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Ghost was muttering something to Thorn, and she was typing rapidly. "Done," said the Gastly. "Now the computer will read any withdraws as going to us. I call the Misdreavus, she's pretty."
Luna watched the computer screen and searched through all the trainers' boxes.
"Since Rocket's going to get so many Pokemon already, can I take that Houndour? ...It's not like they'll be any better off where we're sending them. It'd be happier with me," Luna stated, hoping that Alice would say yes. A fire Pokemon would be a valuble asset, even if it wasn't nearly as strong as the rest of her team. By the looks of things, it was probably just a newborn.

(Do Pokemon have levels in this RPG?)
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Jackson smiled. "I forfeit," he said, returning Drapion. "I did enough training for today, and I accomplished what I wanted to, so I'm fine. He turned back to the computer that Alice, Thorn, and the others were at. "If we're calling Pokemon," he began, "I call that Salamence. Gosh that thing looks powerful."
Erindor looked at all the people who were calling all the pokemon. "Just a few minutes ago, you guys were complaining that we had to steal Pokemon. (I know I was too.) The only thing I want is that Eevee." With that Erindor withdrew the Eevee. He put out his Espeon. "Two things, Espeon. You need a name, and I'm getting an Eevee to be your friend."
Thorn giggled. "Oooooooo, someone has a crush."
"I do not!" said Ghost indignantly. "Fine then, that Gardevoir is pretty, too."
"She has to be way older than you."
"Fine, that Ralts!"
"That's a guy."
Ghost roared in frustration, and obviously would have punched something if he had limbs. "Then that other Gastly!"
"You said that was your cousin."
He swore rather violently, and then said, "Fine then. Just gimme the Misdreavus."
"Her name's Screech."
"That's a nice name."
"Well, think about it, Erindor. The emergency protocol releases every Pokemon within the PC system and from there, Team Rocket Admins steal all of the Pokemon and does god-knows-what to 'em. If we keep them, we get new Pokemon and they don't have to suffer from Team Rocket's actions. See? It's still terrible, but at least it's not as bad...." Luna replied convincingly.

For a moment, she was sure he had them pegged until he took the Eevee out. She relaxed a bit and withdrew the little Houndour from the PC. A blue Pokeball with two diagonal fuschia stripes at its side materialized in a slot on the computer. Luna took it out and looked. On the front of the Pokeball was a taped piece of paper with the name "Cesario" scribbled on.
"Is that your name, then...? Not one I'd have chosen," Luna muttered as she placed the Great Ball on her belt with the others.
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Violet looked through the PC. There it was, an Eevee. Female, and appeared to be a newborn. She pointed to the screen.
Hey, I'll take better care of her than TR.
"Can I have that female Eevee right there? I've always wanted an Eevee~!"
She looked at some other boxes.
"Holy crap. A Dratini. I want that thing so bad! Oh hey, female Ralts."
Grin laughed at his new Rhydon. "See, Rhydon? We're awesome aren't we? You were great!"

After returning his Rhydon, Grin walked to the PC.

"Well, I didn't plan on taking anything, after all, I already have 6 pokemon, but that Golem is holding a protector for some reason... May I have the protector? Rhydon sure would rock as a Rhyperior!!!" He exclaimed.
Thorn withdrew the Misdreavus, and sent her out. Screech seemed frightened at first, but then just apparantly accepted her surroundings. "Did that boy just trade me away after all?" she asked.
Thorn was surprised, but decided to go along with it to cover up the act. "Yeah. I gave him my... uh... Teddiursa for you."
She sighed. "Figures. He told me he just caught me for Pokedex purposes. I've been rotting in there forever. Who are you?"
"I'm Thorn, and this is Ghost. So, your name is Screech?"
"Yes. I'm glad that someone managed to pay attention."
Ghost, at this point, seemed to just catch up, and said, "Hi," rather feebly.
Violet grinned and withdrew the Ralts, Dratini and Eevee. The Ralts was too busy falling over and getting back up to care what was going on. The Dratini and Eevee stared at her. The Eevee blinked.
You're not my trainer. But he was a meanie. He left me in the box because my, um nature was wrong. What is that? What did I do?
The Dratini was silent, and curled up in a ball and fell asleep. Violet played with the Eevee's ears.
"You didn't do anything wrong. I'm your new trainer, and I'll be nice to you."
She thought about names for the new pokemon.
Hmm, the Dratini can be Magnarya, I don't know about the Eevee, what about when she evolves? Well, I guess Cafe for now. And the Ralts, it said she's also a female. I guess Hera. For when she evolves.
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Luna decided to follow Torn's and Violet's leads and tossed Cesario's pokeball in the air.
"Who... who are you?" the Houndour asked with a childish combination of confusion, curiosity, and a subtle bit of fear.
"Luna. I'm your new trainer, little guy," she replied. She stuck out a hand to Cesario, who just watched it with confusion.

