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Open Rift in the Dimensions

As Dialga made rocks fly at every direction, Drawcia was floating higher into the air, trying to think of a strategy to battle the giant metal dinosaur. A paintbrush appeared out of nowhere, followed by a empty painting. The paintbrush did some quick swipes over the painting, drawing a little round blob with arms, legs and a spear. Suddenly the little creature jumped out of the drawing, followed by even more of it, they rushed at Dialga, most likely to be crushed, but they could distract it for a while, giving Drawcia more time to think.
Giygas took to the run as the giant rocks flew at him. He couldn't defend himself in any other way, as he had yet to realize how to use the abilities Kirby had when he copied him.
Just then, he tripped. Sending himself flying into a pillar headfirst. He quickly turned around, just to realize the rock was coming straight at him, he had no time to react, he was going to get crushed between the pillar and the rock.

A feeling of fear went through Giygas' spine, he didn't want to die obviously, he wanted to live and find out who he was. He put up his hands by instinct. He wished the rock would just blow up for some reason.

Suddenly, a green flash went from his hands to the rock, blowing it up into pieces. Giygas looked up and looked at his hands, yellow sparks was zapping around them, and he felt a strange kind of energy filling his body. He felt the flow, how it went from his chest, spreading through his body. He clenched his fist, causing even more sparks to appear. He got up, and opened his fist again, causing a little ball of sparks and hexagons to appear in it. A smile of confidence spread across his face. "Alright" he said, and held the ball between his hands, as it slowly grew bigger. "It's time I help, at last!" He ran up up to Dialga, doing so carefully, and threw the ball at him close-range.
Sonic was still little more than a blue blur, knowing that his attacks weren't doing much damage, but that they were succeeding in distracting and slowing the beast.

Tails called out to Sonic. Sonic stopped briefly as Tails tossed him a tiny machine. Sonic pressed the button and soon felt a light heat as he was surrounded by a shield of flames. Nodding, he continued his assault. Tails took out another machine, which surrounded him with a shield of electricity as he pulled out another bomb and threw it.

The tiny, round drawings swarmed Dialga and though they didn't really hurt him, they did slow him down and through his thrashing, he caused Cirrus to miss his face by an inch as she flew by. Giygas' ball of energy collided with Valkyrie's whip on Dialga's chest-diamond and he roared out in pain, taking in a deep breath and blasting out plume after plume of odd, green flames, stomping and thrashing about as he went.

((That's Dragonbreath. Remember that it has a 30% chance of Paralysis if it connects))
Kirby realized there was a ball of fire flying at him. He couldn't block it or put it out them, so...

He sucked.

Inhaling very hard, Kirby shut his eyes, hoping not to get hit. The fire flew into Kirby's open mouth, knocking him back several feet.

Standing up and swallowing, Kirby realized he was on fire. Hopping from foot to foot, he soon realized that the flames didn't hurt. Sighing in relief, Kirby was surprised when small green flames rushed out. Smiling mischiveously, Kirby floated up to Dialga's height and spewed draconic flames from his mouth at the dragon.

((Dragon is supereffective against Dragon-types! YES KIRBY HAS A WEAPON AND HE'S NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!))
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Bonecrusher got in range of Dialga for his claw-tail to strike, and was about to hit the beast when its strange fire struck home. Bonecrusher shook off the attack fueled by rage, and was about to strike when he realized in the closest thing he could feel to horror that his joints weren't responding.

Bonecrusher now stood helpless inf front of the monster.
((Oops, I accidentally ignored your attack, Exo... If I forget to write someone's attack in for so long after the post is made, just assume it missed, so it'll avoid me being Ninja'd while trying to make edits.))
((Alrighty. If the movie demonstrated anything, Bonecrusher's rage tends to make him miss.

Of course, now he's paralyzed right in front of Dialga. That's practically begging for an attack.))
((Okay, okay. ;_; Post time.))

Flung back several yards by the flying rocks and debris, Galacta Knight slowly got up. After pausing for a moment, he flew up as his lance began to glow. Aiming it at Dialga's single eye, he loosed a ferocious, whip-like beam and swung his lance wildly, leading the beam all over Dialga.

