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Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie


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Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

A huge beer can came crashing down to earth. In it, there was.... Nothing.
"AWW SHI* I NEED SOME ALCOHOL MAN," said Patrick. Mr. Fridge opened his beer compartment, and showed that there were just empty beer cans in there. "ANYONE HAVE WEED?"
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Ziggio fell with the beer bottle and landed on Patrick's head. "AGAIN!"

Now both Jewelys were looking down at the giant pie where Ziggio had landed. Well, he really landed on his head but you know.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Meanwhile, Eric came from the west side of Pie-Urkan

"Well, the Pie Pokemon isn't there... And if it was, well, it is on fire now!"

West side of Pie-Urkan

Pie people screamed as they were on fire. The whole area was engulfed in flames. Their raspberry innards exploded from the heat and them not being baked correctly, leaving no steam vents
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Tsyru got his dagger out and started to chop off a piece of skin.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Someone was there. Patrick went into Rambo mode, took off his shirt and pants, and revealed 2 folds and very tight-fitting pants. "I. AM. PATRICK!" he hooted. Then he took out some sugar, laid it out on a piece of paper that happened to blow on by, and snorted it through his nose. Then he made a racial slur. The Munchlax facepalmed himself again.
((Do something about a giant fork battling against the Pie Pokemon, and that he's trying to vent it to lead it to prefect internal temperature and happiness.))
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Twitchy opened the bag of bees.

(Mention powdered toast!!!)
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Ziggio jumped off Patrick's head and started swimming in the pie. "Yipee!" he said.

Meanwhile, Jewely(espeon) grabbed a parachute and a pizza and leaped out of the plane, looking for the zigzagoon.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

((Okays then Flareth))

Derek screamed. Egg screamed. Inferno screamed. Fishy screamed. A Rattata screamed. A NPC without a Liver screamed. Even a tree screamed, and it became petrified wood. [/bad joke]

Suddenly, Derek, Egg, Fishy, Inferno, and Blaziking were teleported on a giant piece of powdered toast, and they landed next to someone named twitchy, with the giant piece of powdered toast.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

"Oh hey bees. I thought this was the Pokemon world. Aren't they Beedrills, then? Well, you know, they DO mention real world animals in the Pokedex and such, so are actual animals extinct or endangered or something? Wait a minute.... But I'm in a POKEMON RP. So technically I don't know this stuff. Wait WTF? Who's controlling me anyhow? Can you stop making me scratch my butt?" Patrick ranted. He scratched his butt. "HEY I JUST TOLD YOU NOT TO MAKE ME SCRATCH MY BUTT! AND THAT WAS NOT A RANT! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO TYPED THAT!"
Oooohface in real life: Then why don't you control your self? *Leaves computer*
"HEY WAIT A MINUTE! YOU GET BACK HERE MISTER! I'm not done with you! And how can you be leaving? You're still friggin' typing!" he continued, scratching his butt.
Oooohface in real life: Well, yeah. But y'know, this RP isn't to be taken seriously and all...
"Me..... Not take serious? Y'KNOW WHAT? I WILL TAKE CONTROL OF MYSELF! I'll go jump off this cliff. Then you won't have anyone to control. HMPH!" He scratched his butt and walked off a perfectly placed cliff. "DAMMIT DON'T MAKE ME SCRATCH MY BUTT!"
Oooohface in real life: Why not? It's fun-ish and stuff.
"But it's pointlEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!" he said, falling off the cliff because I wanted him to.
Oooohface in real life: Damn, don't mess with my logic again, RP characters. I mean it. I PWN YOU! AND OWN YOU! AND CONTROL YOU! YOU WILL BE AT MY EVERY WHIM! MUAHAHA!

Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Twitchy saw the toast and attacked it.

"It's toastarific." he moaned.

(You gotta love Ren and Stimpy :D)
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Derek looked at the boy. Inferno looked at the boy. Fishy looked at the boy. Egg looked at the boy. Blaziking looked at a brand new plasma screen TV that was in a tree.

"Who are you?" They all asked in unison. The toast roared in pain. But it couldn't talk, so it more so did nothing in pain.

((I can't even follow this randomness. Yay!))
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

Patrick said, "Oooh, toast? I wants :D"
Oooohface in real life: Wait, how can you "say" :D?
"Hey, you're the typist," Patrick replied.
Oooohface in real life: Oh right :D
Patrick then went to a tree stump, and started arguing with it, then picked off a branch and used it as a stick to scratch his butt. "STOP IT DAMN YOU" he said butt-scratchingly.
Oooohface in real life: Tough luck.
Patrick fell off another cliff while scratching his butt.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

"My name's St-"


Flareth in RL: "No, your name's Twitchy! NOT Stimpy. Eediot."


"My name's twitchy." he squealed in a deep voice.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

"O HAI THAR," said Patrick, still scratching his butt. "Do you have a problem with the stupid idiot typing your character too - HEY!"
Oooohface in real life: Tsk tsk. No calling me out there, Patrick. You know you're not supposed to.
"I HATE LOVE YOU! YOU RUINED MY LIFE MADE MY LIFE WAY BETTER!" said Patrick, who was scratching his butt so much it seemed like it was going to fall off.
Oooohface in real life: Ahhh, I love slashmarks and controlling people. OH AND RANDOMNESS!
Patrick ate a watermelon. Through his butt. Then it became itchy. And he had explosive diarrhea that covered the last 20 posts.
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

"Observe the squeaking." Twitchy said, putting on a pair of squeaking pants
Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody)

((Yes they do. And at this rate I wonder how I will ever get to the Pie Pokemon...))
"Ahhh..." said Patrick with a sigh of relief. He continued to scratch his butt. He took out an iPod, and let Baby Fridge possess it. He went in, and started playing this song.
Oooohface in real life: Sly, huh?
Patrick just scratched his butt away.
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