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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What do you think of fellow forumgoers?

And I don't think I've mentioned so far my utter love of Hyde/Pathos/Pentimento/Shai/whatever you're going by this week :p I'm so sorry I've been so terrible with communications recently, I really miss our wonderfully geeky, horrendously long PMs. I plan on watching Glee properly over the summer, so I can discuss it with you :D

<3 :D ilu too. (Still Pathos, though I'm thinking of changing it again.)
It saddens me to randomly find users that have been banned after like, five really offensive/vulgar posts. It seems like these people have contests to see who can get banned the quickest, just for kicks, and it really disappoints me. We are real people with emotions, and these people use us for their entertainment, and that is just so wrong it hardly even makes sense. I wish they would stop coming here.
It saddens me to randomly find users that have been banned after like, five really offensive/vulgar posts. It seems like these people have contests to see who can get banned the quickest, just for kicks, and it really disappoints me. We are real people with emotions, and these people use us for their entertainment, and that is just so wrong it hardly even makes sense. I wish they would stop coming here.

This is a little irrelevant...TOTALLY TRUE, but it doesn't seem to belong here...?


I...honestly don't know you very well, but you're certainly not a scary mod figure at all. You come off serious, but underneath you seem friendly and jokey. My opinion of you is pretty good :3
It saddens me to randomly find users that have been banned after like, five really offensive/vulgar posts. It seems like these people have contests to see who can get banned the quickest, just for kicks, and it really disappoints me. We are real people with emotions, and these people use us for their entertainment, and that is just so wrong it hardly even makes sense. I wish they would stop coming here.

It's almost sad that you feel offended by bad trolls. The correct reaction is to go "lol he dumb." They're not screwing with your emotions, they're just messing around.
Uh, what? The best reaction would be to ignore it, as hard as it is.
It's almost sad that you feel offended by bad trolls.

How? Are you saying it's not wrong to join a forum, and then be extremely vulgar and offensive to the resident users? The way I see it, people who troll like that are offensive. Perhaps not to absolutely everyone on the forum at once, but their targets (whether this be the general masses or a single person) are likely to be hurt themselves. I know I find it utterly repulsive when I see a post that has nothing to do with the thread, but is instead a throng of profane language. It downgrades the quality of the site, in my honest opinion. (not that I think this site is bad, I absolutely love it, but I wish that people would stop just doing things like that)

Honestly, it's pretty sad that you're not offended by these kinds of things, Pwnemon.

The correct reaction is to go "lol he dumb." They're not screwing with your emotions, they're just messing around.

I hardly think that is the correct reaction, either. Trolling can be funny, if done correctly and not offensively, which, and if you don't think this I certainly am worried, random spewing of profane or inappropriate language is quite certainly not funny in the slightest. They would just be "messing around" if what they had said were humorous or clever (all the while being rude and cruel, in some instances), which is not was I was touching upon. I was referring to past users like mewthree, and some others, whom can brag that the majority of their posts were five to seven word strings of foul-mouthedness. You can't seriously look at those posts and laugh. Even if it is at how incoherently ignorant some people can be. It's just not thinkable! And if you do, Pwnemon, well then I must say I don't care for your sense of humor, because obviously it is twisted and frightening.

Seeing those posts sadden me because it shows what society is becoming, and I don't have any wishes to be a part of it. I am a simple person who joined a forum to socialize with people who share similar interests as me, not to look at what kind of foul and inappropriate thoughts some people are capable of. If I wanted that, I would play Call of Duty on Xbox Live, thank you very much.

Edit: And frankly, it infuriates me that you read what I said, and then basically say that people who are that vulgar are nothing to consider, as if what they do is appropriate! Well, I can tell you, it isn't. I'm not going to lie, I do do my fair share of swearing when I really ought not to, but at least I can hold it back when I have nothing productive to contribute. At least I don't try to offend others by posting such things publicly on the internet. (Which, by the way, lasts forever.)
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Funny or not, Zackrai, the fact of the matter is that you have to try not to let those things get to you. Yes it's stupid and offensive, and it is sad that some people seem to have nothing better to do with their time than be idiots, but if you let them get you riled up then you're encouraging them and they win. It's that simple. The world's not always a pretty place and you need to at least attempt to develop a thicker skin, or at least not let them ruin your fun. They're never here for long anyway.

Unrelated: I am not scary. >| uh I mean :D?
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Ill give my opinion on users that i know the best:

Chief Zackrai: my first friend here a the forums and we started ASBing pretty much at the same time, and I think hes a good guy (although he makes his Baltoy explode too much)

Indigo/Mewtini: At first I thought she was a bit impatient and annoying sometimes because she was so young but I discovered that she was a very nice girl and also quite mature for her age (I guess, I don't know whats the age/maturity ratio).

Squornshellous Beta: A very sweet lady that participates in ASB more than anyone else and i think she should get a raise or something.

I liek Squirtles: Nice lil' guy though he seems distant these days O: whats going on ILS?

Arylett: Red.

Negrek: Very serious (and sometimes intimidating) god she has all tha powarzz!

So thats pretty much all ftm although im still new here.

