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The LGBT Club

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I don't think they're thinking that far ahead. It's more of a "let's just kill all the gays" situation.
Of course they're not thinking that far ahead. They're straight they're unaware that if they were to start executing LGBT people, there'd be ~10% of the population wiped out a la Holocaust, not to mention all the straight friends of LGBT people (I know I'm not the only one who has them) who'd be left wondering why anyone would want their friends gone just for being a little different.
Right, so I've been telling a good number of my friends in the past three weeks or so, and their reactions have shockingly normal. Which is a good thing obviously, but in a way it's kind of disappointing, for a lack of a better word. Like I was preparing for "WHAT, REALLY? I'M TOTALLY GOING TO TELL EVERYONE AND START AVOIDING YOU NOW :D", and got "Ah, neat. So what else is new?"

I should really give my friends more credit. :P
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Indeed, welcome! Welcome to the coolest campest happiest LGBT-est part of tCoD!

Note to self: Shut up, Castform.
I have a feeling no one is going to sympathize with me on this, other than Gew. :[

Okay, so I’m a huge tv addict. But lately my annoyance with tv shows has increased. With one thing in particular, to be specific. And that is the sheer amount of sex that goes on in tv these days. I mean, seriously. With at least half of the shows I watch I have to keep my finger on the fast-forward button. The shows are scattered with kissing and sex and the rest of that gross stuff, and it’s not just pecks or stuff like that it’s full-on kissing with noise as if the visual imagery wasn’t bad enough, I can’t just look away and pretend it isn’t happening, it has to be streamed into my ears.

In the past I’ve put up with this for reasons unknown. I’ve just fast-forwarded. I guess my desire to watch TV overwhelmed my disgust. But it’s getting to the point where there are certain shows I just can’t watch anymore because I know that I won’t be able to enjoy them: I can’t let my hand stray from the fast-forward button, which destroys the entire purpose of my watching tv shows, that being multitasking.

Which leads me to this question: why? Why is tv so full of sex? Can writers not think of anything else to write? Anything else to draw people in? Are people really so sex-obsessed they can’t watch anything that isn’t littered with sex sex sex constantly? If there is a show or movie that has no romance in it at all, are people worried no one will watch it because that’s all anyone ever thinks about? Or do people write it all the time in their shows /because/ that’s all they think about? They can’t write anything else because they can’t think of anything else to write?

Literally the only shows with no kissing are talk shows. And children shows. I know that people have sex and they kiss. But really, they do other things too. And those things are probably more interesting. Or at least as interesting. And maybe we could spend some time featuring those things. Because, god dammit, I’m sick and tired of my eyes and ears being assaulted. :|

(And just to clarify because I just know someone is going to say this, I know some people enjoy the sex. Okay, most people. Fine. I get it. But why do they have to make everyone see it. Why. Why. Go have sex. Please. Go do it. But not in my face or on my computer screen. :|)
Sex is a perfectly normal part of life. The majority of humans on the planet will, at some point, experience sexual urges. Television is meant to be a land of various fantasies, and pretty much every human activity is shown on television. Sex just happens to be a really important part of most people's lives, and it's going to be featured on television. The search for someone to love and hold and kiss is something with which most people on the planet symapthise and recognise from their own lives.

It's just how most of us are wired. We enjoy it. Sometimes it might make us feel a little squeamish depending on what sort of upbringing they've had, but most people can watch most television sex scenes without discomfort. I mean. It's like. It's not omg totally important to have romance and sex everywhere, but it's something that, if it's not there, you notice is missing.

It's just a part of life. It's a fact of life for many, many, many people alive and watching television right now and I don't think it's going to go away.

(also yeah i've had this same discussion before with kusari so um. :D)
But going to the bathroom is a perfectly normal and commonday part of life too. And, I don't know, masturbating. Or, uh, dying. People die. People fart. And burp. And sometimes they don't wear make up. But those things are never featured on tv. (Not that I want to see them either, except for the dying, possibly.)

It just sort of creeps me out how much tv is ruled by sex. I know it's a part of life. But it could be a smaller part of it. Like. Not every second of a tv show. :[
Dying is featured on television all the time. Masturbation is featured, to a lesser extent. Off the top of my head I can think about Weeds where it was commonly featured. In one episode Shane was caught masturbating over old pictures of his mother. Sometimes people don't wear make up, and that's featured, too. So are the other bodily functions you mentioned.

Maybe you're just watching too many American television programmes, but British produced ones generally contain a lot more normal things.

