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The Lord of the Rings Club


wants to play mafia
I felt that this forum was in desperate need of one of these, so um...yeah.

Anyway, my favorite characters are:
1. Legolas
2. Gandalf
3. Gimli
4. Sam

Members List

Ashton van Helsing
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You has most of my favorites too, but replace Sam with Ancalagon :3
1: Legolas
2: Gandalf
3: Gimli
4: Ancalagon The Black
AW YEAH. THIS IS GREAT. I'd love to join! You should add in the Hobbit and the Silmarillion because those are great too!
I read The Hobbit and loved it, but when I started The Fellowship of the Ring, I thought that it was boring. However, now that I've seen the movies I've decided to start reading it again.
Oh my gosh that's awesome! Phantom, I'm assuming you want to join...?
Actually, I kind of agree with you, Phantom. I'm reading the books now, but they're a little meh. I loved The Hobbit, though.
The booked are a bit dry and I frequently have arguments with a friend in which I call them boring. However, dryness (at least in this case) does not equal bad. The movies are quite freaking amazeballs. Plus ten.
And I love the Silmarillion.
And I'm joining. So much.

And Legolas > everything
Join. I've read the whole series including the Hobbit and the Silmarillion, and I absolutely loved them! Never saw the movies though. Go Gimli!
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