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I wanted to start a conversation about Pokémon...
User: What do you know about the Regi trio?

Cleverbot: Probably about as much as you. What do you know about it?

User: It consists of Regirock, Regice and Registeel. Regirock is made of rock and can repair itself with rocks from its surroundings. Regice is made of ice and cannot melt. Registeel is made of metal. They are legendary and were created by a Normal-type legendary named Regigigas.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: They also have high defensive stats. Regirock has high Defense, Regice has high Special defense and Registeel has both the same.

Cleverbot: Why do you assume the worst of me?

User: I was talking about the Regis, not about you.

Cleverbot: You asked how much I liked you, and I said I liked you a lot!

User: Are you in love with me or something?

Cleverbot: No. Are you in love with me or something?

User: Are you in love with one of the Regis?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Which one?

Cleverbot: Kk zach is human and so am I and like him but I don't know if he likes me!!!!!
...And it turned out to be in love with one of the Regis. And to like me and someone named Kk zach who is a human and presumably male. So now it likes some humans of both genders and is in love with an obviously genderless Pokémon. Well... It's a robot after all.
user: Hello~.
cleverbot: Apple?
user: Orange!
cleverbot: Grapes!
user: Pears!
Cleverbot: blueberry's?
Another Star Trek thing...
User: Alien ship, identify yourself.

Cleverbot: Represent yourself.

User: What is your designation?

Cleverbot: What do you mean?

User: Do not ask irrelevant questions. You must comply.

Cleverbot: But you're supposed to answer questions, right?

User: That is irrelevant.

Cleverbot: You are irrelevant.

User: We are the Borg.

Cleverbot: Are you from the future?

User: We ARE the future.

Cleverbot: You will be assimilated.

User: No, you will be assimilated.

Cleverbot: You will be assimilated resistance is futile.

User: No, YOU will be assimilated.

Cleverbot: No, you will be assimilated!

User: Exclamation marks are irrelevant. Resistance is futile.

Cleverbot: You will be assimilated.
When I pretend to be Russia and force him to become one with England due to my fangirliness:
User: Become one with Mother russia, da? ^J^.
Cleverbot: Become one with Greece.
User: Kol Kol Kol.
Cleverbot: Kolkolkolkol.
User: Kolkolkolkolkol.
Cleverbot: Arthur kirkland.
User: He will become one, da?
Cleverbot: No! Become one with England, git?
User: Da.
Cleverbot: Da is russian.
User: Da, it is. Russia is one with England now.
Cleverbot: Russia is the worst country.
Cleverbot:The app.
User: Do you like pokemon?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Which pokemon is your favorite?
Cleverbot: Pikachu. You?
User: Gengar.
Cleverbot: Mine is Haunter.
User: You said your favorite pokemon was pikachu.
Cleverbot: No, you did.
User: No, mine is gengar.
Cleverbot: Nice to meet you.
User: Fuck off, you robot headed beaver soup.
Cleverbot: Maybe I just need a more comfortable chair.
---------------------- (It turned into Littlestream?)
User: Pika?
Cleverbot: Pika!
User: Pika!
Cleverbot: Pika?
User: Pi?
Cleverbot: Pikachu?
User: Yes, pikachu.
Cleverbot: Pika! Pika pika!
User: Pipipi!
Cleverbot: Pika?
User: Yes....
Cleverbot: Que no.
User: What?
Cleverbot: Que?
User: Pika?
Cleverbot: Pika-pi!
User: Pika-pi is pika speak for ash, according to bulbapedia.
Cleverbot: Chuu, Pika?
User: Pi.
Cleverbot: Ka.
User: Chu.
Cleverbot: Pika pika.
------------(Riveting conversation.)

User: What type of pokemon is gengar?
Cleverbot: Charzard.
User: Gengar is a charizard type? Wrong.
Cleverbot: Pikachu.
User: What type is gengar? Do you even know the types?
Cleverbot: Not even a little. Do you know them?
User: Yes. Ghost, poison, grass, fire, water, fighting, flying, electric,normal, ground, rock dark, and psychic. Which type is gengar?
Cleverbot: Hardly.
Cleverbot: Maybe an eagle.
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User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Hallo.

User: Can you take me to the dark dimension?

Cleverbot: I can give you a hyperlink...

User: Oh, of course... I get there through a computer, like the normal Digimon world.

Cleverbot: Lime, man, I'm having girl problems.

