creature that attacks a single target with it's huge jaws, then dissipates. The attack leaves her very tired, and it takes a while to recover from it. The sheer size and frightful appearance of the creature summoned may cause the target to flinch.
Type: Dark
Stat: Special
Power: 15%
Energy: 9% and 1% per turn for three actions afterward
Accuracy: 90%
Target: Single
Effects: 30% Flinch Chance, Can only be used if she is under 60% health
Usage Gap: two rounds

[Whiskers] Skelitten (M)
Ability: Pressure
EXP: 2
Move Mod: Feline Territorial Marking
Description: Whiskers, as a fully-grown tomcat (even if he's dead), tends to...spray. This is a way to mark his territory, and it tends to smell. A lot. He'll even mark other creatures in this manner, which marked (pardon the pun) the birth of this move.

To use it, Whiskers sprays the target, coating whatever body part he managed to reach with the noxious smelling stuff. If he managed to get the target in the mouth, eyes, nose, or similar, or the skin of anything with absorbent skin (Poliwag, etc), it results in a mild poisoning (It acts like regular poisoning; Immunity Pokemon, Steel, and Poison types are unaffected, though the other effects still apply to those types). The spray's strong, musky smell also makes it easier to find the target, increasing accuracy of attacks made against them by 5 additional percent for ranged attacks, and 10 for contact. Other feline Pokemon on the battlefield will also become aggressive towards the target, granting them a +1 Bonus to Attack, but only when attacking the affected target. It also renders Double Team useless. The smell wears off after 3 rounds.

This spray won't work if the target has it's own overpowering natural smell (Gloom, Stunky, etc), but can affect Ghost-types, though it wears off if the target Phases. It can also be removed by immersing the sprayed part entirely in water, sand, or flames. Rain and Sandstorm weather effects make the effects wear off faster; after 2 rounds for Sandstorm, and 3 Actions for rain. Pokemon with Magma Armour, Flame Body, or Water Veil can spend one action to rid themselves of the smell, but the Poison, if any, will still linger.
Type: Poison
Stat: special
Energy: 3%
Accuracy: 85%
Target: Single
Duration: 3 Rounds or until removed
Effects: Mild Poisoning (Sometimes), Increases Accuracy of moves against affected Pokemon (+5% Ranged, +10% Contact) as long as smell persists, grants feline Pokemon (besides Whiskers) +1 Attack Bonus Vs. Affected Pokemon.
Usage Gap: 3 rounds after effects end

[Kiki] Bibarel (F)
Ability: Simple
EXP: 3
Body Mod: Resistance to Criticism
Description: As a Bidoof, Doomsday is often made fun of and criticized for being what she is. As a result, Doomsday acquired a thick skin, if you will, towards being made fun of. It is nearly impossible to make her angry, and she has an eternally cheerful and optimistic outlook on life.
Effects: Doomsday is always happy and cheerful, no matter what. Whenever she uses Return, it gets a 2% Damage bonus, while Frustration gets a 5% reduction. Taunt and Torment have a 50% chance of not working at all on her, and Swagger doesn't cause an Attack increase. Confusion caused by Flatter has a 75% chance of her hurting herself, however.

[Hiromu] Miltank (F)
Ability: Scrappy

[Yzma] Kecleon (F)
Ability: Colour Change

[Jin] Bronzong (X)
Ability: Heatproof
EXP: 3

[Sable] Sableye (F)
Ability: Keen Eye
Body Mod: Two of a Kind - Left Half
Description: Sable forms one half of a couple with another Pokemon, a Spinda named Katanna. The two are very close, so close even, that they can support each other in combat, when they're fighting together. When her partner is on the battlefield alongside her, Sable becomes much more confident, which gives her a +1 bonus to both Attack and Special Attack, as well as all attacks made against her having a -5% reduction to the chance to make her flinch. These boosts are persistent, cannot be swapped to another Pokemon, and reset to this level when Hazed, etc.

In addition, she is used to her partner's...strangeness...and is thus immune to the confusion caused by Katanna's Teeter Dance attack. Finally, both being committed to their relationship to where they would not even pretend to cheat on one-another, Sable cannot use nor be affected by the Attract move/effect. This effect is always active even when both are not on the field together.
Effects: While on the field with L'il Dwagie's Spinda, Katanna, Sable will be granted a +1 to Attack and Special Attack. This boost may not be used to exceed the usual +6 limit,or be swapped to another Pokemon, and will reset to this level up Haze or similar. In addition, all attacks made against her will have a -5% reduction to cause the 'Flinch' effect. She is also immune to confusion caused by Katanna's Teeter Dance, and cannot use or be affected by Attract.

