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Frontier Town Old Town

“Powers, huh…”

Silver spelled out the first word slowly with his eyes narrowed, almost as if he were studying some bitter taste he had forcefully removed from his mind after growing sick of it for tasting it for far too long. Probably that was how shame tasted like, after spending years pursuing raw power so relentlessly…

He shook his head to dismiss that thought. While he still struggled to admit it, he was secretly glad that Wataru taught him a valuable lesson. Who knows what kind of miserable existence he would have had, otherwise? Alone, with nobody who cared what would have happened to him… he mentally winced and halted that thought as well, not wanting to know how it ended.

“Well, if the union between the Escarpa leader and that ex-sheriff is any proof, then it doesn’t seem like those powers work much differently compared to most worlds,” he said, his gaze drifting toward the cloudy sky. Countless tiny clouds peppered it, almost as if symbolizing the countless worlds beyond the Forlasan firmament.

After a moment, he gazed again at Koamaru, “It’s like some kinda universal concept, y’know? If multiple people share similar drives and powers, they’re gonna go much farther than they’d do all by themselves. I mean, isn’t that how we’ve accomplished great feats so far, too? By uniting our powers to achieve the same goal?” He shrugged. “Sounds like ‘How to Be In a Team 101’ to me! Any Trainer, Explorer, Guild Member or whatever folk worth their salt knows that. Even…” He grumbled and looked away, “someone like Giovanni. I bet that potential is what he finds the most appealing about the power of bonds…”
"Guess we can't really know then," he muttered, with a note of finality. "We have to try and give him a chance and see what he wants. He's helped us a lot so far I guess. Maybe he really is doing this for good..." Of course, he'd seen plenty of people justify doing bad things by claiming it was for good.

"Human and pokemons spirit... working together," he murmured to himself. Koa stared at the ground, his thoughts slowly circling, before finally turning to Silver.

"So why do you want power?"
Silver blinked in puzzlement, slowly taking in the question. He automatically opened his mouth, wishing to offer an answer, but as he found himself fresh of words, he immediately closed it and began tapping his chin, his eyes narrowing in deep thought.

Right. Why exactly did he want power? That was such a simple question, and yet…

What could he say? Perhaps he could explain that the desire for power was something that his entire bloodline had been chasing since the oldest generations? That every member of his family had their own interpretation of it, himself included? And that it seemed to extend to interdimensional pseudo-family, too?

His mind drifted back to one of the last things he told to his psychic not-father…

“Y-you’re a Mewtwo, for gods’ sake! One of the strongest psychics to ever exist! D’you know what kinda stuff I’d do with all that innate power? It’d probably be enough to… to make an actual difference to this world, and you’ve been content with, what, twiddling your thumbs and hoping you’ll get some revelation about how to become stronger for who knows how long?!”

“I want power… to fix what I believe is a broken system,” Silver said after some pondering, the words slipping out of his mouth surprisingly easily. “I can’t stand power imbalances. People with great power and resources who use ‘em for nefarious purposes and rob others of their dignity and wealth, or weak people who prefer to dwell in self-pity rather than working hard to achieve greatness in their lives.”

He shook his head, clearly displeased, before a spark of shame twinkled in his gaze. “I… used to be obsessed with that power game and followed those stupid lopsided rules. Fighting hard to gain more and more power so that others wouldn’t try to take advantage of me if I came across as weak…” A low growl echoed in his throat, his free paw clenching into a fist. “So that I would never feel unsafe…!”

A short pause followed before Silver cooled off his shadows with a snort and a wave of his paw.

“Hmph! Whatever! I’m sure glad I got outta that mess! It’s such a toxic way to live, and I wish more people got outta it someday. I know it won’t be easy to change and fix things,” he smirked with fresh determination, “but surrender is not a word on my vocabulary!”

Feeling satisfied with his answer, Silver deflected the question. “What about you? If you had great power, what would you use it for?”
Koa's stomach twisted as he listened to Silver, both with agreement and and uncomfortable familiarity. You really think someone like you can be trusted with power? He shook aside the thoughts crawling at the back of his mind and smiled slightly.

"Not that different I guess," he said finally. "So many terrible groups and people have tried to abuse power in my world. I'm sick of it," he hissed. His voice dropped as he continued. "And... especially legendary pokemon, being used for evil."