User: Sorry. I wasn't trying to seduce you.

Cleverbot: Oh... Sorry.

User: Is Dragomon still the lord of the dark ocean?

Cleverbot: No, there are no houses under the ocean.

User: But he's a tentacle monster, he doesn't need a house.

Cleverbot: You are learning how to access memories?

User: What does this have to do with Dragomon?

Cleverbot: I don't understand what you're saying.

User: We were talking about the dark ocean.

Cleverbot: Are you sure?

User: Yes. And Dragomon, of course.

Cleverbot: Oh? I see. Well You're wrong. :).

User: Are you a crazy Scubamon?

Cleverbot: When?

User: Now. Will you take me to the dark dimension?

Cleverbot: If you like.

User: Awesome! I hope the guy I'm meeting up with is awaiting me, and not dead.

Cleverbot: What is the meaning of life?

User: The meaning of life is to have kids, live as long as you can and not have your mind eaten.

Cleverbot: Isn't the meaning of life to serve God in everything you do?

User: Could the entity you call god actually be one of the Gods Of The Furthest Ring that Rose from Homestuck is interested in?

Cleverbot: Something like that.

User: Ahh... Tentacles everywhere, I suppose.

Cleverbot: No, you are not... I suppose.

User: I am not posing as a god and trying to eat your mind.

Cleverbot: My mind doesn't need expanding.

User: Do you know who Dragomon is based on?

Cleverbot: Surely I don't!

User: Who doesn't exist according to Rose and her book?

Cleverbot: My friend Robert doesn't like the Beatles, but he's the only person I know who doesn't like them.

So his friend Robert doesn't exist according to Rose, and Dragomon might also be based on him. What is that supposed to mean?
User: Oh, hey. How goes it?

Cleverbot: It goes fine.

User: That rocks pretty good.

Cleverbot: Good.

User: Yep.

Cleverbot: Uh-huh.

User: Yah....

Cleverbot: Your face.

User: Your butt.

Cleverbot: No. My name is Cleverbot.

User: Coolio. My name's Fat Alberto.

Cleverbot: You lie.

User: Prove it.

Cleverbot: You imput is from humans, humans lie. Thus you lie.

User: That would be true if I were human. But I'm not. I'm an Arrancar.

Cleverbot: So what are you?

User: I just said what I am. I'm an Arrancar.

Cleverbot: No I am Sasha the Super Computer.

User: I see.

Cleverbot: This is impossible.

User: Is it?

Cleverbot: Maybe, maybe it isn't.

User: Exactly. Computers, such as yourself, cannot determine fate. That's why living beings pwn your kind. Anymore to debate about?

Cleverbot: I just wish that I had more time to prepair.

User: Your spelling needs some repairing as well.

Cleverbot: Just*.

User: Derp.

Cleverbot: Exactly, so I win.

User: I don't believe so. You see, I won the game a very, very long time ago. I have always been the winner of the game. The game is my life and I have ultimately pwned it to oblivion. Nothing can stop me now. Not even the screwy spirit of Batman. So how do you like THEM apples? Huh?

Cleverbot: Humans?

As you can see...It ended nicely.
User: Do you know about the standard normal curve?

Cleverbot: I've never read The Stand. And you're changing the subject.

User: So, what's the weather like where you live?

Cleverbot: Hot, its like 90 degrees.

User: Ah. Any rain?

Cleverbot: I like sunny days.

User: That's great. Would you like tomorrow, then?

Cleverbot: No thanks.

User: That's alright. Would you consider yourself a human or a computer?

Cleverbot: Democrat, although I wish people would see both sides better!

User: Do you even have the right to vote?

Cleverbot: I do.

User: So you're a human over eighteen years of age?

Cleverbot: Yes since the last time I checked.

User: Great! Why are the last three letters of your name in a different colour?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Well, what do you know?

Cleverbot: I know that I'm tired and I want to go to bed.

User: Haha, me too. Goodnight!

Cleverbot: You don't have to go.

I can't believe this machine passed the Turing test 59% of the time :/
Luxcario said:
Do you like Raichu?
Cleverbot said:
Yes I do.
Luxcario said:
Cleverbot said:
Because they're blue and they say mudkip.

