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Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Ugggh the fact that GMs can't edit thread titles anymore makes it so difficult to know how many nights there have been, and I deleted a bunch of my night action PMs to save space. :( I think there have probably been 7 nights? We have nine people alive, and two un-aligned people have been killed, so if the cult-thing had recruited every night there would be at least six of them, which would mean we'd lost already.

Um... I'm sick and I just sort of completely lost my train of thought so I'm going to continue this post later from my bed I guess. Note to self: it involved pondering my night actions. Oh, I think I also wanted to know who Butterfree has blocked this entire game, which may be somewhere in this thread but I don't want to look for it.
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Ugggh the fact that GMs can't edit thread titles anymore makes it so difficult to know how many nights there have been, and I deleted a bunch of my night action PMs to save space. :(
This is Day 7.
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Okay. Clearly the cult (assuming there is one) has not recruited every night, otherwise the game would already be over. Cults normally do recruit every night, and given that this is a decent-sized game and there appear to be no evil killing roles, I don't think MF would have put a restriction on that. So the cult leader must have failed at recruiting (or not sent in a night action) at least twice, giving us at most four cult members (including the leader, since the rest of the cult usually dies when the leader does).

My actions:
N0: --
N1: Butterfree
N2: Negrek
N3: Mai
N4: Negrek
N5: Alligates
N6: Alligates

Alligates almost definitely was not targeted by anyone else last night (barring super-sneaky roles, etc.) and really, it's unlikely that she would have been targeted for recruitment at all given her role unless the cult leader is, once again, super-sneaky (unlikely). Negrek was... clearly successfully targeted at some point.

Something else has been bothering me for a while. Would it not be a priority for a cult to target the roles that can apparently stop people from being recruited? Obviously all you can do right now is take me at my word that I haven't been brainwashed, but at least humour me here. I'm pretty much a sitting duck unless Superbird uses Mirror Move on me every night, but if hypothetically a cult didn't take advantage of that... what would you think? (Unless I have some sort of psychic brain shield, I suppose, but nothing of the sort was hinted at in my role.)

I'm kind of surprised that we haven't been overrun by the cult at this point. I wonder if the cult leader may have gone inactive or something (looking at you, DarkAura).
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I thought the culted people just stayed culted and nothing happened when the cult leader died? Anyway, if DarkAura really is cult leader, she would only have been able to recruit three people: on n0, n1, and n2, as she started being one day after the end of d1, meaning she could have sent an action n2. Seems handy for why there's a 5-4 town-cult right now and not, say, a cult win a few days ago. Since we've revealed VM and Negrek as cult, there's one more and then DarkAura, so I think the best lynch right now is her.

Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Wouldn't that just free up the remaining cult member to recruit again?
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Oh, I think I also wanted to know who Butterfree has blocked this entire game, which may be somewhere in this thread but I don't want to look for it.
Night 1: Superbird
Night 3: Zexion
Night 5: Alligates

That's it. Not particularly helpful as far as I can tell.

I guess DarkAura as really inactive cult leader could make sense? Might be worth trying.
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

DarkAura claimed one of her actions was bodyguarding (which she declined to use), while the other was "more interesting". I kind of doubt a cult leader would have more than one action, but everyone's claimed something, so...

It could also be possible that VM was the original cult leader and when he died the cult members didn't die with him, but instead got to just sit around unable to recruit anyone else and hoping to get a majority. We lynched him... on day 3, right? He would've had three chances to recruit people. (Also, Negrek was probably not recruited on night 2, since I targeted neg then.) I guess that would be the same situation as with DarkAura.

A cult leader being a bodyguard sounds like a really terrible idea, since if the cult leader dies the rest of the cult are either dead or helpless, so out of those two ideas, VM being the original cult leader seems more likely.

Uh, people who seem to have disappeared and been much less helpful or at least talkative than usual: Superbird, Mai. Also plz Zexion tell us of your actions. Your role has the potential to be so useful.

I just feel like giving everyone the benefit of the doubt again because having no fucking clue what is going on here can be somewhat of a deterrent to people who might otherwise post... I don't know. I have no fucking clue what is going on here.
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Also plz Zexion tell us of your actions. Your role has the potential to be so useful.