[Agni] Torkoal (M)
Ability: White Smoke

[Alphonse] Steelix (M)
Ability: Rock Head

[Moo] Drifblim (M)
Ability: Aftermath
Move Mod: Double Detonation
Description: Drifblim are one of the few Pokemon that learn Explosion naturally, and Moo can put this to good use. He channels copious amounts of volatile chemicals into any any body double he may have that's solid - a Substitute - and launches it in the general direction of the foe. After a few seconds, it explodes, inflicting 1/2 of the health the Substitute has left (Rounded up) on any Pokemon in a 6-foot radius of the double as it explodes. The energy used on this attack is equal to the energy used to make the Substitute in the first place.
Type: Ghost
Stat: Physical
Power: varies
Energy: varies
Accuracy: 95%
Effects: damages foe for amount equal to half health Substitute has remaining, Moo must have a Substitute to use it.
Usage Gap: 7 rounds

[Pancake] Dunsparce (F)
Ability: Serene Grace

[Ingrid] Flareon (F)
Ability: Flash Fire
EXP: 2

[Kate] Glameow (F)
Ability: Own Tempo
Move Mod: Glamour Shot
Description: Glameow are known to hypnotize enemies with their large enchanting eyes, and Kate has perfected this ability. She looks her foe in the eyes, and sends them a mental signal that convinces them that they are the most beautiful creature in existence. If the suggestion is successful, the foe is completely in love with themselves, and will take every opportunity to groom, preen, strut, or just stare in awe at their own refection. This may cause them to ignore orders. The move will fail if the foe has no eyes, or cannot see due to darkness or other obstructions. It will also fail if the foe’s ability is Oblivious.
Type: Psychic
Stat: Status
Energy: 5%
Accuracy: 90%
Target: Single
Effects: causes the foe to become attracted to themselves
Usage Gap: 2 rounds after the end of effects

[Cookie] Budew (F)
Ability: Battle Armour
EXP: 2
Happiness: 1
Body Mod: Full Metal
Description: Cookie was born quite different from most of her kind; She lacked the Poison type common to the Budew line, and instead was part Steel instead. This was attributed to the fact that there were Mawile a few generations back in her family tree. She lacks a few things that most of her kind have; the Poison type, of course, a few poison attacks, and the Poison Point ability. Instead she can use steel attacks and has the ability 'Battle Armour'.
Effects: Cookie is a Steel/Grass type. Ability changed to Battle Armour. - Sludge Bomb + Iron Head.