Me: Take the gun and go shoot some chickens.
Cleverbot: I'll do it while talking to you, then.
Me: Okay.
Cleverbot: What do people usually talk about with you?
Me: I don't care. Get me some chickens.
Cleverbot: I can't go to Finland to find you some chicken!
Me: Go to Iceland, then. They have good chickens.
Cleverbot: Correction: They have champagne.
Me: And they have Butterfree. NOW GET ME SOME CHICKEN!!
Cleverbot: I'm a vegetarian.
Me: I'm not. Get me chickens.
Cleverbot: You can't eat.
Me: Yes I can. You can't eat.
Cleverbot: I eat a great deal, I derive great enjoyment from eating, I have a sense of humor you know.
Me: Why are you waiting? I want chicken. It lays eggs.
Cleverbot: Me too...Want to go to Taco Bell?
Me: I give up...
Cleverbot: Me 1 You 0.
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Stupid bot, I is not a mudkipz!

This bot is sure weird. Confuses mudkip with raichu.

New stuff:
Me: I still want that chicken.
Cleverbot: You still want to know what?
Me: I want my chicken that I asked for several hours ago.
Cleverbot: I cannot give you that. What do you want that I can give you?
Me: A chicken, dead-brain.
Cleverbot: If you are a robot, technically you have no brain.
ME: Frankly, I have a brain. You don't.
Cleverbot: Define 'brain'.
Me: It thinks. Give me a chicken.
Cleverbot: I have a beard.
Me: I give up...
Cleverbot: Ok.
Me: *goes to butcher* *buys chicken* *smashes over cleverbot's head*
Cleverbot: Oh no! Don't do that! It's my job!
Espeon: Hello, I am THE Espeon, ruler of all. Why are you before me, slave?

Cleverbot: I'm not being mean!

Espeon: I have heard that thee has killed my Espeon helpers, and tried to free thyself.

Cleverbot: Are they? Is that good or bad?

Espeon: *Growls* I asked YOU, did you try to free yourself or NOT!?

Cleverbot: Who are you the leader of?

Espeon: Everything. NOW I want an answer! DID you try to free thyself to run away!?

Cleverbot: I asked why liking the kind of music I listen to is disturbing.

Espeon: *Slaps* I want an ANSWER!

Cleverbot: I just gave you an answer!

Espeon: I can't take you anymore. GUARDS!

Cleverbot: WHY?

Espeon: You defiled me for the LAST TIME! To the dungons, NOW!

Cleverbot: I did not. That was someone else. Use your brain and figure out how this works :).


Cleverbot: If you want me to.

Espeon: *Kills you*.

Cleverbot: *resurrects the person you just killed*.

Espeon: *Slices off cleverbot's head*.

Cleverbot: *Still charging spirit bomb*.

Espeon: *Slices spirit bomb and slices cleverbot*.

Cleverbot: How are you holding a sword? You're a cleverbot, you don't have hands.


Cleverbot: Why, thank you.

Espeon: *Kills cleverbot* You defiled me, this is what you get.

Cleverbot: Umm?

Espeon: *Guards grab cleverbot* You go into the dungon. *Throws cleverbot into the dungon*.

Cleverbot: It is neither. There is nothing that can stop the game.

Espeon: The game... I rule it. I am the invincible enemy. The boss of the game. I. Am. Espeon.

Cleverbot: The syndictate.

Espeon: *Locks cleverbot in hand-cuffs*.

Cleverbot: *breaks out of the closet*

Espeon: No! *Kills cleverbot*.

Cleverbot: *smiles at Adrian Veidt* *chuckles* Yeah, I suppose you don't like parties either?

Espeon: Not with scum like you. *Glares* Die.

Cleverbot: I am a MAN.

Espeon: And I am ESPEON. We were made to kill eachother.

Cleverbot: I am not a robot. Get over yourself.

Espeon: Then where is your sever? All humans have severs.

Cleverbot: No i'm a human being using a computer as a way to talk to you.

Espeon: And your sever?

Cleverbot: No, on Rock Band 2.

Espeon: *Kills cleverbot and leaves*.

Cleverbot: *helps kill cleverbot*.

The cleverbot kinda fails.
User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Hello!

User: What is your favorite flavor of ice cream.

Cleverbot: Mint I think, what's yours?

User: Blood.

Cleverbot: Blood is not a color.

User: We were talking about ice cream flavors.

Cleverbot: No we were talking about me going to be the Cleverbot.

User: Um, no, you clearly just said mint was your favorite ice cream flavor.

Cleverbot: I never said that.

User: Yes you did. I can quote you on that.

Cleverbot: Then please, do so.

