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NaNoWriMo 2010

My NaNoWriMo story is about a farmer who must stop an army of fallen angels invading heaven. Based quite heavily in Judaeo-Christian apocrypha, medieval demonology and Abrahamic mythology in general.
Oooh, that would be perfect to do a novel I've been thinking of called District!
It takes place in a world about 500 years in to the future, in which earth has been devastated, but not destroyed, by a series of floods. World powers have been broken up and reformed (America has become "Arcania", the general area of east Asia is "Xiao"), and have dubious relations with each other. The main plot of the story revolves around a city in Arcania, (currently unnamed), in particular a district of that city, called Cero. Cities are broken into districts, based on their occupant's social class. Cero houses the working class factory laborers of the city's huge industrial district, a wasteland of smokestacks and factories.
As more and more of the factories are becoming mechanized, the government needs a way to deal with these citizens who are essentially becoming jobless street thugs, so they propose to deport them to camps, WWII Internment-style. This leads to a series of riots, chaos on the streets, and a violent social uprising. The story is told from the perspectives of many characters who's lives are somehow connected, including a group of gangsters, two star-crossed lovers from different social castes, and a high-ranking city official. Also, the whole thing is semi-futuristic. And there are Jetbikes (think Akira, but with more rocket thrusters). Of course, it's an ambitious project, and I doubt if I can finish it in a month. It'll be fun, though!
I'm going to attempt this again this year. I'm going with a rewrite of my NaNoWriMo 2007 project which is the only year so far that I've managed to win. I didn't enter in 2009. The plot and the world has changed in a very large way. This is my conception of my 2010 project:

Damien Archer has been thrown into a world which he never knew existed, and into a fight he doesn't want to fight. With the future of magic resting upon his shoulders, how will he begin to cope? When a cycle of reincarnations and destined love is thrown into the mix, it almost becomes far too much for the poor English magician... And what's this Adam and Eve nonsense all about?

The above synopsis is of course very simplified and doesn't quite convey everything that needs to be known about the novel. I've already rather extensively planned this out, and I think my chapter outline will be complete before November. I foresee this going well.
I was hoping to do NaNo, and I actually had a decent idea, but I then realised that I have several of my GCSE modules slapbang in the middle of November. So I'll probably just write the story not for NaNo.
I'm going for 100,000 this year!! Last year I made 80,000 after it became apparent that 50,000 words would not be enough to finish my story, and even then I only ended up writing on about half the days (I did 10,000 each day of my Thanksgiving weekend, which was grueling but entirely worth it).

I'll be continuing my long-term project that I started a while ago and am trying to find time to work on. It's about 14,000 words already, and it's about a kid who experiences extremely lucid dreams and his adventures. It's kind of like a cross between the Illuminatus! Trilogy, Youth in Revolt, the movie Inception, and Pokémon.
Warriors fanfiction, most likely. I already have the entire summary written down, so I don't think I'll be changing plots... it's about an apprentice named Redpaw who gets kidnapped and sorta... develops a new life. :U
I'm sort of interested in actually doing NaNoWriMo for once, but I'm not sure.

I already know that I can write a novel because I've done it, and I don't care that much about the fact that a bunch of other people I've never heard of are doing the same thing.

And I kind of wish someone I actually knew was willing to do it. I thought I had gotten a friend to agree to it... until I realized she thought it was for writing a short story. It would just be nice to have a partner to call at ungodly hours to discuss word counts, you know?

I also don't really have a novel for this. I do have several drafts of various things in progress, but that's the problem; they're in progress. Even the ones that I never started writing have existing plans and elements. This is prohibited for a reason; it's much more difficult to let yourself just write a mess when you already care about the story.

I've been tossing ideas around, but I don't really think it would be that useful for me to write something completely new.

If I end up doing it, I guess I'll pick an existing story and just deal with it.
I managed to get 50k last year, and I'm going to try this year as well. :3 I already have some ideas brimming, so I'm getting pretty excited!

I can't wait to get back to word wars and meet-ups (there are lots of nanos in my area :3)
The more original one is actually a concept my friend and I were going to use to make a comic about a year ago. It's about NINJA VAMPIRE PIRATES with SUPERPOWERS. I has originality.

