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Closed Task Force: Code Ryuusen

There was a slight jerk as the ship began to take off. Through the first 20 seconds, there seemed to be a lot of turbulence, since the shipment was coming from the Earth and had to pass through its atmosphere. Talon spoke to his team, as things settled. "Well, the ride itself should take about 2 hours. Stay put until then."

Kurt closed his eyes and took a deep breath. in his mind, he saw the reasons he put himself on the line each and every day... his wife and daughters. I only wish I can provide you the world you deserve. I'll be home soon... Only thing I can do now is wait, wait and go over the plan in my mind... He rested his body while he could, remaining silent throughout the trip. I wonder what kind of secret weapon this thing is... they never did say.

(I'm going to go through the 'cargo ride' relatively quickly, since it's not really the 'interesting' part. So in my next post, I'll move ahead to the landing)
Patashu groaned and rubbed his head. While he hadn't yet admitted it the idea of a chip within his brain made him uneasy, like it would tap right into his thoughts. He tried to forget about it but each communication brought it right back.
He wrestled about in the crate full of genetically engineered rice that was his temporary home to get more comfortable, thankfully only about half filled, keeping his world illuminated with a hand-held gadget, playing some physics-based puzzle solver to keep his thoughts flowing for the mission ahead...
After some time has passed, the food cargo ship made a smooth landing into the main docking bay at Alpha-9. Surrounding the ship were a variety of different mobile suits and smaller spacecraft, built for operating, protecting, or maintaining the space station. Also in the hangar were a number of armed personnel, practically too numerous to count. Talon knew that trying to break out now would be too hazardous, and would likely result in getting them killed. Fortunately, he also predicted that they wouldn't have to. But he needed to make sure everyone else knew that. Talon spoke to his team over the squad communications.

"All right, it looks like we're inside the space station now. However, do not exit yet. Wait for my signal and communications from our contact." Moments later, the cargo hatch opened up, and workers began to transport the different shipments out of their hangars, toward their destinations, one box at a time. Kurt wasn't sure whether the boxes would all end up in the same food storage facility, or in different ones, but he had an idea how he would find out. There's bound to be less security at the food storage places than here... and hopefully we'll be able to figure out what we're up against before we have to get out. Kurt could feel his box moving finally, and continued to wait patiently. A few minutes later, it stopped for good. Talon finally sent out his signal, an encoded message reading, "We're in. Give me a frequency for communications and positions of my team." After sending, he thought to himself. I sure hope he's as good as command claims... If the enemy decodes that before he does, we're going to be in trouble.
A transmission came through, jolting Sock from his breif moment of sleep. The red contents of the crate now practically liquid from Socks constant fidgeting were smearred all over him.

"All right, it looks like we're inside the space station now. However, do not exit yet. Wait for my signal and communications from our contact." Talon ordered through the communications system. Before he could reply the crate Sock was in suddenly began to lean to one side and eventually tumble over with a thud.

"Christ, dropped one.." Came a muffled voice, followed by, "Be more careful.. That stuffs gotta last.."

Sock still unable to unbrace himself, had locked his arms and legs firmly against the sides of the crate. A sigh of relief left his mouth as his crate began to move smoothly and he slipped back into the red ooze.
Ghost watched security cameras looking for the new shipment. Then he got the message at the same time when a hatch was opening. There you are guys, ghost thought as he started to work on getting the right frequency. As soon as he got the right one to use he spoke, “Now now, what can we do about this ride of yours. It seems that they want to split the cargo up. We can’t have that now, can we?…” Ghost began to hack into the computer in front of him, locking all food storage rooms but one.
“…There much better, everyone please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times, you will be arriving at your stop in 6 minutes. Talon, you and your food crates will arrive in room B-923. Once ready, please go right once you get out of the room. Don’t worry about the cameras; I will be shutting them off as your group progress to the next stop. Also, I will be turning on the emergency lights to show your path to take. Ghost out.” With that said, he sent an email to the cargo manager saying that B-923 is the only functional storage room at the moment. All other rooms have been locked for cleaning.
Shadowcloud watched as the crates were taken away, and when they were all gone he silently slipped out of the hatch, keeping to the walls, following the crates. He looked around at the beautiful mobile suits and spacecraft, wondering what it would be like to own one. Of course, he wouldn't have one of those big, bulky ones that looked fir for heavy combat, no, he'd need a small, lightweight one.

