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#mafia Mafia [Mafia Victory]


Super Moderator

Welcome to Mafialand!

There are twelve of you standing here and alive before me, the omnipresent GM/mayor(?). And it is my sincere wish to see all twelve of you lead healthy and productive lives in this fair city!

Alas, as we all know, that tends to not be the case in Mafialand...

Here are some pointers to help you on your way!

  • Role reference can be found here. There are no roles in this game not on that list. As this isn't #mafia, take game size and frequency with a grain of salt.
  • Standard #mafia rules apply, including...
  • Innocents win when the Mafia Don and any/all associated Goons are lynched or otherwise killed. Mafia wins when the mafia faction outnumbers the innocent faction and any/all third faction players are killed.
  • Only the Mafia Don is allowed to self-target.
  • Only the Mafia Don and Goons will be revealed as mafia upon death.
  • Screenshots and copy/pasting role PMs is considered cheating and will result in instant sudden death.
  • Missing two days or nights in a row will result in mysterious sudden death. Night actions failed to be reported will be randomised, with the exception of inquiry roles. Night phases will last ±24 hours, day phases ±48.
  • If you talk during the night phase or while dead, I will ban you for a day. (But no seriously, that's just obnoxious and rude :( )
  • Majority required for lynch. A random lynch will occur otherwise. Once you vote, you may not change your vote.
  • Night actions may be submitted by PM (on the forums) or by query (on IRC; somewhat preferable).
  • As always, PM/query me for any/all questions, including how to play or tips on your role. Don't come expecting hints, though.
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N0 Result

The first day!

(72 hours remain.)

It appears as if wishes are not enough to keep my less... model citizens at bay. Just 24 hours into my term and blood has already washed upon my shore! (What am I going to do...)

The death of sreservoir was reported at 0438 this morning. Experts at the scene are calling it a probable homicide, but not ruling out other options. ... why are you looking at me!? I'm a mayor, not a coroner!

sreservoir has died. It was not mafia.
48 hours to discuss.

*For the record, the wording of my posts don't mean anything. I don't do hints, sorry.
Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1]

Let's get this going, then!

...Not that there's much to go on, seeing as this is probably just a regular mafia kill and there are no hints. Anyone get some useful information/hints/whatever last night that could make for a starting point?
Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1]

Okay! Let's go. Unfortunately I don't have a thing! :c I usually favour the promptly abstain method in cases like this, but we'll see how the day goes.

(By the way! I feel like even in the case where you don't have any information or even anything interesting to say or suggest, maybe still speak up! I mean, obviously try to think of something useful. But it's still a lot better than just being suspiciously and irritatingly silent in such cases and might encourage others to stay alert, too!)
Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1]

I exist, I guess? Since we're all just reporting in without much to say.
Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1]

Okay! Hm. I guess res's death is pretty unindicative since I think it's a sort of prominent player on the mafia forum? Someone correct me if I'm wrong since I haven't been paying attention lately, but I guess if it was unusual someone would have said something. ... Oh, a lot of the people in this game are from #mafia; I don't think res exists quite so much there? I don't know. I've got nothing beyond a bunch of pointless circular rambling trying to extract hidden meanings from deaths when there probably aren't any to be found.

EDIT: Oh whoops ninja'd.
Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1]

Okay! Hm. I guess res's death is pretty unindicative since I think it's a sort of prominent player on the mafia forum? Someone correct me if I'm wrong since I haven't been paying attention lately, but I guess if it was unusual someone would have said something. ... Oh, a lot of the people in this game are from #mafia; I don't think res exists quite so much there? I don't know. I've got nothing beyond a bunch of pointless circular rambling trying to extract hidden meanings from deaths when there probably aren't any to be found.

Well, res exists there. It exists almost all the time! It just... doesn't always play; the hrmlgons are always there, though, right?

I'm not sure if you're just not counting that or forgetting it or trying to do something with that... but yeah.

Maybe I'm missing more games than I'd imagine and res never plays at all? Mai is a good dog and comes when you call it, whatever, but it's not like I'm usually there just to be there.

... And this is sort of pointless (and probably confusing for those who don't #mafia), good job self. :/
Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1]

Well, res exists there. It exists almost all the time! It just... doesn't always play; the hrmlgons are always there, though, right?

I'm not sure if you're just not counting that or forgetting it or trying to do something with that... but yeah.

Maybe I'm missing more games than I'd imagine and res never plays at all? Mai is a good dog and comes when you call it, whatever, but it's not like I'm usually there just to be there.

... And this is sort of pointless (and probably confusing for those who don't #mafia), good job self. :/

Okay, "exists" wasn't a good word. I meant that I think it lurks more than it plays. I can't remember how often it plays, though.
Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1]

res pretty much doesn't exist in #mafia, no; it plays super-occasionally? And then usually dies. I don't know much about how it plays in forum mafia, but I don't think it's a strange target to choose, anyway!

I don't think there's anything indicative about this, either, really! Well, I mean, we could guess that res was probably not mafia don or mafia goon. Probably. And also probably not Magician or Sergeant. Or alien! (since those are shield roles, and therefore mafia targeting res wouldn't have killed it. But if something else had helped the mafia to kill res, then it still could have happened.) But it still could've been any of those. It's just less likely.

We have twelve people and 27 possible roles, so, there are going to be some missing, and also possibly some duplicates of roles (since some mostly call for duplicates, like doctor or goon), so there might be even less than twelve potential roles.

