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Open Metal Wing: Liquid (1 spot left!)

The Charizard looked around at the other five, snorting out a gas of smog. Alex looked up at the beast, computing on what to do. He knew a little about his powers, they seemed to come naturally, but he had no clue about the others. Bryon was psychic, and Grondaia could change... kind of. Wait, how do I know their names?

Before he could think further, the Charizard spewed flames at him and the group. Alex immediately jumped before the flame hit. "Out of the way!" he shouted to the others.
John lept clear of the flames, and began to swing his arms.

It flies, so electicity should be helpful

He charged as fast as he could towards the Charizard. When he hit, it produced an electrical shock in the charizard.

"Got it!" he shouted.

The charizard was looking aroung to find the source of the blow.

Someone else may be able to do better than me, and there's somethin else I can do.

He exaled a blast of hot air. The charizard turned to face him, eyeing him up.

"Yes, that was me. Come on!"

The charizard lunged for him, but John lept clear.

"Come then guys, a little help here?"
Brandon took a fighting stance as the Charizard landed before them. "Well now, what do we have here, some sort of flying orange salamander? ... Oh sh..." Brandon rolled out of the way to avoid an incoming flamethrower, just barely making it in time. He knelt up and glared at the dragon. "Nice little trick, punk. My turn..." He then started to charge forward at the Charizard, bringing his right hand back into a fist when he got close. "Let's see how you like this!" Brandon aimed a Mega Punch square for the Charizard's chest.
Byron saw the bright flames coming towards him, but he was on the ground. He tried to roll away, but the fire was coming far too quick. Byron resorted to cryokinesis, the art of cooling objects down with the mind, though he was inexperienced in it. In fact, Byron was extremely inexperienced in all things psychokinesis, the art of changing or moving objects with the mind.
So, Byron attempted to cool the incoming flames; he also tried to shield himself with psychic energy at the same time.
About two inches in front of his face, the flames disappeared. He didn't realize how incredibly potent his cryokinesis was, nor did he expect to make it out of this attack.
When the flames subsided he was able to get up quickly and move alongside the others.
Grondaia laughed, and half-transformed into the Charizard, sprouting tiny wings from her back and growing horns out of her back-to-red hair. Her skin turned orange (except for her belly, which turned yellow, although no one could see that) and her butt caught on fire. She picked up a rock and threw it, hitting the Charizard in the eye.
Alex watches as they attacked, quickly coming up with a plan. "Brandon, hit it again and get it's attention! You too, Grondaia! Make it chase you. John, Bryon, when it's back is turned, attack it with whatever icy or cold attack you have! Try to hit the tail!"

Briefly he looked at Kailani, but already he knew he wasn't going to help. He again looked at the Charizard, thinking of what attack he could use.
Grondaia ran around to the back while the Charizard was distracted from the shouting and tossed another rock, which shot up its butt and made it roar in pain.
Cold? I never used or even mentioned cold attacks. Not to him anyway. Hang on, did he say attacks? Oh never mind.

John moved slightly to stay out of the line of sight of the Charizard, and breathed in slowly. This time, when he berathed out, the air was cold, with ice forming where it hit the air.

The blast truck the fire pokemon on the back of the head.

Umm... okay... I guess.
The Charizard was busy breathing fire. Everyone was randomly attacking it. Byron tried to cool down its tail, but that happened to be the hottest part of the Charizard. He studied the breathing pattern and thought process of Charizard.
He saw a perfect time to attack the Charizard; it was getting tired and slowed its breathing rate. Byron picked up a rock and threw it at the back of Charizard's head to get its attention, then began to run towards it. As the Charizard turned around, confused, Byron was able to kick the Charizard's stomach. He quickly ran away, and the Charizard started to chase Byron.
(( Didn't see that ))

John charged after the charizard, blasted another cold blast, and as it turned he rammed it. The electrical energy which had built up in him was discharged into the pokemon, which caused it to recoil.


He followed up with another blast of cold air.

(( I'll be away without computer access for a week, so have John go with the others. If you just use the abilities he's used as I have my own ideas for those he hasn't. ))
Kailani observed the ebb and flow of the battle with interest.

"Worthy indeed. However, I will not be inclined to help them."

Still, he wanted to have a little fun anyway. Using his powers over Shadow, he fired a blast of darkness at the Fire Dragon. That, combined with the COld blast, caused the Charizard to stagger back.

Good. One more strike should finish it.
Alex looked up to see Kailani, and smiled. So maybe he'll help after all....

He looked back at the Charizard. It was still raging around with the rock shoved up it's... hole. Although, it looked weak, and the small light on it's tail supported that.

"Alright everyone! Attack at the same time!"
As the Charizard staggered around, Brandon saw an opening. He moved around to the side, charged up electricity in his hand, then struck the Charizard in the side of its neck with a Thunderpunch.
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