(Should we wait for Keta now? We've advanced pretty far without her/him.)
((We should))

Jackson reached for the computer, preparing to get the Salamence, but stopped. Another Pokemon caught his eye. A male Gligar. He grabbed the mouse to the computer and clicked "withdraw." In front of him a Poke Ball appeared. Jackson threw it, and the scorpion / vampire pokemon appeared in front of him.

"Wow, it's nice to be out of the Poke Ball for once," the Gligar said. He turned to Jackson. "Did you steal me from the PC?"

"Well, uh, maybe-" Jackson began.

"Thank GOD! I've been in here for, er, what's the date?" the Gligar asked.

((I'm guessing this)) "June 28, 2312," Jackson answered suspiciously.

"Holy crap, I've been in the PC for over a year," the Gligar said, astonished. "My trainer caught me just to show off to his friend that he got a Gligar; haven't seen him since." Jackson smiled nervously. "Well, anyways, thank you. I suspect you want me on your team now?" he asked.

"Well, uh, that was the intention," Jackson said.

"Do you promise not to abandon me?" Gligar asked.

"I promise," Jackson said.

"Well you've got yourself a deal then." With that, Gligar returned to his Poke Ball.
Violet smiled softly at her three new Pokemon. They were all sleeping. The girl knew they were too young to fight, but she wasn't really into battles. When she needed to, Windy or Goldy usually fought. That was enough. She usually never got into Pokemon battles, unless it was training.
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Erindor sent out the new Eevee, which looked around confused. "Where am I?" It asked. Luckily Erindor had had an Eevee before and understood it. "Well, I just took you out of the PC." It looked at him. "You understand Eevee?" It asked. Erindor smiled. "Yeah, in fact I had one before," Erindor said, indicating towards the Espeon. Welcome Eevee. I didn't get your name, The Espeon said. The Eevee looked over, embarassed. "Well, it isn't exactly creative..." The Espeon nodded its head. I understand. Don't worry, he's a good trainer. The Espeon said, smiling at Erindor. Erindor nodded. "Well, Eevee, I'm your new trainer. How was your old one?" The Eevee just looked away, apparently not wanting to talk.
Ghost, amist all this, was apparantly trying to think up something really witty to say. "Uh... I... Um... Heard a great joke... About four golfers... And... Um... Lemme try to... Remember it..."
((Haha, sorry, I forgot about this temporarily. xD;;))

"Grats," she yelled at Grin, nodding at the impressive Rhydon. The Pokemon Center would be wrecked in no time, no doubt. "Seriously though, knock it off- we're here to pilfer, not totally destroy this place," she scolded her team.

Alice was amused at the mayhem that was going on. It was probably typical of Team Rocket raids, except with the usual din of ambulances and police sirens outside. Greedy grunts were scrolling through the files at the computers, sneaking out whatever Pokemon they could keep for themselves. It was push and shove as all the Grunts crowded around the computers... Alice felt an urge to call out her Pikachu to short-circuit the wiring but resisted the urge.

"Take whatever you like, just nothing that will eat your head off," she advised her group, yelling above the noise.

From the corner of her eye she spotted a Rocket truck racing down the street, away from the mayhem. Taking note of the direction, Alice squinted in the dim lighting. Another lonely truck was parked on the asphalt outside, just below the dim streetlight of Goldenrod.

"Go, Ariant!" she cried, releasing her Combusken. The birdlike creature squawked excitedly, kicking the empty air enthusiastically.

"Ariant, Fire Punch the doors. We're getting out, so meet us at that truck," shouted Alice, pointing at the vehicle. "Guys, grab whatever you can, but the priority is finding out where they are going! Come on, get to that truck ASAP!"
Luna and withdrew one last Pokemon, a Flaafy named Claire, and ran out of her seat at Alice's commands after recalling Cesario.
"Are we going to detain the truck or just follow it? Do we need our Pokemon?" she asked, reaching for Florece's and Nanee's pokeballs. What was going on? Why was a truck suspicious...?
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