And it has a WEREWOLF. And SHAPE SHIFTERS. And maybe a DINOSAUR, if I feel like it. :3
Holy crap where has the time gone? I have no idea, last time I failed by 500 some words... *cries* I've never been able to finish... maybe this is my year! hmmmm sci-fi most likely.... *runs off to think*
This year I'm going to attempt to reasonably work out the plot and backstory of the original novel I'm writing before I actually write it. Two years ago, I had a vague idea of what I wanted to write and a plot in my head, but I ended up deviating from that plot often, and the end result wasn't very good anyway. I have a Pages document with character lists and I'm in the process of making a detailed outline so that perhaps the story will turn out better this year. I really like the plot for the novel; I'd love to try and get it published after NaNo's over.
I actually got my NaNo novel published last year with the Createspace thing. I have a nice little manuscript and I could sell it if I wanted to... but it's horrible so I won't. It was a boring story about a girl whose life changes after going on the internet.

I have some vague topics I want to write about that I've been thinking of for a while now, but nothing concrete, unfortunately. They are this:
i. There is a character, the protagonist, who lives in a world where their kind is oppressed. The last remnants of institutional discrimination are being weeded out and the character needs to face social discrimination which is obviously much harder to do.
ii. The character has an ally who is of the oppressing class/kind/whatever. This ally is very very entitled and makes a lot of mistakes, but the protagonist believes that their interests are ultimately good and that it's possible to rely on them.
iii. Ally ultimately fails to be a good ally. Ally just can't overcome their prejudice against protagonist.
b) Halfway through the story, protagonist dies. Like, just dies. They come back later (since they need the protagonist and all) but for a good part they're dead and everyone is trying to get them back (and the protagonist is trying to get back, too).
c) There's a question of what happiness is, whether it's something that's bestowed upon you or if happiness is something that's up to you.

The last two ideas are separate from the first one, though I guess they could be integrated. It's all really vague which is my biggest problem. This would have to take place in a fantasy world of some sort (since yeah, afterlife, coming back to life, that sort of stuff). And the world isn't even the important bit; it's the story of rising up against discrimination somehow. So honestly I need to make some stuff up.

I had some notebooks with cool ideas for a fantasy world. Maybe I could use those for my fantasy world and such.

Man, my biggest problem when writing stuff is that after I write it, it all seems so... ridiculous. I never honestly like any of my ideas. They sound so stupid and simple and I feel like I should have written some sort of epic novel by now. Which is a stupid thought in and of itself. :(
I think I will be participating in this, but I am not sure what to write. For the moment I am torn between a story involving six Russian men who are in the army and posted out in Fuckoff, Siberia to guard this supposedly important little road. They have no contact with the outside world except for a radio that works half the time and a train with supplies once every two weeks. The problem is that all the 'problem' soldiers got dumped there, ones that weren't rebels or anything gulag-worthy but just too off-the-wall to fit in properly, so of course tensions start to rise. I have it mostly planned out but I am afraid I will make many mistakes about the Russian army and Siberian camps and such.

The other is a story that requires much less research since it's set in the present day and would be about a lonely guy and his abusive role model. It would include things I am deeply uncomfortable with like sexual abuse, but I think it could be a good story. Similar to my other story that is set in 1950s Portugal but for which I still have to do some research.

I don't know which one to do.
I think I will be participating in this, but I am not sure what to write. For the moment I am torn between a story involving six Russian men who are in the army and posted out in Fuckoff, Siberia to guard this supposedly important little road. They have no contact with the outside world except for a radio that works half the time and a train with supplies once every two weeks. The problem is that all the 'problem' soldiers got dumped there, ones that weren't rebels or anything gulag-worthy but just too off-the-wall to fit in properly, so of course tensions start to rise. I have it mostly planned out but I am afraid I will make many mistakes about the Russian army and Siberian camps and such.

The other is a story that requires much less research since it's set in the present day and would be about a lonely guy and his abusive role model. It would include things I am deeply uncomfortable with like sexual abuse, but I think it could be a good story. Similar to my other story that is set in 1950s Portugal but for which I still have to do some research.

I don't know which one to do.

First one.
I think I will be participating in this, but I am not sure what to write. For the moment I am torn between a story involving six Russian men who are in the army and posted out in Fuckoff, Siberia to guard this supposedly important little road. They have no contact with the outside world except for a radio that works half the time and a train with supplies once every two weeks. The problem is that all the 'problem' soldiers got dumped there, ones that weren't rebels or anything gulag-worthy but just too off-the-wall to fit in properly, so of course tensions start to rise. I have it mostly planned out but I am afraid I will make many mistakes about the Russian army and Siberian camps and such.