Turning his attention back to the situation at hand, Shadowcloud had an idea. He stood still for a moment and waited. After a short while a security guard walked past. He twisted the ring on his device again and activated Shadow Pulse, blinding the guard. Satisfied, Shadowcloud grabbed the man and dragged him behind a large crate, throwing him to the ground and knocking him out. He stripped the guard of his security uniform and pulled it over his clothes, then hurriedly followed after the crate-carriers.

When he caught up, he spoke to them. "Just her to supervise you," he told them, "Don't want anything happening, do we?"

He wasn't too sure what he meant by 'anything happening', but it did not matter he had appeared to fool them. As he walked past each of the crates he murmured quietly, "It's me, don't worry."
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Nodding to the communications signal, he put his device back away and tried to become mentally prepared, sitting perfectly still in the bobbing, moving crate as his eyes wandered to a gap in the wood. Hmm, good so far, he thought to himself. The longer we evade detection for the better.

Just to reassure himself he feels over his pouches and pockets, ensuring everything he brought is in place. Nothing to do for now but wait, watch, listen, hope.
Kitten officially loathed her hiding place. Her legs were aching like nobody's business, there was a particularly large apple against her lower back driving her insane, and all she could see out of the tiny spaces between the boards of the crate was the backside of one of the men carrying her.

It was in this moment of anger that she heard a faint mumble of, "It's me, don't worry." Kitten gritted her teeth to avoid completely losing it. Shadowcloud had pushed her patience too far. His stubborn endangering of the mission, blatant insubordinate behaviour, the way he giving them a verbal confirmation of his position that any one of these gorillas could overhear. He was in for the chewing out of his life when she got out of here.
When he heard Shadowclaw's spoken message, Talon quickly and abruptly 'spoke' into his communicator. "Shadowcloud, what the hell are you doing? Do not under any circumstances give us away yet. You are supposed to be in a crate, just like us." There are several armed workers around, guiding the transport of the crates, not just Shadow, and one of them can be heard speaking to another.

"You know how all the food shipments are being rerouted to the same place? Pretty weird, don't you think?" The other replies, "Yeah, I know, but I just complete the orders, I don't question them. He then turns to Shadowcloud, and seeing his peculiar approaching of the crates, he asks, "Hey, Henry, is something wrong?" Apparently, the person Shadowcloud had downed and taken the identity of was named Henry.
Garuku griped his gun hard, aiming through the cracks of his crate at the person who had talked to Shadowcloud. Luckily, his crate was at the back, and yet to be touched or moved around to disrupt his vision. Should I take out all the guards silently? Or wait until we’re found out? he asked in his communicator.

One of the other armed men looked at Shadowcloud as well. “Damn Hennery, move it already. We need these crates out'a here,” he said.
Shadowcloud thought fast when he noticed other armed workers supervising the crates. He shook his head. "No," he said, in a deeper voice than his own, "I, ah, was sent to help with the crates. Nothing wrong. Nothing at all."

He laughed and quietly replied to Talon when the guards were looking away. "You honestly think I'm going to hide in a box of cereal like a child? A real master of stealth uses other techniques than just hiding, Talon."
That was it; Kitten lost it. Everyone in her team would hear a 'noise' similar to a shriek come through their communicators from her. "Shadowcloud, you cocky, reckless idiot!" she screamed, very glad that she could do so without actually being heard verbally, "This is a high-risk operation, and your irresponisble, insubordinate behaviour is going to get us caught!"

She cut off before a string of curses could follow her message and instead hissed them in the privacy of her own mind without sending them out, branching out into a good twelve languages, most of them extinct ones she'd picked up from her study of earth's history before moon colonization. Finally, with a faint sigh, she leaned back (stupid apple, making it impossible to be comfortable) and tried to get under control, just in case Shadowcloud's actions led to a fight.
After hearing the rant, Shadowcloud merely smiled and sent a message back to Kitten. "Look, I'm used to doing stuff like this. I won't mess up. I promise." he said the last two words in what was meant to be a soothing tone in an attempt to calm Kitten down.