[Cid] Nidorino (M)
Ability: Rivalry
EXP: 2
Item: Amulet Coin

[Pipiri] Happiny (F)
Ability: Serene Grace
Item: Oval Stone

[Alleine] Cubone (F)
Ability: Rock Head

[Arru] Burmy (M)
Ability: Shed Skin

[Ganymede] Feebas (M)
Ability: Swift Swim
EXP: 3
Happiness: 3

[Spork] Sandshrew (M)
Ability: Sand Veil
EXP: 2

[Dhart] Zigzagoon (M)
Ability: Pickup

[Bard] Whismur (F)
Ability: Soundproof

[Jasmine] Buizel (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
EXP: 1

[Bad Romance] Ralts (F)
Ability: Synchronise

[Haikili] Pichu (F)
Ability: Static
EXP: 4

[Kaine] Rattata (M)
Ability: Guts

[Havoc] Sentret (M)
Ability: Keen Eye

[Pickles] Barboach (M)
Ability: Anticipation

[Flick] Starly (F)
Ability: Keen Eye

[Haiku] Riolu (M)
Ability: Steadfast

[Orion] Cleffa (F)
Ability: Magic Guard

[Poppy] Gible (F)
Ability: Sand Veil

[Tiptaptwo] Doduo (M)
Ability: Early Bird

[Engineer] Phanpy (M)
Ability: Pickup

[Alecsander] Teddiursa (M)
Ability: Guts

[Kusa] Aipom (F)
Ability: pickup

[Heavy] Munchlax (M)
Ability: Thick Fat

[Tobias] Pidgey (M)
Ability: Keen Eye

[Sniper] Horsea (M)
Ability: Sniper

[Astrid] Smoochum (F)
Ability: Forewarn

[Jinkosen] Piplup (M)
Ability: Torrent
EXP: 5

[Fledermaus] Zubat (M)
Ability: Inner Focus

[Fu] Growlithe (M)
Ability: Intimidate

[Grace] Skitty (F)
Ability: Cute Charm

[Bento] Larvitar (M)
Ability: Guts

[Alejandro] Misdreavus (M)
Ability: Levitate

[Fish] Magikarp (M)
Ability: Swift Swim

[Katniss] Taillow (F)
Ability: Guts

[Radiergummi] Taillow (M)
Ability: Guts

[Demoman] Exeggcute (M)
Ability: Chlorophyll

[Ein] Deino (F)
Ability: Hustle

[Jack] Oshawott (M)
Ability: Torrent

[Nasca] Sigilyph (F)
Ability: Magic Guard

[Brigid] Larvesta (F)
Ability: Flame Body

[Raviel] Zorua (M)
Ability: Illusion

[Peeta] Deerling (M)
Ability: Serene Grace

[Soldier] Rufflet (M)
Ability: Sheer Force

[Medic] Audino (M)
Ability: Regenerator

-- Inventory

1 Rare Candy
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220 134 Involuntary Twitch

-- Active

[Ganteiana] Combusken (F)
Ability: Blaze
EXP: 4

[Teropea] Tropius (F)
Ability: Chlorophyll
EXP: 5

[Waita] Spheal (M)
Ability: Thick Fat
EXP: 2

[Phanel] Alakazam (M)
Ability: Synchronize
EXP: 7
Move Mod: Tortured Souls of the Dragonslayer
Description: Phanel is more than a little insane. He believes himself to be destined to destroy the entirety of the Dragon element, and indeed has fought against many of them (Gible, Gabite, and Bagon for the Union, and many more before he joined.) His method of killing was not traditional sword-through-the-heart-style, but rather more devious: he would trap their minds in an alternate dimension.

Before his final stage of evolution, Phanel could only send minds to the dimension, and not during battle: he had to have his opponents fainted, and completely at his mercy. But with his evolution to Alakazam came complete understanding of the dimension, and now he is able to call upon the souls trapped within it and force them to do his bidding. They manifest as wisps of concentrated Dragon energy that pour from a portal Phanel opens in midair, and will savage anything they find that is alive until Phanel calls them back. Calling upon the dimension takes a massive toll on Phanel, however, in both energy and health.
Type: Dragon
Stat: Special
Power: 15% per action
Energy: 10% per action
Accuracy: 90%
Target: All
Duration: 2-3 actions
Effects: Unleashes dragon spirits unto the battlefield that attack anything living, or indeed anything that moves. Phanel can keep it open for up to 2 actions but pays 7% health for every action it is open. He then takes an action to close it, during which he cannot do anything else.
Usage Gap: Once per battle

[Sarae] Sheebit (F)
Ability: Inner Focus
EXP: 1
Body Mod: Fleetfoot
Description: Sarae was born in captivity to an illegal Pokemon breeder, and was labeled as a breeding female. In order to prevent her from hurting her fellows, the tips of her horns were clipped and capped with a blunt metal tip. But Sarae was smart, and she wasn't planning to stay trapped in the breeder's prison forever, so she learned to adapt so she could fight without her horns. So she trained her legs, practicing by running around the enclosure area and kicking the wall and toys and probably her littermates, too. Through all the training, her legs grew extremely well-muscled, as well as being slightly longer than those of most Sheebit. When the Union came to liberate her, she took off like a bullet the moment a hole was torn in a wall, her superior legs making her speedy, and she fought off the enemy with kicks.
Effects: Because of her blunted horns, slashing, goring, scratching, or stabbing attacks have their power reduced sharply-- by half at least. Attacks that are reduced are Slash, Horn Attack, and any attempt to scratch. She also cannot use horn drill.
Because of her extra-strong legs, however, every attack she uses that involves kicking (Double Kick, Low Kick, Mega Kick, etc.) has an additional 10 base power before all other calculations. She also has a permanent +1 speed.

