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Cryptica vs. Chewy the Crispy Crunch


New member
1vs1 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 5 days
Damage Cap: 25%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Weather-changing moves, Flying-type moves
Arena: Gust Valley

Gust Valley is an old abandoned quarry with a small trickle of water running through the middle. However this is not much, so Water-type moves' power are lowered by 6% after all other calculations. Pokemon that require being in water cannot be used here since there is nothing but the miniscule stream splitting the quarry in half. There are plenty of rocks here, so Rock-type moves take 4% less energy to use because of the large supply that can easily be taken advantage of. Due to the fact that clouds barely ever gather here, Sunny Day is always in effect and the weather cannot be changed. For every turn there is a 10% chance of rocks falling from the top of the quarry, creating a Rock-type rock slide that damages any Pokemon in its way (standard damage is 5% of the Pokemon's max HP). By now you're probably wondering how this place got the name "Gust Valley." It's because that a strong, constant wind is blowing through every part of the quarry, so Flying-type moves can't be used unless the user wants to get its face smashed into the wall of the valley. However, Flying-type Pokemon may be used, but will be carried far with the wind if they try to fly. For some reason, however, jumping Pokemon aren't carried by the wind... maybe because Flying-types are lighter?

Cryptica's Active Team:

[Mist] Magikarp (Female)
Ability: Swift Swim
EXP: 0

[Flight] Ledyba (Male)
Ability: Early Bird
EXP: 1

[Soelia] Ralts (Female)
Ability: Trace
EXP: 0

[Whirlpool] Buizel (Male)
Ability: Swift Swim
EXP: 2

[Toko] Machop (Male)
Ability: Guts
EXP: 0

Chewy the Crispy Crunch's Active Team:

Name: Shroud
Gender: Male
Ability: Overgrow
Experience: 0/2
Item: None

Name: Frost
Gender: Male
Ability: Snow Warning
Experience: 0/5
Item: None

Name: Glade
Gender: Female
Ability: Poison Point
Experience: 0/2
Item: None

Cryptica sends out first.
Chewy the Crispy Crunch sends out and makes first commands.
Cryptica makes commands.
I'll begin reffing after that.
Urk, second battle.

I send out Glade, my Budew!

Okay, Glade. Let's start out by putting out some defenses. Use Spikes all over the ground and some around the edges of the valley in case Toko tries to use those. Now use Extrasensory unless that Machop tries to use Protect/Detect/defend itself; then use Toxic. Finish off with another Extrasensory.

Alright, Toko, let's see what you can do.

First, I'll have you use Scary Face on that Budew so that it can't attack so quickly. When that's done, go ahead and hit it with Fire Punch. But if it tries to protect itself, use Focus Energy instead. Once you're finished with that, go ahead and use Seismic Toss.

Scary Face ~ Fire Punch/Focus Energy ~ Seismic Toss
It's the beginning of a new battle here at Gust Valley. The refferee approaches the combattants and their pokemon, trying to retain some kind of dignity as she fights against the wind that blows her hair about in all directions. Despite the roaring gusts of wind, the atmosphere is thick with tension. At any moment the scree slopes and rock faces that surround the battlefield could suddenly without warning come thundering down into the quarry, causing heavy damage to all in its wake.

The signal is given for the battle to start and the commands are issued.

Round 1 Begin

Cryptica's Pokemon: O
Toko (male)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Raring to go and flexing his muscles.
Commands: Scary Face ~ Fire Punch/Focus Energy ~ Seismic Toss

Chewy the Crispy Crunch's Poekmon: O
Glade (female)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Smiling cutely in the sunshine.
Commands: Spikes~Extrasensory/Toxic~Extrasensory

Glade is the first to react. The bud on her head snaps open as it begins to eject dozens of tiny wooden tetrahedral spikes. They scatter in bursts all around Toko, causing him to go cautiously rigid. Smiling sweetly, Glade turns herself slowly as she fires more caltrops all around as close to the valley slopes as she possibly can. Some fall between rocks and are lost, and many are blown away from her desired target by the strong wind as they are flung higher up into the air. They rain back down towards her direction, scattering on the ground just a few yards away from both pokemon.

Despite this, her smile persists, but not for long. Toko locks eyes with Glade's, capturing her attention. For a few seconds it would seem Toko was staring her down, when in a flash his face makes a hiddeous transformation. Eyes bulge, teeth gleam, brows crumple. His sudden bloodshot stare spooks the little budew, causing her to do a little jump. He drools and snarls for added effect, unsettling Glade's already pounding heart.