"And besides," he continued, "If something does go wrong, I've got Shadow Pulse to, shall we say, distract these guys. You worry too much."

He turned to the other guards. "Wait, guys, how about you go and have an early break? I think I can probably handle this alone. it's just a load of boxes, it's not like they're haunted or anything..."
Talon silently sighs, thinking to himself, We might not have long... stupid Shadowcloud.... "Ghost, can you give me our current position... as well as the number of guards nearby," he speaks over the comm link. "We may need to exit sooner rather than later..." He cut off the link, before finishing that sentence. ... because of the irresponsible actions of one of the team. Talon clutches his pistol, preparing himself if need be.

One of the guards laughs and replies, "Hey listen, I got orders and they say to deliver this shipment." Another one continues from the first. "This isn't like you, Henry... what's going on?"
Unfortunately, with Kitten's current state of mind, 'soothing' came across as 'condescending,' and his stating that she worried too much did nothing but flare her temper back up. She could overhear the conversation between him and the guards, and subconciously started up her viper gun. The weapon rose up from its base, looking faintly like a cobra emerging from her wrist.

"I swear, Shadowcloud," she hissed to him over their link, "If you continue to pull these stunts, I will not hesitate to viper you and leave you stuffed into this apple crate until the paralysis wears off while the rest of us do our job."
“Hmm..it seems your about 7 feet away from the room, just try to not kill yourselves before you get there…” Ghost looks at the cameras and spoke again, “…These damn things are crappy to see. I’m guessing that you have about 1 guard ahead of you, 2 in the back and 1 on your left…wait the one on your left is Shadowcloud.” He got up from the desk and looked around for something to drink.
Sock, amused by the situation between Shadowclouds idiocy and Kittens reaction being somewhat in the same sense as poking a bear with a stick, couldn't help but grin to himself.

Sock took a large inhale of air. He was unsure of the amount of time he'd spent in the crate and the confined space was becoming somewhat of an irritation. "Look, threatening your own team members isn't going to resolve anything. What's done is done, so calm down, be quiet and let Shadowcloud drag us to the storage area." He stated sharply through the communication system. Expecting an icy reply from Kitten, Sock continued, "Besides threatening him, will distract him. Distractions lead to mistakes, anymore and we might aswell break out of these crates and make ourselves target practice!-" His statement was cutshort as not to add something he'd probably regret.
A deep growl like one of an angry lion came over the communicator. Kitten would have kept quiet after her last threat and worked to calm down if Sock hadn't decided to reprimand her, but silence now would imply shame, and she felt no such thing. Her voice came through coated in ice and dripping in sarcasm. "Yes, sir. Of course, sir."

Kitten then cut off the transmission and relaxed as best she could under the circumstances. She still kept her viper gun ready and gripped her pistol, but tried to focus more on the possible outcomes of the situation and what to do if they happened rather than who had gotten them in to it.

((*snort* You know what's amusing about all of this to me? I know exactly what Kitten wants to say, and she's been censoring herself like crazy, even if it seems like she's saying the first thing that comes to mind without thinking.))
Talon groaned, listening to the squabble. "Oh well, what's done is done. Rather than pointing fingers, we better just make the best of it. Ghost, I'll need you to shut off the cameras in the area for two minutes. Shadow, since you're already out... distract the guards. The rest of you, on my signal, blast your way out, and take out the guards. Make sure you don't hit Shadow though.

He waited for about 15 seconds to give the two a little time to complete their tasks, then shouted over the communicator. "Now!"
He turned them off, “Already done…don’t tell me something went wrong over there? I am not going to let this mission fail because there’s bad blood between kitten and shadowcloud…You know how long I’ve been within this dump? Far too long I say, I am ready to go back home!” he said getting a little angry. “You know what? I am going to take their computer with me and go down to help guys at..” he said again. Then he grabbed a pair of visors and hooked them up to his claw, he then downloaded the main security system onto his visors. Alright that was easy enough.. He thought as he left the room walking towards his squad.
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