It also depends what sort of programme you're watching. If it's something that's supposed to be sexy and dangerous and alluring (for example, True Blood) then of course there's going to be a lot of sex.
I watch a lot of British shows too, though they last a lot less time so there's less to watch. But like, shows that aren't meant to be about sex, like Chuck, are impossible to watch because every 2 seconds there's kissing. :[ Ironically Weeds doesn't have nearly as much kissing as Chuck. Bleh. I honestly don't mind True Blood, because like you said, it's basically just about sex. That's what you're expecting. But a show like Chuck isn't supposed to be about that at all! Whyyy. Why. :[ Why?
Because sex sells. And it's a very mature topic in most cases (When it's not the butt of rude, crude jokes a la Two and a Half Men), so you're likely to attract a more mature crowd if your film or television show includes some form of sex. Otherwise, in this day and age, it either gets labelled as "run-of-the-mill" or a kid's show. Plus, like Harlequin said, it's relatable to the mature audience, giving it some justification.

Take, for example, a popular American show like CSI or Criminal Minds; the plot of an episode frequently features sex as a primary motif, in the "jilted lover" manner, thus, justified. Otherwise, it makes for a darker and edgier show.

So Pentimento, your problem is certainly understandable, and not irrational. But it's just a fact of life. And don't take this the wrong way, because I'm not trying to sound forceful or anything, but you'll just have to deal with it. Because it doesn't look like it's going away anytime soon.
I don't mind sex on TV as long as there's a bit of warning for it. I remember a couple of times watching series 6 of Buffy when a scene with standard Buffyish stuff would suddenly cut to Buffy and Spike having noisy sex and it would always make me go O.o

I think most people have things that squick them that happen on TV, though - I absolutely cannot stand torture scenes, and the vaguest suggestion of rape makes me stop watching. It means there are shows that I'd happily watch otherwise, or I have to watch with my trigger-finger on the fastforward button, but that's how it is. I have a friend who can't watch House because she can't stand watching people have seizures. I don't think people are obsessed with sex, it just... happens.

(can I suggest The West Wing as a good adult TV show with no sex and minimal kissing/romance? :D)
Because sex sells. And it's a very mature topic in most cases (When it's not the butt of rude, crude jokes a la Two and a Half Men), so you're likely to attract a more mature crowd if your film or television show includes some form of sex. Otherwise, in this day and age, it either gets labelled as "run-of-the-mill" or a kid's show. Plus, like Harlequin said, it's relatable to the mature audience, giving it some justification.

Take, for example, a popular American show like CSI or Criminal Minds; the plot of an episode frequently features sex as a primary motif, in the "jilted lover" manner, thus, justified. Otherwise, it makes for a darker and edgier show.

So Pentimento, your problem is certainly understandable, and not irrational. But it's just a fact of life. And don't take this the wrong way, because I'm not trying to sound forceful or anything, but you'll just have to deal with it. Because it doesn't look like it's going away anytime soon.

Sex doesn't strike me as a very mature subject. It seems more... animalistic. Which doesn't make it good or bad, it's just not exactly a 'mature' subject. Mature subjects would be, let's say, politics, or something of the sort. Sex is just something humans do, like eating, because our bodies tell us we want to.

Now, the things you mentioned, like rape and etc. on shows like CSI and Criminal minds are things that are caused by sex, or mis-using it. They rarely even show the actual sex (which is part of what I love about Criminal Minds). It really isn't about the act itself, it's about how people twist it into perverted things.

Also 'it's not good change' is both obvious and redundant. :| About 1% of the population isn't interested in sex. Which is sad imo but whatever. On the other hand, the same has been said for homophobia and racism, etc. (not that these things are the same), so having such an attitude is really not helpful.

I don't mind sex on TV as long as there's a bit of warning for it. I remember a couple of times watching series 6 of Buffy when a scene with standard Buffyish stuff would suddenly cut to Buffy and Spike having noisy sex and it would always make me go O.o

I think most people have things that squick them that happen on TV, though - I absolutely cannot stand torture scenes, and the vaguest suggestion of rape makes me stop watching. It means there are shows that I'd happily watch otherwise, or I have to watch with my trigger-finger on the fastforward button, but that's how it is. I have a friend who can't watch House because she can't stand watching people have seizures. I don't think people are obsessed with sex, it just... happens.

(can I suggest The West Wing as a good adult TV show with no sex and minimal kissing/romance? :D)

Hm, I never really considered that it might be the same for people who can't handle blood/gore or other things. I guess that's a good point. I do think there should be a warning (not like WATCH OUT SEX AHEAD but just some sort of hint of what's going on) before though, like you said. Those Buffy/Spike seasons were the worst. :[ Especially since I loved Spike so much. Why?

You know I'm adding The West Wing to my to-watch list, even though last time I tried it it was really annoying. I'm just so easy to convince. (Only by you though ;D)
I remember on rental videos (and possibly DVDs? I'm showing my age now, haha), they used to break down the film's classification into "Language, Sex, Violence, Other" (also, incidentally, a Stereophonics album name), which was useful to me because I don't care about language - I really don't understand why things like comedy or shows like The Thick of It get 18 ratings just because of certian swear words used - or psychological horror or whatnot, but I like to know before I start watching how graphic the violence will be, or if there'll be a gratuitious sex scene midway. I don't like censorship, but I do think that people should be able to choose what they watch.