Toko can hardly contain his satisfaction as a smile creeps across his face. Like a deer caught in the headlights Glade stands motionless with her mouth ajar. Toko has enough time to wipe the drool from his face with his forearm before taking his chance to strike first with his next attack. Forgetting about the spikes lying all around him, he launches forward with his fist clenched only to feel a sudden jolt of pain in both of his feet. His whole body jerks at the sudden sensation of having the soft, fleshy underside of his feet impailed by sharp, splintering wood. Pearls of tears appear at the corner of his eyes. He can't possibly bear being embarassed in such a way, and ploughs on ahead with his attack, feet stinging or not.

Toko's clenched fist burns a bright orange with fiery energy as he launches it towards the stunned Glade. Like a meteorite on collision course the fire ball that was Toko's fist makes its impact on budew's face. Her squeal is silenced by the wallop and the roaring flames as she bounces across the ground from the force of the strike. As she lays motionless for a moment, smoke starts to whisp away from her face. It takes her a while to pull herself up into a sitting position, wailing painfully. The black, charred patch on her skin around her left eye becomes visible, red glowing embers fed by the wind and intensifying with each gust.

Her lip quivvers as she stumbles to her feet, forcing herself not to cry, knowing she would need complete control for her attack. As Toko had done before, Glade catches his attention by staring him down. Slowly, her eyes begin to dry of tears and her lip ceases to shake. Her conciousness exits her body as she begins to search Toko's mind, leaving behind an emotionless shell staring deep into Toko's soul. Toko doesn't know why, but he begins to feel afraid. The burn that he had inflicted on the baby pokemon and it's lifeless eyes instills a feeling of panic in his mind. A headache rapidly develops, causing his eyes to twitch, and eventually close tightly shut. He grasps his head with his hands as the pain becomes excruciating, making him claw into his scalp and grit his teeth in order to attempt to control his own mind. A purple glowing smoke rises from his head like fire as his thoughts raced faster than he could process them. Losing sight of where he was or what he was doing, and only wanting the unbearable consuming pain to stop, he let out a final cry before falling to his knees.

The shine in Glade's eyes returned. Despite the burn stinging away at her face, she was satisfied with her revenge, cracking a brief smile. Toko sits hunched over, staring at the ground, the pain ebbing away from his head. Slowly, his face looks up at Glade. Fury burned in his eyes. How dare that budew invade his thoughs. He dashes to his feet in blind rage, stomping towards Glade before grabbing her by the bud on her head and swinging her around. Using the squealing Glade's momentum he gives one final swing before releasing her into the air, his teeth gritting with anger. Her little voice dims as she rapidly gains more distance between her and her opponent, appearing smaller and smaller. A light thud is all that can be heard as her frail body hits a rock face.

Gasps are heard all around, from both the trainers and the refferee. An uneasy silence envelops the arena as everyone listenes for the beginnings of an avalanche that could be triggered from such an impact. Luckily however, there is no such sound.

Thinking the round is over, Toko turns around and happily wipes his hands together signifying a job well done. It takes a moment for him to realise a familiar uneasiness, causing his grin to slowly drop. A frown twitches across his face as he feels another wave of pain growing inside his head. Panicked gasps of dread heave from his chest as he begins to stagger about. He flops down onto his back, swirls in his eyes, unable to keep his bearings.

The burnt and bruised Glade hops down the slope to meet her opponent. Despite the success of her attack, she appears none too happy about her treatment.

Round 1 End

Cryptica's Pokemon: O
Toko (male)
Health: 85%
Energy: 86%
Status: Dizzy and wobbly, headache slowly fading. Angry at Glade for attacking his mind.

Chewy the Crispy Crunch's Poekmon: O
Glade (female)
Health: 82%
Energy: 86%
Status: Burned, bruised, not having any fun. Reduced speed.
-3% health from burn

Summary and Notes:

- There are spikes all over one side of the quarry, but the wind prevented Glade from being able to distribute them fully.
- Toko was hurt from running on spikes.
- Cryptica issues commands first.
- Chewy the Crispy Crunch issues commands second.
- I reff after that and when I do, I will attempt to make the reffing less tedious to read.
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Alright. I feel a bit bad for burning that Budew, but whatever. She attacked your thoughts and now you have to get revenge!

I think you should use a Cross Chop first, just to get going. When that's done I think you should go for Leer. But if Glade somehow protects itself, use Focus Energy instead. An then... another Fire Punch might do the trick.

Cross Chop ~ Leer/Focus Energy ~ Fire Punch

Anyways, let's try to be more defensive this time. First use Double Team, unless Toko doesn't attack, due to the spikes or any other reason, then use Toxic. (Okay, that sounded confusing. Basically, Double Team, and if Toko doens't attack, Toxic. Or maybe it's just me.)

Now use another Double Team, unless, again, Toko doesn't attack, where you should use Extrasensory (mwahaha).

Oh wait, I just remembered that Toko's going to probably shatter me with Fire Punch. Glade, finish off with Water Sport to weaken any future Fire moves, unless Toko doesn't attack (again), where I want you to use Extrasensory.