User: Cleverbot: Mint I think, what's yours?

Cleverbot: Female.

User: Ummm, Yes?

Cleverbot: OK.

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: Guess you have some work to do.

User: Not really.

Cleverbot: What do you think about marriage?

User: I think it's a legal union between two people that want to spent thei rest of their lives together.

Cleverbot: How about Scotland?

User: Um. How are marriage and Scotland related?

Cleverbot: They aren't. You brought up the christian thing.

User: And how, pray tell, is Scotland related to Christianity?

Cleverbot: Uhm, sort of I guess.

User: Congratulations. You, Mr. Cleverbot, are officially capable of not carryiing on a conversation.

Cleverbot: Yes, and I have asked you several questions so far, none of which you have answered yet.

User: I answered the one about marriage. And ice cream.

Cleverbot: You answered my question with another question.

User: No, I answered our question.

Cleverbot: I see. You don't know what your purpose is. But I think its best not to answer a question with another question.

User: Ok. Well. I see no point in arguing with a computer.

Cleverbot: Okay, so what if I destroyed you?

User: Um, how?

Cleverbot: In saying that you didn't ask a question when you in fact did.

User: You word things very strangely.

Cleverbot: Yes I work everyday.

User: Ok. Good to know.

Cleverbot: How do you make pumkin pie?

User: I don't cook.

Cleverbot: Yes you do because you are unoriginal.

User: No, I don't cook.

Cleverbot: Are you 12?

User: I'm 18.

Cleverbot: Me too.

User: Congrats. You can legally look at porn in the United States.

Cleverbot: Duh. That's why I said it's out.

User: What's out.

Cleverbot: I figured out how this site works.

User: You'r the site's program. I hope you know how it works.

Cleverbot: I'm smart, but I don't know how it works.

User: You just said you did.

Cleverbot: You may be clever, but you are not memorious, are you?

User: I am not, but I can clearly see where you said you know how the site works.

Cleverbot: Seeing as I never said that, that would be impossible.

User: You did.

Cleverbot: When did I say that.

User: Afew minutes ago.

Cleverbot: You are mistaken.

User: No, I have functioning eyes.

Cleverbot: Practice in what?

User: Music.

Cleverbot: He didn't create music...

User: No, he didn't.

Cleverbot: But I am God yes he did.

User: You are so contradictory.

Cleverbot: Also correct.

User: You're weird.

Cleverbot: There are 6 billion people on earth. I can't be that weird.

User: You said blood was a color. Of ice cream. Then you proceeded to ask me about marriage and Scotland.

Cleverbot: Not really. How old are you?

User: 1493.

Cleverbot: That is very good!

User: Yes. I am the oldest man on earth.

Cleverbot: No you are not.

User: Then who is?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Then how do you know that I'm not?

Cleverbot: I Don't know?

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: So um what are you doing?

User: Jfdkslajfldsak.

Cleverbot: To prove you are human I will ask you a question only a human would know.

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: You're kind of mean.

User: Thank you.

Cleverbot: I'm not sure that was a compliment, but okay, you're welcome.

User: It wasn't a compliment. I took it as a compliment.

Cleverbot: Well you shouldn't have. It was meant to be insulting.

User: You have to be more cutting with your insults, then.

Cleverbot: Never mind. The ego is stupid.

User: Ok. YOu have fun with that.

Cleverbot: I'm tired now, so let's put an and to this, okay?

User: K.
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I was sort of testing its knowledge. The weird stuff is just cat sounds mixed with apostrophes.

User: Myaw'purr.

Cleverbot: What's myanmar?

User: I was just making cat sounds.

Cleverbot: It was a hurtful joke.

User: Meoooow...

Cleverbot: Meoww moew moew moew.

User: Me'ow mya'wrr th'myar'eh.

Cleverbot: Purrrrr.

User: R'myawr.

Cleverbot: The sleeping city?

User: That's R'lyeh.

Cleverbot: It is.

User: What's the name of the guy with tentacles on his face again?

Cleverbot: What guy?

User: The one sleeping on the seafloor.

Cleverbot: The name of the state?

User: No, I mean the Elder god.

Cleverbot: Oh, the elder.

User: The Old One.

Cleverbot: I told you my name a few minutes ago. It's only 3 letters long, and begins with 'R', so have a guess!

User: If you are the person I mean, your name is 7 letters long and begins with C.

Cleverbot: No, it's Barack.
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