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What are you reading?

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Wait wait, I haven't posted in this thread yet?

Eldest by Christopher Paolini, taking up a majority of my time <3
Dawn by Erin Hunter
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'engle (again)
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle (have to read it for reading class =.=)

Not as many books as I usually read at one time :/
Dearly Devoted Dexter by Jeff Lindsay,

Pretty much all of the Pretentious Pentad by limyaael (fictionpress),

And nonfiction books on schizophrenia, tuberculosis, and war crimes... titled Scizophrenia, Tuberculosis, and War Crimes.
^ That's gotta be one of my all-time favourite books ever <3

Uuh, right now I'm reading chapters from thrilling books including but not limited to Youth Policy and Social Inclusion, Experiences of Poverty and Educational Disadvantage and Agency and Risk in School-Work Transitions. Fun stuff.

Work aside, I've been working my way through Stella Duffy's Eating Cake at a steady rate of about a page a night X3
Calculus Concepts and Contexts, Edition Two; James Stewart (not the best, but I've been unable to find any other calculus textbook torrents)
Learning Perl, Fifth Edition Schwartz, Phoenix, Foy

i tried to read a clockwork orange, but i was turned off by the slang in it. i'll start the electric kool-aid acid test this weekend, but if that turns me off just as much i'll read the sun also rises instead.
We're starting to read The Catcher in the Rye for English class and I'm reading Alice in Wonderland just for fun. I was reading Flowers for Algernon too, but my friend took it back for a while.
that is kinda the point

i felt like anything that set camus' writing apart from others was exorcised out of it. maybe i'll try reading the stranger in french one day and see if it's any different.

But that's half the charm of the story!

when i figured out what some of them meant, i thought the slang was pretty clever (horrorshow, otchkies, etc) but so much slang was thrown out at once that it made some parts of the book hard to follow. :x i'll probably try it again later on after running through a few more books.
Let's see if I can recite from memory...

~Eragon from Inheritance
~The Quest Begins from Seekers
~Starlight from Warriors
~The Revenge of the Shadow King from Grey Griffins

I read a lot of books at one time >.>
Just finished Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. Probably the best damn thing I've read in years.

Out of curiosity I also picked up Twilight by Stephanie Meyer only because I wanted to see how much it sucked first-hand. It's not as shitty as I was expecting, but then again I was expecting a toilet bowl of shit from it so that's not saying much. I could say a whole lot about it from the first 100 pages but that's for another thread.
We just finished The Crystal Cave by Mary Stewart in English II. It was pretty good, but then again I had to do work, literature circles, essays, etc., so my overall experience was lowered.
I just finished reading Journey by Danielle Steel. Now I'm deciding on reading Three Fates by Nora Roberts, or Send no Flowers by Sandra Brown.
Santaland Diaries by David Sedaris.

Maaaan why are his books so hard to find? I've only read this and Me Talk Pretty One Day and he's one of the funniest authors I've ever read~
Infinity is forever
Just finished Wolf Island- GREAT BOOK! The 2nd best of the Demonata Series!
Rereading Demon Thief -My favourite in the Demonata Series!
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy-Mostly Harmless (in the Trilogy of 5)
My Booky Wook- Big fan of Brand
Torchwood Slow Decay- Possibly my favourite book ever SO ADDICTING!

Doctor Who Target Books: I start these and can never finish them!

The Invasion
Warriors of the Deep
The Visitation
Revelation of the Daleks
The Sontaran Experiment
The Deadly Assassin

I love them but I read far to many of them at a time, I can't finish them, I came into school with like 5 in my bag...

Also i'm trying to get my hands on the novel of "From Russia with Love"
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for the bajillionth time.
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