The other is a story that requires much less research since it's set in the present day and would be about a lonely guy and his abusive role model. It would include things I am deeply uncomfortable with like sexual abuse, but I think it could be a good story. Similar to my other story that is set in 1950s Portugal but for which I still have to do some research.

I don't know which one to do.

first one first one first one first oooone

considering maybe doing this if i'm not hella busy come november! no clue what to write though, only that it's probably going to involve a character that i've had kicking around in my head for forever and a half now
I think I will be participating in this, but I am not sure what to write. For the moment I am torn between a story involving six Russian men who are in the army and posted out in Fuckoff, Siberia to guard this supposedly important little road. They have no contact with the outside world except for a radio that works half the time and a train with supplies once every two weeks. The problem is that all the 'problem' soldiers got dumped there, ones that weren't rebels or anything gulag-worthy but just too off-the-wall to fit in properly, so of course tensions start to rise. I have it mostly planned out but I am afraid I will make many mistakes about the Russian army and Siberian camps and such.

The other is a story that requires much less research since it's set in the present day and would be about a lonely guy and his abusive role model. It would include things I am deeply uncomfortable with like sexual abuse, but I think it could be a good story. Similar to my other story that is set in 1950s Portugal but for which I still have to do some research.

I don't know which one to do.

The first one sounds intelligent and psychological. Do that one.
I did sign up for it this year, but I have no idea which plot line I'm going to follow for my story. Right now I have three:

1. Lirye is a teenage girl in an alternate future, where college has been replaced by Life City, where all people ages 15 to 20 go to live in the 'real world'. She discovers a plot by an underground movement to harvest the Spark, which is a special kind of determination and energy, from people who have it, and give it to the beautiful people who they think would use it better. Lirye's archnemesis Iria is a victim of this movement, so she has to choose between destroying the movement and saving someone she hates or watching her suffer. I wrote the beginnings of this in like 8th grade, and I kinda want to give it a plot.

2. An as-yet-unnamed female character (probably Samantha) is ready to finally turn 18 and be free from her controlling mother, who is phobic of men after being attacked and raped when Sam was 3. The mother is convinced that Sam is asexual, and has pounded it into her head that men are evil and will hurt her. Cue romance. After Sam meets Alex, the mother leaves town for a while, and Sam and Alex spend a perfect day together that ends with them sleeping together (literally! I'm not writing it figuratively on the family computer and also I wouldn't know what to write.) The mother finds them together and assumes that they DID have sex, and kicks Sam out of the house. I don't really know where to take it from there yet.

3. Two characters are released with almost-wiped memories into a barrier forest that separates magic-land from science-land. In the forest, complicated technology such as engines and computers (from science-land) don't work, and neither does magic and spells from magic-land. The characters have to learn to survive and eventually meet each other, but they have to learn to communicate thanks to their language-less state. (The one from magic-land was wiped magically, the one from science-land was grown in a lab with artificial memories for basic survival and such.) I'm not sure if I'd be able to pull this one off but I think it would be fun.
3. Two characters are released with almost-wiped memories into a barrier forest that separates magic-land from science-land. In the forest, complicated technology such as engines and computers (from science-land) don't work, and neither does magic and spells from magic-land. The characters have to learn to survive and eventually meet each other, but they have to learn to communicate thanks to their language-less state. (The one from magic-land was wiped magically, the one from science-land was grown in a lab with artificial memories for basic survival and such.) I'm not sure if I'd be able to pull this one off but I think it would be fun.
I like this one the best; the different reasons why their memories were wiped is kind of interesting. It would be interesting to see what other differences there are, particularly the languages.
@Elliekat I originally liked the first one the best, but reading over the third one again it sounds really interesting. I'm not normally interested in memory loss, but that's more because it's usually a really boring plot device than because it's a bad concept. I think it would be exciting to read, wondering how the two are related and how they'll work together to solve their problems. I'm thinking it could get slightly tedious for them to both be incapable of speech, but that depends on how it's pulled off and how much other dialogue is written into the story. I do still like the spark idea, but maybe you should go with this memory thing.

@Zeta I skipped over your post before somehow, but I demand you detail your NaNoWriMo experiences in your LiveJournal again. 8[

Becoming more interested in writing for NaNoWriMo. I have some main books that I think/write about all the time, and some others that are related but are more distant. Considering writing the latter, but I'm not sure which is better; a story I haven't been working on but that has some fairly strict attributes, or a story I'm pretty involved in but has little real direction. My friend when prompted continually suggests her favorite, but I'm not interested in it at all just now, and it is currently looking extremely short.
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