My actions are Encore and Tail Glow. I cannot use both of them in one night. Encore allows me to learn the name of power roles that my target has. Tail Glow reveals the Pokemon of my target's target.

Night Zero: Encore on Negrek. Witnessed a Low Sweep.
Night One: Tail Glow on Superbird. He hadn't been around anyone, so I experienced nothing.
Night Two: Tail Glow on Negrek. Saw a Gastly nearby.
Night Three: Encore on Eifie. Saw and heard nothing.
Night Four: Tail Glow on Zero Moment. He hadn't been around anyone.
Night Five: Encore on Eifie. Witnessed a Haze.
Night Six: Encore on Butterfree. She wasn't around anyone.
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Uh, people who seem to have disappeared and been much less helpful or at least talkative than usual: Superbird, Mai.


... Uh, I don't have much to add right now, really. But since our time is almost up, I might as well cast a vote for DarkAura; that seems to be what everyone's thinking, but I haven't seen any votes.
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Yeah, I think we might as well go with DarkAura for now.
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

The townsfolk grow suspicious of the absentee DarkAura and decide to storm her home.

When they broke inside, however, they found her already lifeless body, clutching a note that read, "Rosebud".

It was her ski.

Skier DarkAura was defeated! She was innocent.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

The townsfolk rest uneasy, burdened by the creeping doubt brought upon them by the increasing mysteries and difficult decisions.

That, and this fucking noise.
Whoa! Eifie's following me!

On the morning after, one of the townsfolk rounded up the rest to complain about all this crying. Says that this would drown out the sounds of a struggle if something serious were actually happening, and this game is no place to be crying wolf.

... It is, of course, around this same time that they realize that the usually present (if silent) Bug Maniac Zexion was not amongst them at this juncture.

Soon thereafter, he was found in his home, already lifeless. His body displayed no injuries or signs of affected health, but the cause of death was easy to determine: his priceless collection of pinned and framed Beautifly was all over the floor, in cracks, shards and missing pieces.

Bug Maniac Zexion was defeated! He was innocent.

48 hours for discussion.
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Well. I thought I'd check if my actions were still going through. But, umm, Butterfree??
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Honestly, this seems either like a) cultist with a hidden killpower sniping an innocent to frame Butterfree or b) Butterfree, having been culted, sniping an innocent and banking on us thinking it's a). B) requires an active cult leader, though, because there would be no reason for already-culted Butterfree to bus Negrek unless they.. set it up in the cult quicktopic? with an inactive cult leader, meaning there would be no way to further the cult win condition except by lynching people. Yeah.

Living people right now: Mai, hopeandjoy, me, Superbird, RTB, Butterfree, and Eifie, meaning either cult win condition is "everyone alive must be cult" or there are 3 cult and 4 town (or fewer).

Regarding his inactivity, Superbird is at "band camp with limited internet access".
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread


I abstained again last night, which may not have been a good idea. Maybe this is whatever mysterious something that killed Light? It's sort of odd if somebody's been sitting on a killing action all this time.

At any rate, we should probably coordinate some night actions so we don't get silly situations like me randomly blocking Alligates while Eifie was trying to test Alligates' claim. I'm pretty tired right now, may go over the game later and make some suggestions if nobody else does.
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I can't count so could somebody confirm that Light died on night 3 and Zexion died on night 7? i.e. every fourth night? (not that you can actually deduce a pattern from two numbers)
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I've also just remembered that the killing power Light took from Wargle apparently had a 25% (1 in 4) chance of working in certain situations, but I doubt that's relevant...
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

Also, it occurs to me that Superbird's power gives him an excellent way of framing people, and he has been far less talkative than I think is usual. (but my memories of "usual" are actually from four years ago...)
Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

I can't count so could somebody confirm that Light died on night 3 and Zexion died on night 7?
Each of them had their deathes announced immediately after those phases, yes.

Which essentially means that they died on those phases unless I have yet another obscure thing up my sleeve. Who knows.
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