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Fire, Earth, Air and Water

Istar smirked and strung his bow again. "Kill you." He said simply, then released again, this time the arrow moved quicker, as Istar supported it using the wind to speed it up.
Kasumi blunted this arrow, but with the speed, it continued to fly.
"Too fast..." he mumbled, watching the arrow fly towards Dyphro
Dyfro blinked several times, and staggered.

Idiot, he thought. It was clear that, injured, the electrical shock had weakened him furthur, and unable to stand he crashed down onto the floor, fortunatly just before the second arrow would have hit him. As it was, the shaft sped overhead harmessly
"Miss? Again? Well I must say that you Water Spirits have some skill dodging attacks." Istar complimented to the spirit, though a little anger in his voice.

"But," His figure slowly changed to a silvery, glassy orb "unlike you," The orb took the shape of a big lizard with wings and only two legs. "I can fight back!"

The Wyvern screeched, flapped his wings - his right shoulder still hurt a little-, and flew up in the air. When he was about 70 feet above the Water Spirit, he soared down, open mouth, ready to bite it's head off.
"Leave..." Kasumi whispered, launching basketball-sized hailstones at the wyvern.
Istar, focused on his target, did not notice the hailstones before it was too late. A few hit him in the head, making it hurt and pulse, and some hit his side. He was lucky enough that none of them pierced his wing or hit his eye, or else he'd be unable to fly or see.

The wyvern screeched and landed head-first with a big "thump" on the ground a few meters away from the Water Spirit. He fainted the moment his head maked contact with the earth.
Kasumi sighed, and dragged the Wyvern over by the three incapacitated spirits.
"Now what...?" he asked nobody in particular.
Dyfro pushed himself upright, and collaped into a sittin position.

"Err spirit dude thanks?" he muttered.

Stay here unless you have to. You cannot help anyone if you can bareliy stand
"You're... Welcome?" he whispered, staring up at the sky through his illusion-mist.
"Kasumi... the cloud spirit..." he whispered. "I'm searching... for the answers... to this war..."
Fade looked at the cloud. Water. Water conducted electricity.

In a "whoosh" and a "bzzt," a forked leg of lightning zoomed toward the cloud. On contact, it was gone.
"Why does that sound a much better idea than trying to stop everyone beating everyone else up? Actually I know this one. It's because it is."
In the scattering particles, Kasumi glanced up in surprise.
"Under attack..." he whispered, launching huge hailstones at his foe.
"Why are you wispering?"

Dyfro swung his arm forward and blasted a jet of water at the spitit hovering above the now absent cloud. The water crackled with the electrical energy which was still in him.
Zephyr lay still, staring up at the dome of clouds. There was electricity crackling through it. They were under attack again?

His muscles began to loosen up. He began to force the air around him to swirl around his body, blowing away the last effects of the paralysis like fallen leaves, and suddenly shot upwards through the clouds, seeing Fade once more. "You? Again?" he said in disbelief.
Seeing the paralyzed air spirit make a recovery, Dyfro realised the time had come for him to get away from the battle and look to his own recoverey.

He moved to the side of the conflict and sat on a rock which was just about exactly six inches too low for him. He sat there, and felt the pain in his side reduce a little.
Fade chuckled. "You never learn," he said. "I'm bored of attacking you, but not if you strike first." He flew around the battlefield, looking for someone else but keeping a close eye on Zephyr.
Kasumi watched Zephyr leave, and placed a thickened cloud under the Wyvern and himself. Drifting up to follow, and if need be, fight with the air spirit.
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