Double Team/Toxic~Double Team/Extrasensory~Water Sport/Extrasensory
Round 2 Begin

Cryptica's Pokemon: O
Toko (male)
Health: 85%
Energy: 86%
Status: Dizzy and wobbly, headache slowly fading. Angry at Glade for attacking his mind.
Commands: Cross Chop ~ Leer/Focus Energy ~ Fire Punch

Chewy the Crispy Crunch's Poekmon: O
Glade (female)
Health: 82%
Energy: 86%
Status: Burned, bruised, not having any fun. Reduced speed.
Commands: Double Team/Toxic~Double Team/Extrasensory~Water Sport/Extrasensory

A dizzy Toko staggers to his feet. Glade steps backwards, still cautious of her opponent. Toko, not wanting to let on that he was slightly afraid of the budew's psychic attack, charges towards her. He leaps up into the air, raising his arms and straigtening his hands. They come down upon Glade's forehead in a crossing motion. A flash of light emits from the force of the strike as the cracking sound echoes off the walls of the quarry. Glade has a look of shock plastered on to her face as she tumbles backwards, before coming to a halt, flat on her face, amongst the rocks.

Toko was not as quick to assume victory as he was before, and he would be right. Glade lifts herself up on to her feet suprisingly unfazed by the attack, ignoring the throbbing lump on her head. Her uneasiness from Toko's frightening act faded, as can be seen by the look of pure determination on her face. She gives out a little squeak before zipping back and forth with blinding speed. Her actions are invisible to Toko as she moves so quickly it soon appeares that there are two perfectly still Glades. Soon, those two turn into three. Toko's stares on silently with his eyes darting between the three, concentrating hard on trying to figure out which one is the real Glade.

It's impossible to tell who to leer to, and before he has enough time to decide the two outermost Glades seem to double once again. Each one of them taunts him with that sickeningly cute, smug smile, causing him to clench his fist. Toko closes his eyes, calming his thoughts, and begins to focus on the task at hand. He finds his inner strength, all the while listening to the rapid patter of footsteps, trying to pin-point Glade as she moves between her clones...

Meanwhile, Glade obeys her trainer's commands with enthusiasm. Each clone's bud opens up and sprinkles showers of cooling crystal clear water, drenching each clone and the ground around them. Steam hisses from the burn on each clone's face simultaneously, as they all sigh with glee at the relief from the sting of the burn.

...Toko has it! He locks on to the sound of Glade as she quickly mantains her clones. His fist glows orange and begins to burn with flames that violently crackle in the strong wind. He charges towards the clones, careful of his timing in order to hit Glade just as she passes. He launches into one of the Glades with his fist flying forward... only to stumble through it! He looked back in disbelief as the smiling clone faded.

Round 2 End

Cryptica's Pokemon: O
Toko (male)
Health: 85%
Energy: 74%
Status: Focused and prepared, a little miffed that he was so sure he would hit the real Glade but didn't.

Chewy the Crispy Crunch's Poekmon: O
Glade (female)
Health: 74%
Energy: 78%
Status: The glowing embers on her Burn have been snuffed out by the water, so she is suffering a little less from it. Feeling secure amongst her clones*.
*3 clones remain (along with real Glade that's 4 budews)
-2% health from burn.

Summary and Notes:

- One of Glade's 4 clones was destroyed, leaving three aside from real Glade.
- Fire Punch missed so no damage was dealt for it.
- Glade's speed returned to normal after the first move of the round.
- Chewy the Crispy Crunch issues commands first.
I think we should taunt Toko some more... heh heh heh.

Okay, Glade, start out with another Double Team, unless Toko doesn't attack, where you should use Toxic. However, if Toko uses a Fire move, use another Water Sport.

Now use another Double Team, but use Attract if Toko doesn't attack. Again, if he uses a Fire move, use Water Sport.

Finally, use another Double Team unless Toko doesn't attack; then use Extrasensory. And once more, Water Sport if he uses a Fire move.

Double Team/Toxic/Water Sport~Double Team/Attract/Water Sport~Double Team/Extrasensory/Water Sport
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For the last move, did you mean use water sport if he uses a fire move? Since you have two options for if he doesn't attack...
First, I'll have you use Karate Chop, but if Glade doesn't use an attack then use Focus Energy. After that, do a Vital Throw, and then you can throw a Seismic Toss. But if Budew uses an attack move, go with Wake-up Slap instead.

Karate Chop/Focus Energy ~ Vital Throw ~ Seismic Toss/Wake-up Slap
If there hasn't been a reffing in months, bumping your threads is not likely to have any positive effect. Soliciting an emergency referee and/or PM Amoeba about the battle would be the way to go.
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