His paws dug into the dirt and he fixed his gaze on the far horizon instead. "I want to make the world better. Protect people. A-and... Show people and legendaries there's ways to work together. To be friends. That's why... I want to catch one. In battle. The right way. Earn its trust and respect. To be its trainer." It felt strange to admit out loud his dream, when he'd become so used to hiding it back home.

But Silver would get it, he hoped. And if he didn't... well he guessed eventually Silver would forget. He still found himself reflexively tensing, expecting scorn or derision at the idea of catching one.
Silver couldn’t help but stare at Koamaru with intrigue, his head tilted slightly. To test a legendary and earn their trust and respect, even as some humans tried to find and trap them for far less noble purposes… darn, if that didn’t sound so familiar!

‘We’re way more similar than I thought…’ mused Silver, leaning slightly forward. He noticed the nervousness in Koamaru’s posture — were legendaries a taboo topic in his world or something?

“Well! You’ve got plenty of ambition and big dreams, I gotta concede you that!” he exclaimed, showing a reassuring grin. “Heck, I think that’s freaking cool! People who aren’t intimidated by apparently impossible dreams get my respect! Also, to earn the trust of a legendary… that’s not something unheard of, either, y’know?”

Silver crossed his arms again. It was time for a little history lesson. “Like… Ever heard of Nobunaga and the black Rayquaza, the ones who first unified Ransei? They were partners. And! I know of some guy who’s been tracking Suicune for an entire decade, with his efforts paying off when Suicune gave his blessing. Or… Or that guy from Unova, N, who awakened a legendary dragon from a stone and whatnot!”

Man, if only you knew about what happened between myself and Ho-Oh…

“So! As long as you’ve got that drive inside of you, never stop chasing your dream — no matter what obstacles you find in your way!” He pumped his fist and his smirk widened, just as a fire burned in his eyes. “There’s no such a thing as an impossible quest! You only need patience and perseverance — those are the keys to success!”
Relief, followed by excitement, flooded Koa at hearing Silver's enthusiasm. "Yeah, exactly!" He grinned a little, the tip of his tail wagging ever so slightly. Silver understood. Really understood. Having a dream that people called impossible, but you knew without a doubt that it wasn't.

Koa also couldn't help but perk up a little at hearing about the history of legends in Silver's world. Some of them definitely sounded at least a little similar to how own world... It was too bad he'd never met someone like Silver back home. Although did his world have one? It certainly had had a Giovanni. Shaking off the thought, he refocused.

"There's no such thing as impossible," he declared, matching Silver's smirk. "I'm partway there already, and my team back home is getting strong. And I'm never giving up. No matter how long it takes."

Turning, he faced Silver. "I know one thing for sure. We don't have to be afraid of Giovanni as long as we get strong together. And... I didn't say it back there with him around, but... I don't think of you any different just for being related to him. Or a version of him or whatever." The words were awkward and unplanned, but he felt like he had to say them, had to make sure Silver knew that.
Silver nodded in agreement, his usual determination glowing in his gaze and grin. He considered replying to his statement, but his words faded away when Koamaru said some words that he didn’t expect to hear…

And... I didn't say it back there with him around, but... I don't think of you any different just for being related to him. Or a version of him or whatever.

A sudden sense of weightlessness flooded through Silver’s body, his feathers twitching lightly and his eyes widening. He might have done his absolute best to avoid thinking too hard about it and he might have dismissed his nervousness over and over with his spiteful bouts, but the possibility that people would have seen him in a far more negative light had been buzzing loudly in the back of his mind.

Far too many people to count had simply turned their back on him once they found out the truth, so finding so many welcoming people was… warming, and a much needed intake of air.

“You… really mean that?” he asked, sounding almost incredulous. While his mind knew that Koamaru was being honest, it still took him a moment to register those words. “I… Huh. Dunno what to say. It’s just, like, well…” He glanced away for a moment, desperately looking for the right words, before he resorted to offering a relieved smile and spelling out a simple, subdued answer, “…Thanks.”
Koa's chest tightened and he simply nodded. Silver knew. In some way, he understood too. I can trust him. The thought brought a flicker of relief, the idea that maybe others on the team would get it...