Bleeeh, I'm so with you on the Buffy/Spike thing. I miss Something Blue, back in series 4, when the idea of Spike and Buffy making out was hilarious D:

Incidentally (and very on-topic with the club, no less!) the double-standard that exists for same-sex romantic depictions angers me very much. You can have heterosexual sex scenes all over the place, but you can't have a canonical same-sex relationship without it becoming something to protect the children from. Back to Buffy, there was a semi-sexual scene the writers wanted to include between Willow and Tara that the networks cut, but an episode later, another character was skinned and immolated and nobody questioned it.

Media aimed at the youngest of children has a heavy focus on heterosexual relationships (everything from the main character's parents to the Disney princes and princesses getting together), but can you think of a single canonically queer character on a show aimed at kids? Captain Jack Harkness, yes, but the writers of Doctor Who are that awesome

(Aww, really? It's one of my absolute favourites ever <3)
Generally if I'm watching a show I can learn what sort of show it is, though there are changes, like, with Buffy. The warnings never help, really, and are more laughable than anything (watching Oz and getting that warning every time was just lul). Really, I'd just like some hint that there's about to be kissing or something so I can fastforward. :[

And uhg, I so agree with you. It extends way past just sex, though, into actual relationships (and obviously, characters themselves). A huge example of this is in the latest season of Glee, Kurt has gotten a much larger storyline. And everyone has been complaining about it becoming 'the Kurt show'. How is Kurt having a storyline any different than Quinn, Rachel, Finn, etc. having a storyline in the first season? I don't know. :| (There has actually been a huge amount of homophobia towards Kurt in the fandom, which is really, really disgusting. I'm just thankful the writers know better than to listen and keep writing this storyline because it's a great one and deserves to be written.)

Anyhow outside of Glee (I am seriously obsessed someone help me aaaa), it's really depressing how right you are. :\ Although I care more about having actual gay characters in shows that have romantic relationships than seeing their sexy times, personally. But that's me again. :D

DW isn't... really aimed at kids, is it? No more than Glee is. Well, Glee is aimed at teens. :v There's also Ugly Betty, which was also probably aimed at teens. To be fair though I have no idea what shows are aimed at kids other than like, Wizards of Waverly Place or something. (Oh, in my mind Jesse, Joey and Danny from Full House were a poly couple. Totally canon.)
DW isn't... really aimed at kids, is it? No more than Glee is. Well, Glee is aimed at teens. :v There's also Ugly Betty, which was also probably aimed at teens. To be fair though I have no idea what shows are aimed at kids other than like, Wizards of Waverly Place or something. (Oh, in my mind Jesse, Joey and Danny from Full House were a poly couple. Totally canon.)

Doctor Who is a "family show", which translates into "lots of subtext". Though it isn't quite as bad as Merlin.
Mmm, but while I'm an ardent lover of subtext, there's really something to be said for maintext. I love Sherlock ripping John's clothes off in a darkened swimming pool as much as the next person (okay, perhaps a bit more), but regulating gay relationships to just subtext is pretty problematic; they're never allowed to be as 'real' as heterosexual relationships (especially when it's just done for the lulz) and the actuality of same-sex love is still deemed unsuitable for children.

But said I said, subtext's still absolutely delightful, and one of the many reasons the BBC owns my soul, and while not as good as some form of maintext would be, it still helps normalize homosexuality, which can only be good, particularly in the face of a lot of rampant homophobia on television, especially American TV (I'm looking at you, Two and a Half Men).

That the Glee fandom is homophobic breaks my heart. And, thinking about it, my brain. I mean, how??
*hops in*

Unlike going to the bathroom or not wearing makeup, sex is pretty inherently exciting to most people above a certain age, and not even just in the directly titillating way. That's just how we're wired. While I fully agree that romance frequently just gets in the way of the plots we're actually watching for, when people truly start cheering for two characters to get together, they will usually find it more satisfying to actually see them kissing passionately or getting it on than if they were just told, "Oh, they got together! The end."

Furthermore, having that status as something most people spend a lot of time thinking about and desiring even though it is somewhat taboo, and with the intensity, usual privacy and discreetness of the act itself, it is easy to use sex to say something interesting about a character that wouldn't be shown so easily otherwise. I liked season six Buffy/Spike because I found it psychologically compelling; though showing somewhat less of it wouldn't have hurt, I honestly think the show was better for having it happen and, yes, showing some of it.

So yeah, if you ask me, that's why there is so much sex on television. Everybody has things they're uncomfortable watching, but unfortunately, that's not exactly the writers' problem - they couldn't possibly tiptoe around every conceivable squick in the universe, and again, most people enjoy, rather than detest, watching sex or suggestions of sex. :/

That said, that's exactly why they shouldn't tipetoe around showing homosexual characters/relationships/kissing/sex just because some silly portion of the population will find it wrong or gross.
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