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Daily Pokemon Discussions

This makes me think of all the times I'd yell out "HURR DURR IT'S A GURR DURR" while playing.

And Seaking was the second pokemon I've ever raised to lvl. 100.
Gurdurr is probably my least favorite Pokemon from Gen 5, maybe in general. It just looks really ugly and dumb to me. I'm fine with Timburr and Conkeldurr, but I just don't like Gurdurr.

...So of course, I found a shiny one. Gaaaaame...
can't look at gurrdurr without thinking I AM BENDER PLEASE INSERT GIRDER
can't look at gurrdurr without thinking I AM BENDER PLEASE INSERT GIRDER

...it took me reading GIRDER to finally get the name pun. Man, am I ever slow!

Moving on, I'm pretty indifferent on Vespiquen. I like some of her design motifs like the gem and honeycomb dress, but I feel like there's a lot of minor details that don't really add much in the terms of design. And I'm not a big fan of Honey Trees or Combee's 1/8 female to male ratio. >: Although, I did use a rental one in PBR that worked well.

I absolutely loove koi and goldfish! But, while I normally like chubby circular critters, I think I'd like Seaking more if it had a more slender build. I've never used one in game, but I just might if I play RBY again. (Waterfall!)

Beyond just now getting it's name pun, I'm not a particularly big fan of Gurrdurr! Circuses have never really interested me...and Gurrdurr's this odd mix between a muscle-builder and clown. I also find its colors somewhat uninteresting, too. I did, however, like that Gurrdurr in PokéPark2's character. :D
Not a fan of the design, but I love Gurdurr's ability to dish out massive damage.

Between Chip Away, Poison Jab, Low Kick, and Stone Edge, there wasn't a single Pokemon that I encountered that could wall my Stenr.
This makes me think of all the times I'd yell out "HURR DURR IT'S A GURR DURR" while playing.

Yes, I also noticed that its name sounded like "hurr durr".

Wait, if it's supposed to be a clown, shouldn't it be part Dark? Argh, so many Pokémon remind me of Gamzee. Pinsir with its huge horns, Mr. Mime, Smeargle, now this... Why am I thinking there should be someone even stronger but also more dignified to counter this monster?

Oh my, not only its muscles are coming out of its body, but its skull is shaped like its brain. Insane.
My brother and I got a real kick of gurdurr if not only because we ended up calling it GURRDURRHURR for months. Apart from that there's not that much to say about it. It has a really dumb design and I haven't used it because I prefer Sawk or Scrafty.

That being said, not fond of clowns to begin with. *shudder*
All this hate on Gurrdurr? I used to think it was too hilarious to be taken seriously, but, after catching one as a Timburr in my White Nuzlocke and with it being the only survivor to Lenora (poor Tepig died, right before it evolved. ;^;), I started loving it forever and started to only use that while giving it a Lucky Egg (Lil' Gurrdurr got to the E4 at level 60 before it died against Caitlin).

... I love Gurrdurr now. <3
Revive power gogogo!
RNG says 343, so Baltoy it is!

Bulbapedia says it's based on a "shakōkidogū" or space clay figurine. Baltoy always looked kinda weird to me. Its typing is... unique. Ground-Psychic? I've never used it, but apparently it's an underrated dual screener.
Baltoy is an interesting Pokemon. It is funny since it can act like a top and it is called the Clay Doll Pokemon...A very odd idea that is AWESOME!
Baltoy, the RNG just loves Psychic types. =P Erm, design is actually quite inventive. One of my favorite 3rd Gen Pokemon (not forgetting Mudkip =P)
Baltoy is Team Magma's counterpart to Carvanha, isn't it? (Why do they even prefer Ground to Fire?) It appears to have higher defensive stats. And each of its types is weak to one of Carvanha's types. Argh.

I don't know much about it, but I kind of like Psychic-types.
Baltoy is Team Magma's counterpart to Carvanha, isn't it? (Why do they even prefer Ground to Fire?) It appears to have higher defensive stats. And each of its types is weak to one of Carvanha's types. Argh.

I don't know much about it, but I kind of like Psychic-types.

I thought Numel was their counterpart to Carvanha?

plus ground=land
Numel is indeed Carvanha's counterpart. Only Emerald Team Magma ever carried Baltoy, and even then, it was only a couple grunts.
Corsola!...It's pretty useless. According to Smogon, it can be used as a one-time check to Moltres, so that's...something. I wouldn't have a problem with it being bad if its design wasn't so bland. Though I do its colors.
Corsola. Pink and white thing that's... um... coral, and people build towns on it?
...Yep. Also, one-time check to Moltres is kinda cool.
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