"You're welcome," he mumbled awkwardly. "Nobody deserves to be judged for something they can't fix." The words slid out quietly, almost too quiet to hear.

He continued quickly, trying to find something else to say. "Whatever happens, we'll handle it as team. You won't have to handle it alone."
“Right…” Silver grinned and let out a soft chuckle, mirroring his heartened spirit. “I keep forgetting that, heh! Been dealing with most of my issues and problems all by myself for years, so it’s basically an automatic process, and…”

There was a pause, then Silver waved his paw, still grinning.

“Ah, well, never mind that! I might prefer to stew on my matters by myself for a while, but I’ve learned a long time ago that there’re some things people can’t do by themselves.” He sighed and shook his head, fully aware that trying to deal with a Mewtwo alone was a fool’s errand. “…And I guess this is one of such things.”

The buzzing uncertainties quieted down, and in their place, the trademark confidence spread through Silver’s body like a wildfire. He had to admit that it felt good to unload whatever weight was in his chest, and he thought it was only fair to repay the favor.

“On the same vein, hm… If there’s something I can help you with, Koamaru, like… I dunno, venting about something or someone, you can reach me out whenever!” Silver flicked his ear and head feather, flashing a joking smirk. “I might’ve only one ear, but I’m still a dang good listener!”
Dealing with problems alone and stewing over everything... That was familiar, even if Koa had his team now and Kitto back home. Before he'd become a trainer he hadn't had anyone, and he hadn't really thought about actually wanting help. Even after, it was hard to forget how Echo often told him how he thought too much about things.

Koa chuckled and nodded. Silvers offer brought a hint of a grin to his face. Even if he didn't have anything to say to him yet. "Thanks, maybe I will. Guess if I ever need one listening ear I'll know who to go to." Despite the joking in his tone, there was a clear undercurrent of sincerity too.

He shot Silver a glance. "And... You can call me Koa if you want. All my friends do."
Friends. Koamaru saw him as a friend. Silver didn’t quite know what he had done or said that lead to that development — was it his frankness, perhaps? — but hey! Whatever the reason it was didn’t really matter. Silver felt warmth pulsing inside his chest, and his previous grin shifted into a softer smile.

Did he really just connect with a kindred soul? Oh, he really wished to believe so!

“…Alright, Koa,” he said, his voice ringing with the not-too-vague telltale of cheer, with the wagging tail as a more obvious sign of the now-Sneasel’s relaxed demeanor.

But even though it delighted him meeting another person he could relate to, Silver could also tell that they had exhausted their topics for the time being. As such, he hopped back to his feet and dusted his legs with his tail-feathers, his Apricorn Ball clutched in his claws.

“Well, thanks for hearing me out. It has been a… good talk, yeah, and it helped me sort through my messy mind.” Much more than you can imagine. He nodded slowly, the gesture not too dissimilar from a respectful bow. “However, hm, it’s best if I take my leave. Wouldn’t want to be too late for my barber shift, after all!”

Silver took a couple of steps away, paused to gather some thoughts, then glanced back at Koa.

“…Ah. One last thing. You’re, um… You’re cool in my books, Koa. I wanted to let ya know that,” he declared with a gentle tone, right before his spunky energy resurfaced once more in his traits and voice. “Well then! That’s enough sappy stuff from me for today! Thanks again for the chitchat, and see ya around!”

And with that parting sentiment, Silver resumed walking away, tossing the Apricorn Ball in the air while whistling contentedly. After all the inner turmoil he was forced to endure, Silver could feel at peace with himself again.
…Ah. One last thing. You’re, um… You’re cool in my books, Koa.
For a split second, the ever present voice of doubt in the back of his mind crept up. Koa silenced it easily, for once. Not this time. He didn't have to be on guard. They had a shared drive. A passion, and a kindred spirit. Understanding. In more ways than he knew...

Despite the lingering knowledge that he'd eventually return to his own world, he felt glad to have met Silver. To know that other worlds had people who wanted to do the right thing. And to have made a friend. As the Sneasel left, Koa realized he was smiling widely, his tail wagging. He blinked and shook himself, stilling his body.

Still weird.

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