[Danver] Rotom (X)
Ability: Levitate
EXP: 1
Body Mod: Phone Forme
Description: Danver has, among the multiple appliances it can possess, a cell phone in addition to the rest.
Effects: When in Phone Forme, it is able to utilize its signature move. Additionally, due to the lightweight and small nature of the phone, it starts the match one level of evasion higher. However, physical attacks do 2% more to it after calculations.
Move Mod: Phone Call
Description: Danver functions as the Union's communications device. He can instantaneously contact via phone call any of the other Union members stationed at the barracks, and shortly afterward they will arrive to help him out in battle, and then return to home base. If the arena is located somewhere distant, then teleportation is provided courtesy of Phanel. (This still takes the same amount of time as traveling by foot.) If it's a double battle, then obviously the Union member(s) fighting alongside Danver cannot be called upon. Previously defeated Pokemon from the same battle can be called, however. This attack can only be used while Danver is in Phone Forme.
Type: Varies
Stat: Varies
Power: Varies
Energy: 8%
Accuracy: 90%
Target: Varies
Duration: 1 action
Effects: Summons a random union member two actions after the call is made, similar to Future Sight. The Union member performs one attack and then leaves Union members who can come include:
Ganteiana (Flamethrower)
Teropea (Leaf Blade)
Waita (Ice Beam)
Phanel (Psychic)
Sarae (Earthquake)
Usage Gap: 4 rounds

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-- Inventory

1 Rare Candy
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2413 8 Raptorsaurus

-- Active

[Pet] Shuppet (M)
Ability: Insomnia

[Beedle] Karrablast (M)
Ability: Shed Skin

[Tripjaw] Archen (M)
Ability: Defeatist

[Sharps] Druddigon (M)
Ability: Rough Skin

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-- Inventory

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211 3 Deathguise

-- Active

[Furax] Spearow (M)
Ability: Keen Eye

[Skane] Swinub (M)
Ability: Oblvious

[Lockjaw] Carvanha (M)
Ability: Rough Skin

[Io] Drifloon (F)
Ability: Aftermath

[Vesvi] Numel (F)
Ability: Simple

[Anansi] Spinarak (F)
Ability: Swarm

[Tabar] Axew (M)
Ability: Mold Breaker

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-- Inventory
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1847 17 Dave Strider

-- Active

[Medium] Psyduck (M)
Ability: Damp
EXP: 1

[Dodo] Doduo (M)
Ability: Early Bird
EXP: 2

[Scratch] Meowth (M)
Ability: Pickup

[Simon] Hoothoot (M)
Ability: Insomnia
EXP: 1

[Andy] Hoppip (M)
Ability: Chlorophyll
EXP: 1

[Zoe] Spoink (F)
Ability: Own Tempo

[Jibakurei] Spiritomb (M)
Ability: Pressure

[Cragon] Dragomelet (M)
Ability: Solid Rock
EXP: 0

[Florence] Bulbasaur (F)
Ability: Overgrow

[Limobos] Growlithe (M)
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: Fire Stone

-- Boxed

[Electroplasm] Rotom (X)
Ability: Levitate

[Aiden] Sentret (M)
Ability: Keen Eye

[Darling] Bellsprout (F)
Ability: Chlorophyll

[Venena] Spinarak (F)
Ability: Insomnia

[Garnet] Psyduck (F)
Ability: Cloud Nine

[Mach] Taillow (M)
Ability: Guts

[Justin] Houndour (M)
Ability: Flash Fire
EXP: 1

[Valkyrie] Gyarados (F)
Ability: Intimidate

[Grizzle] Teddiursa (M)
Ability: Quick Feet
EXP: 1

[Desk Lamp] Lileep (M)
Ability: Suction Cups

[Harpi] Spraylet (F)
Ability: Torrent

[Frosti] Snover (F)
Ability: Snow Warning

[Cello] Torkoal (M)
Ability: White Smoke

[Klink] Klink (X)
Ability: Plus

-- Inventory

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Figured this'd be the best place to put this question- if we have a battle currently going, does it continue when the forums reopen?
116 75 Zora of Termina

-- Active

[Cyndra] Quilava (F)
Ability: Blaze
EXP: 4

[Sheila] Vulpix (F)
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: Fire Stone
EXP: 3