Chikorita and Torchic both lost balance and keeled over from Dialga's Roar of Time attack. Before they could get up and counter-attack, a wave of fiery breath swept over them. Despite being a Fire-type, these were not the type of flames Torchic was resistant to. Before paralysis got a chance to sink in, they had both fainted. In Chikorita's Treasure Bag ((...That is what it's called in PMD2, right?)) she had slung over her 'shoulder', something inside seemed to glow ((Because everything glows)). As it faded, Torchic and Chikorita were completely revived.

((This assumes Galacta Knight was knocked out of Dragon Breath's range. The reason Torchic and Chikorita weren't is because Galacta Knight was at point-blank range.))
((I actually rolled (online) dice for that...))

Taunos instantly dropped a water totem, cast as a fire resistance totem, at the sight of the green flames. It glowed blue, and dispersed a cool mist. However, the greenish flames did not seem deterred when they did strike Taunos and Geralt. When the flames passed, Taunos slowly got up. Though still weak from the attack, he managed to cast a chain healing spell. A wave of regenerative energy hit Geralt, then bounced back to Taunos, who felt somewhat better.
Geralt got up after that, feeling a bit shaken but far from terrible.
Taunos quickly drank another greater mana potion.
"Ahh, none of those left, I'm afraid.", he said.
"That's not good.", Geralt replied, "Back to the point."
Taunos then pointed at Bonecrusher, who was stuck, "We should probably help him out."
Geralt noticed this and said, "It's... unable to move? And here I was thinking the large metal thing was our best hope here."
Taunos dropped his earth totem, and yet again summoned an earth elemental. A mound of rock and dirt again rose out and formed a humanoid shape. Taunos got the elemental to try and draw Dialga away from Bonecrusher.
The elemental charged Dialga, none too quickly, and tried to tackle him away from the paralyzed automaton.
"Neat party trick.", Geralt mused.

Taiko was swept back by odd, bluish-green flames. Dragonbreath... Taiko was barely able to steer his landing to farther away from Dialga before he was paralyzed.

Blaze was swept aback by some weird bueish green flames. "Sonic! I have no idea how to help; any ideas?" she called to Sonic.

((Taiko was paralyzed; Blaze was not.))
((I rolled online dice and barely wasn't paralyzed))

Barrolk realized that his Scorch breath hadn't connected, and that "Dialga" was apparently spewing green fire of its own.

If there's only fire and ice breath, this has to be fire. Either way, the damage is down by twenty-five percent. But being the reckless chicken he was, he began to quickly circle Dialga and attempt to attack it from its right side. As he realized that some fire fanned out, he barely avoided a large amount that was directed differently. His feathers were singed but he was otherwise "okay." He rushed in with his sword ahead of him at one of Dialga's hind legs.
Cirrus was flung off Dialga's head and suddenly felt hot air. Scorch? That was what it felt like!

Then she went stiff. Her muscles, everything. Paralysis!

"Gvv mh h mmwrd bhlb!"
"He seems to be weak to fire!" Sonic shouted to Blaze, "You know what to do in that case, right?"

Dialga roared as green flames hit him, seemingly in his weak point. With rage, Dialga aimed for the nearest, largest target: Taunos's great stone golem. He clashed against it ineffectively, unfortunately causing Galacta Knight's blow to miss the eye, though it did get a solid cut on his neck and right leg. In a similar fashion, Barrolk's sword cut deeply into Dialga's leg. He roared, but at this point was obviously beginning to tire.

"Now! Tails shouted, "We have to find some way to disable him without killing him! I...I can't think of anything!"

But before anything else could be said, Dialga's single eye glowed. A whisling, crackling sound was heard from above as huge meteors, coated in the same bizarre green flame as that he had spewed from his mouth before, came hurdling from the sky.