As this is #mafia mafia, I think we can pretty safely assume that Inspectors don't exist - they're just not a very good role. If they happen by random chance to find mafia, they tell about it, mafia dies, innocents get a huge advantage suddenly. In games with just a mafia don (of which this is probably not one), that means Game Over. Which is just boring. It's possible that Chalumeau decided ve had a good way to balance Inspector, since this is a bigger game than what we have in #mafia, but I think it's more likely that ve threw it out in favour of more interesting things. Researcher (good Scientist) could be considered a way more interesting and useful Inspector, I guess. There's probably a Researcher! They're really good and cause harm to the innocents sometimes while having a tricky way of figuring out who the mafia might be without it being a super-definite thing like with Inspector.

Spies (mafia version Inspectors) might exist instead of Inspector? There are more interesting half-mafia roles, though. I do kind of like the idea of Spy, since it can figure out the mafia and then has to try hard to defend them! In practice, though, I think the Spy ends up not thinking of any defense and just quietly sits without trying at all while the mafia gets lynched. :| Good job, Spies. Since it's a forum, though, a Spy might be a better idea! They wouldn't just freeze up. So maybe there's one??

Alien, Magician, Ninja, and Sergeant all have some good level of likeliness (sergeant less so, probably) - shield roles are a really good way to keep the game going longer while giving some people information, since you know when your shield poofs! And aliens and ninjas are in theory really good since they want to defend the mafia to win while also being bad to the mafia. If there's a good alien or ninja, then it's a really neat game! Maybe that could happen. Then it would be really exciting. If you're out there do a good job. >:((((( Magicians are good because they have information for the innocents and then if they tell the information they might get left alone by mafia in favour of more promising targets, so that's an innocent who could live! (a mafia might decide to kill Magician just to have an innocent dead, though, too, since otherwise they might run into some other problem with the death.) A really good information is if the magician lost a shield, and res died. Then we know there are two methods of death happening! That's exciting!

Out of all the half-mafia (non-don non-goon) roles that exist, Terrorist might be the least likely? I don't know. Maybe I just think so because I never GM with Terrorist. But it seems like Terrorist is really hard to balance out, because it can only help the mafia a bit (it's just guessing! Sometimes one never explodes because guessing is too scary and hard. Mafia, help your halfs out by talking more it's a good idea), and only once! It's neat because it can kill during the day, though, so it can interrupt discussion and cause confusion and chaos and hopefully kill an innocent! (Hopefully for the terrorist, not hopefully for our side. Obviously.) Voodoo Artists are increasingly neat as more people roleclaim - the power to direct the mafia away from yourself is really, really useful to the mafia side if you can guess who the mafia is, and redirecting other roles is interesting and helps a lot with guessing things and figuring out! Mafia Scientist has some of those same elements. Rigger is kind of neat??? Delaying actions is a useful skill that sometimes causes confusion and discussion. I don't know, I never see Rigger happening in games! Annnnnd presumably there's at least one mafia goon. Half-mafias are great and everything, but if you only have the mafia don then that's super-unbalanced in favour of innocents because e could just keel over any time (lynch, overdose, whatever, you know the drill).

Vigilante might be likely because it's a bigger game than #mafia; it's possibly more likely if the innocents have a bit more defense (so, doctors? Doctors can be okay in big games, I guess. Maybe especially okay if Drug Dealer because neat.). Lover could probably exist because Lovers are exciting! Although sometimes they kind of take over the mafia if they happen to pick a mafia person and then whoops. Though I guess that's also balanced by like they can't immediately kill the mafia since the mafia are currently (they think) on the mafia lover's side and the lovers don't want the game to be over.

Um I don't have as much to say about the other roles right now and all of this is so ingrained into everyone who actually plays #mafia that it's probably entirely worthless, but, oh well. Maybe it'll incite an exciting discussion about the likeliness of different roles.
Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1]

I don't know about #mafia, but this is only res' ~3rd forum game that I know of.

res just has a reputation of a Magnificent Bastard.

EDIT: Wow huge ninja post
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Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1]

Well, the bastard part, sure.

Am here and has no information so I'm all for abstaining. :v (also my puter is being fixed atm so my being here will be less often than usual for just a bit.)
Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1]

Alien, Magician, Ninja, and Sergeant all have some good level of likeliness (sergeant less so, probably) - shield roles are a really good way to keep the game going longer while giving some people information, since you know when your shield poofs!

I doubt we've got any sergeants - Chalumeau's said ve prefers magician and just added that role to the list because Mai and I asked for it.

We've probably got a stunt double, since I think Chalumeau's wanted to add the role for a while and it hasn't been used yet; also cheerleader, because it's just really interesting to use. And uh I don't know what else to say about likeliness of certain roles right now except that nobody ever uses Attorney and everybody hates being Agent (and probably Party Animal).
Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1]

Hey, I'm just popping in to say I'm here. Please excuse the small post, cellphone, as usual.

But it seems standard night one, aside from comtemplating the role list anyone have something?

As with what everyone else said, I agree that res is a pretty standard night 0 kill. Poor thing.

Also we have a good amount of 'rare' players, at least people I don't see in the actualy thread mafias her on the forums. So I don't know their play style as well as I should.
Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1]

Remember, we have to actually make a decision! I'll not lynch, but I'm totally willing to think about it more if anyone presents something interesting.
Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1]

I don't plan on doing any time extensions, so day will end in ~12 hours. If a majority isn't reached by then, I will randlynch. Abstinence will be a possible outcome, but with 1:12 odds.
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