[Hera] Ralts (F)
Ability: Synchronize
Ability: 2

[Shiia] Chinchou (F)
Ability: Volt Absorb

[Frost] Eevee (M)
Ability: Adaptability

[Haven] Eevee (M)
Ability: Adaptability

[Sedgwick] Teddiursa (M)
Ability: Quick Feet

[Chimani] Kitora (F)
Ability: Cute Charm
EXP: 1

[The Goddamn Batzor] Zubat (F)
Ability: Inner Focus

[Agni] Flareon (F)
Ability: Flash Fire
EXP: 2

-- Stored

[Aethon] Ponyta (F)
Ability: Flash Fire

[Armando] Cubone (M)
Ability: Rock Head

[Tyra] Riolu (F)
Ability: Inner Focus

[Skye] Charmander (F)
Ability: Blaze

[Midnight] Sneasel (F)
Ability: Inner Focus

[FEESH] Magikarp (M)
Ability: Swift Swim

[Batzor II] Zubat (F)
Ability: Inner Focus

[Darkness] Gible (F)
Ability: Sand Veil

[Valkyrie] Meowth (F)
Ability: Technician

[Mr Frisky] Shuppet (M)
Ability: Frisk

[Mr Darcy] Ralts (M)
Ability: Synchronize

[Adelle] Feebas (F)
Ability: Swift Swim

[Scarlet] Zorua (F)
Ability: Illusion

[Mienfoo] Mienfoo (M)
Ability: Inner Focus

[Mienfoo] Mienfoo (M)
Ability: Inner Focus

[Deino] Deino (M)
Ability: Hustle

-- Inventory

1 Rare Candy
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104 22 Thunder

-- Active

[Magnemite] Magnemite (X)
Ability: Magnet Pull
EXP: 4

[Vulpix] Vulpix (F)
Ability: Flash Fire
EXP: 2

[Ghastly] Gastly (F)
Ability: Levitate
EXP: 1

[Squirt] Squirtle (F)
Ability: Torrent

[Digger] Diglett (M)
Ability: Sand Veil
EXP: 2
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Figured this'd be the best place to put this question- if we have a battle currently going, does it continue when the forums reopen?

Also, what about the 5th gen Pokemon that we claimed weeks/months ago? Do we add them to our profiles now?
Something I noticed while reformatting people's profiles: presumably a pokémon has to be listed as having one of its natural abilities, even if a modification would change that, right? Like, Zackrai's grimer has "no ability" and one of Dwagie's uberriolu has both inner focus and bad dreams; when I went in for edits I just randomly gave the grimer stench and only listed inner focus for the riolu. This is correct, right?
Figured this'd be the best place to put this question- if we have a battle currently going, does it continue when the forums reopen?
Yes. Nothing is getting restarted or anything; I'm just blocking posting for a little while so I can get a better grasp on the situation.

Something I noticed while reformatting people's profiles: presumably a pokémon has to be listed as having one of its natural abilities, even if a modification would change that, right? Like, Zackrai's grimer has "no ability" and one of Dwagie's uberriolu has both inner focus and bad dreams; when I went in for edits I just randomly gave the grimer stench and only listed inner focus for the riolu. This is correct, right?
Yes, all pokémon should be listed with one of their official abilities, whether or not it actually means anything given their attributes.
3106 33 ABCD

-- Active

[Cyan] squirtle (M)

[Elegance] ralts (F)
Ability: Synchronize

[Jolt] pichu (M)

[Xenon] drifblim (M)
Ability: Aftermath

-- Stored


-- Inventory

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2515 45 Steel Scyther

-- Active

[Matthew] meowth (M)
Ability: Technician

[Jessica] piplup (F)

[Seth] drifloon (M)
Ability: Aftermath

[Danny] corphish (M)
Ability: Hyper Cutter

[Bindi] sandile (F)
Ability: Anger Point

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-- Inventory

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2400 54 Steele

-- Active

[Baseskor] Trapinch (F)
Ability: Hyper Cutter

[Rift] Gengar (F)

[Rage Against the Machine] Bronzong (X)
Ability: Levitate

[Carrie] Quilava (F)

[Slayer] Larvitar (M)

[Spectre] Snorunt (F)
Ability: Inner Focus
Item: Dawn Stone

[Basilisk] Seviper (M)

[Furry] Zigzagoon (F)
Ability: Pickup

[Ascalon] Beldum (X)

[Rekkhyt] Sandile (M)
Ability: Intimidate

-- Boxed

[Nipper] Carvanha (M)

[Pervy Bunny] Buneary (F)
Ability: Run Away

[Cliff] Aron (M)
Ability: Rock Head

[Nightstalker] Scyther (M)
Ability: Swarm

[Alnwick] Magikarp (M)

-- Inventory

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3156 0 Iento

-- Active

[Diamondback] Ekans (M)
Ability: Shed Skin

[Mandelbrot] Croagunk (M)
Ability: Anticipation

[Prowler] Buizel (M)
Ability: Swift Swim

[Groundhog] Swinub (F)
Ability: Oblivious

[Basil] Bulbasaur (M)

[Athena] Purrloin (F)
Ability: Prankster

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-- Inventory

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