EDIT: Kratos I propose you switch your username to fluffyball and your avatar to a cottonee this way everybody will stop thinking you are scary.
Kratos used to scare me but now she just seems kind of... balanced? A lot of the other mods are wacky and moddishly crazy (which is great!) but Kratos is levelheaded but also entertaining to listen to. Like an alternate Butterfree, I guess.

@everyone who posted feeling ignored: I love all of you guys! You're great!
How? Are you saying it's not wrong to join a forum, and then be extremely vulgar and offensive to the resident users? The way I see it, people who troll like that are offensive. Perhaps not to absolutely everyone on the forum at once, but their targets (whether this be the general masses or a single person) are likely to be hurt themselves. I know I find it utterly repulsive when I see a post that has nothing to do with the thread, but is instead a throng of profane language. It downgrades the quality of the site, in my honest opinion. (not that I think this site is bad, I absolutely love it, but I wish that people would stop just doing things like that)

Honestly, it's pretty sad that you're not offended by these kinds of things, Pwnemon.

I hardly think that is the correct reaction, either. Trolling can be funny, if done correctly and not offensively, which, and if you don't think this I certainly am worried, random spewing of profane or inappropriate language is quite certainly not funny in the slightest. They would just be "messing around" if what they had said were humorous or clever (all the while being rude and cruel, in some instances), which is not was I was touching upon. I was referring to past users like mewthree, and some others, whom can brag that the majority of their posts were five to seven word strings of foul-mouthedness. You can't seriously look at those posts and laugh. Even if it is at how incoherently ignorant some people can be. It's just not thinkable! And if you do, Pwnemon, well then I must say I don't care for your sense of humor, because obviously it is twisted and frightening.

Seeing those posts sadden me because it shows what society is becoming, and I don't have any wishes to be a part of it. I am a simple person who joined a forum to socialize with people who share similar interests as me, not to look at what kind of foul and inappropriate thoughts some people are capable of. If I wanted that, I would play Call of Duty on Xbox Live, thank you very much.

Edit: And frankly, it infuriates me that you read what I said, and then basically say that people who are that vulgar are nothing to consider, as if what they do is appropriate! Well, I can tell you, it isn't. I'm not going to lie, I do do my fair share of swearing when I really ought not to, but at least I can hold it back when I have nothing productive to contribute. At least I don't try to offend others by posting such things publicly on the internet. (Which, by the way, lasts forever.)

Obviously, sir, you have made the mistake of thinking they care.

Internet trolls, (at least, the type you're talking about,) don't actually do what they do to be offensive. They just find it funny, and/or are dumb. For example, the user mewthree, who posted in the "Rank-up thread" the post "pussy cock fuk bitch hor." All internet trolls are like that, just at varying levels of blatancy. When you can observe it from a non-personal level, it's actually hard not to laugh.
asdzhfzrfrg I adore Kratos to teeny little pieces, s/he's definitely one of my absolute favourite people on here, and it makes me sad we don't seem to talk much anymore.
All internet trolls are like that, just at varying levels of blatancy. When you can observe it from a non-personal level, it's actually hard not to laugh.

I'll probably regret saying this, but I... kind of agree.
How? Are you saying it's not wrong to join a forum, and then be extremely vulgar and offensive to the resident users? The way I see it, people who troll like that are offensive. Perhaps not to absolutely everyone on the forum at once, but their targets (whether this be the general masses or a single person) are likely to be hurt themselves. I know I find it utterly repulsive when I see a post that has nothing to do with the thread, but is instead a throng of profane language. It downgrades the quality of the site, in my honest opinion. (not that I think this site is bad, I absolutely love it, but I wish that people would stop just doing things like that)

Honestly, it's pretty sad that you're not offended by these kinds of things, Pwnemon.

they're trolls; they want you to be offended. getting upset about what they do is exactly the reaction they're looking for. If you take a step back and consider that they're just some dumb kids on the internet looking for a laugh, then it's much easier to see how silly it is. getting offended by something they do isn't going to make them stop doing it; if they've know they've gotten to you they're just going to keep doing it. In any case, how does the random profanity offend you? not only are they just words, they're not even directed at anyone in particular. I don't ever, ever get offended by them because I know they're not attacking me or, if they are, they're not doing it for any reason in particular. they only want a reaction out of you; if you ignore them then they're powerless against you, aren't they?

How does it downgrade the quality of the forums? just about every forum on the internet deals with trolls, and the fact that we usually ban them within them posting just a few times shows that we're pretty good at dealing with them, really.

This is open to anyone: has anyone here actually gotten upset by any of the trolls here? I can understand being upset if they say something inappropriate in a CC thread, but majority of them just spam profanity. I can't even think of any who've done a good job trolling; they just seem to register, post something stupid and get banned.

Even if it is at how incoherently ignorant some people can be. It's just not thinkable! And if you do, Pwnemon, well then I must say I don't care for your sense of humor, because obviously it is twisted and frightening.
... really? it's just a string of incoherent words, when you think about it. I'm not for random swearing, but I hardly think some kid on the internet typing a few swear words and pressing 'reply' is neither a testament to the forum's quality nor something that anyone would brag about. they don't do it to gang up on you and make you feel particularly bad and I doubt if they do they're going to brag to their friends about how many posts they were able to make before they got banned. it's just an immature joke, and if people laugh at it, I really don't get how this is 'twisted and frightening'.

tl;dr: welcome to the internet? o.o
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