((Draco Meteor time! >:3))
Taunos looked up. What was coming down made him panic. Green meteors. He had the misfortunate of facing such a threat before. Powerful undead spellcasters on that fateful day were able to conjure a series of them, and powerful infernals arose from the impacts.
"Geralt, everyone!", he shouted absentmindedly as he dashed towards his earth elemental.
Geralt also looked up, and followed Taunos. They hid near the elemental, which now looked up and managed to swat a meteor out of the sky before starting to take hits.
"You're sure it's safe under here?", Geralt asked.
"Not a lot of places to hide here,", Taunos simply replied, "Are there? It won't collapse anytime soon."
"No. And I still don't know how to disable this Dialga.", Geralt gravely replied.
They looked up to see Kirby, the pink blob, shooting the green flames at Dialga. Geralt aimed an igni sign at one of Dialga's legs, firing off a wave of flames at it. Taunos dropped his fire totem and activated a spell that would cause the totem to spew fire at one of Dialga's other legs for about a minute. The two ran for it after hitting Dialga.
Bonecrusher couldn't even lift up his arm cannon to stop the incoming meteors. He was at ground zero of the storm and about to feel it full-force.

Moments before the first one impacted, two nerve wires connected, sending a surge of energy through Bonecrusher's right arm. The Constructicon raised that arm and punched out, sending the meteor off course into one of the stone pillars.

Okay, he thought, This is progress.
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Barrolk took an effort to remove his sword from Dialga's leg and succeeded in doing so, but now meteorites were falling from the sky.

This could be a problem.

He rushed to Cirrus and scooped her up in a half-feathered arm.

Moonwort bulb, moonwort bulb, moonwort bulb. Where are the medicines when you need them?!

A small meteor struck his chest and another on his hand, knocking his blade from his grip and causing his grasp on Cirrus to loosen a bit. He was stunned for a split second and tried shaking the spiked hare a bit.
Sly immediantly jumped from behind the pillar when he saw the green meteors. He heard Sonic mention Dialga being weak to fire. Well, that certanly makes things a lot easier. Squeaking slightly as a meteor hit next to him, Sly ran to Dialga, half-rolled, and stopped on his hands. His feet were high up in the air, and his heels were right up to Dialga's leg. He tapped his feet together three times in certain places, and his Jet Boots activated, spewing fire at Dialga's plate-covered leg.

Obi-Wan dodged past boulders. Almost every second, the Force was surging warning him of danger. Like I need the Force to tell me that I'm about to DIE!!!! He held his lightsaber hilt tightly to avoid losing it to one of the meteors. Yet another thing I think is for droids!
"Crap crap crap CRAP CRAP!" Taiko yelled as the meteorites rained down from the skies, and he was paralyzed. "Crapinator crap..."

Blaze watched the meteor shower. She was on her toes, ready to jump out of the way of every meteor.
"Yikes!" Torchic instinctively ran behind Chikorita, who was no larger than she was. As the meteors rained down, Chikorita had an idea. "Light Screen!" she called out as dozens of yellow hexagons with a psychedelic aura surrounded her and her teammates. ((Oddly enough, Draco Meteor is a Special move, so...))

Still in the sky, Galacta Knight was firing concentrated beams at the incoming meteors. Most of the smaller ones shattered, however, but the larger ones continued on their present course, unperturbed. One of them hurtled past and just shaved one of his wings. Flying back down, he decided to focus on Dialga and worry about those meteors later. Just then, he noticed something beginning to form in front of him. ...A shield? It must have been from a spell of some sort one of them cast. Looking past towards Dialga, Galacta Knight fired another whip-like beam like before, this time aiming it at the diamond on its chest.
After these many turns, Cirrus had still not recovered from paralysis. And... she could at least move her mouth.

"What is this kind of paralysis? It's definitely less serious than the paralysis I've experienced..."

Maybe she could frighten Dialga?

Giving a loud, hideous howl, she attempted to paralyze him with fear. Barrolk would recognize it as War Cry.
Link saw the meteors coming. Nearby, Taiko appeared unable to move, maybe hurt. He created another blue diamond-shaped force field around the Pokemon and himself as protection. Hopefully it was strong enough to hold up against the meteors. Neaby, Chell was staring at the sky, clearly terrified. He sighed and created another force field around her as well. His head started to throb. He wasn't used to using so much magic energy at once..
After a minute, he started firing more flaming arrows at Dialga from inside the force field.
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