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Everlasting PokeMafia [D3]


loves terra "brain cells? idk her" kingdomhearts
Sunset, 6:00 PM

The citizens of Everlasting decided to throw a Celebi onto the Gulliotine. The Celebi was accused of stealing a rare and priceless gem called the Tsal Reve. Evidence point to the Celebi and was soon sentenced to death by gulliotine.

The sun shone throughout the village, making it look like noon instead of sunset. The village consisted of what was now 20 Citizens; The Celebi on the gulliotine, and 19 others circling around the town square. The population used to be 27. However, one day, a baby Smoochum went too far into the forest and never came back. Smoochum's friend, Happiny went to find her, but never came back.

At that point, the villagers decided to send a Bidoof with a Helmet came over there to see the cause of the disappearances. The Bidoof went across a dark, murky forest. The forest made everything look like night, as all the living things and objects looked like simple shadows. Luckily, the helmet cam had a built-in flashlight. When the light shone on a Emolga, the Emolga seemed to be blinded by the light, since it stumbled back into the shadows where it loved.

Tall trees rose from the depths of the ground, some trees containing mostly Oran Berries. The bark on the trees showed that many Pokemon "marked their territory" on it. The leaves had a colours looking alot like rust.

The Bidoof went to the depths of the forest. The helmet cam showed everthing the Bidoof saw; the grass, the trees, the shadows, the monster, the Pokemon, the- wait, what? A monster was on the camera?

The image looked faint, faint enough to where a normal Pokemon couldn't see it, but a camera could. The Pokemon looking at this video wanted to alert the Bidoof to run away, but alas, the Pokemon forgot to put a microphone in there! They couldn't communicate!

The Bidoof soon felt something brush against its legs. Bidoof shrugged it off and kept going. Suddenly, somthing picked Bidoof up by the hind legs and carried it somewhere.

The Video kept on going, and the showed the Bidoof being dropped into a nest of some type. Bidoof had to be no more than 20 feet from where it was last standing. The camera showed two skelletons next to Bidoof; one with a human skull and an abnormally large jaw, the other having a triangular skull and a pouch with a stone egg in it.

The two corpses both had some detached skin left on it. the Bidoof got wide-eyed as it realized what had hapened. The bidoof tried to sneak away, but the monster was quicker! It bolted after Bidoof. The last thing on the image was a small look at a monster's mouth.

Some citizens thought it was a joke and went to see for themselves. But none came back.....

They would have thought that it was just killer animals attacking people until a note mysteriously came to town. It read; " Our monster wants more prey. We shall prevail!"

Now there were only 20 - soon to be 19 - Pokemon left who needed to get rid of the villians- who was among them!

The Celebi looked at everyone with wide eyes. It then sighed, and started to change colours. From green, it became black and from white it became purple. When it was finsihed changing colors, it revealed to be the infamous DarkAura, who was finlly aquitted.

The gulliotine shattered down right on DarkAura's neck. The citizens were now at peace.

Or so they thought.

Suddenly, one person collapsed, then soon deceased. Another note laid beside the person, which read " More of us remain. Can you take us all?"

With a heart breakening silence, the villagers go to bed, awaiting another day.

48 hours for night actions
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Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [N1]

Sunrise, 6:00 AM

The villagers awaken to a deafening scream.

When the villagers got out, it was only the ghost of DarkAura trying to scare them.

"HAHAHA! You should of seen the look on your faces! Now play the game while i watch the Star Wars music in My Little Pony."

She dissappears, and you have to fend for yourselves.

Role call took place and everyone was fine. @.@ SHOCKING!

No one died.

48 hours for lynchings
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [D1]

Hm. At this point in the game we don't know anything, so there's very little to say. If anyone would like to roleclaim, this would be a prime time to do so.

Incidentally, do we have a list of who chose what Pokémon? I was Stunfisk.
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [D1]

Hm. At this point in the game we don't know anything, so there's very little to say. If anyone would like to roleclaim, this would be a prime time to do so.
No it isn't. The mafia has more to gain from roleclaims than we have at this point.

I'll go assemble the list of who called for what.

EDIT: Here we go.

1. Flower Doll - Gothita
2. RK-9 - Garbodor
3. Chief Zackrai - Reuniclus
4. Glace - Umbreon
5. Light Yagami - Ditto
6. Squirrel - Flygon
7. Windswept Questant - Snivy
8. Superbird - Dialga
9. Mystic - Chandelure
10. I liek Squirtles - Squirtle
11. RespectTheBlade - Gallade
12. Metallica Fanboy - Aggron
13. Littlestream - Honchcrow
14. Karkat Vantas - Stunfisk
15. Legendaryseeker99 - Jirachi
16. Kricketune - Himself
17. Hawke - Mewtwo
18. donotlookatdiagram - Feebas
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Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [D1]

It is definitely a bit early for roleclaims, but I should point out that basing lynches on what Pokemon someone chose is a really, really bad idea. At least for now.
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [D1]

We should abstain.

No kills is pretty nice, but it also prevents us from getting anything proper done to the mafia. Note also that, as it stands, biding our time works better for us, since surely any investigative roles are at work now and they have better chances of getting shit done when they get more tries.
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [D1]

Says the one who is Honchcrow.

Exactly my point. I chose Honchcrow in part because I wanted to see if there was any chance that I might be something more creative than mafia. The Inspector (assuming there is one) can inspect me tonight, if they want.

Also, abstain.
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [D1]

It's spelled Honchkrow!

6 more abstains to reach majority!
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [D1]

*rolls eyes* Fine

48 hours for night actions
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [D1]

I'd hate to be a jerk with this, but I think Light's point was that you should stick to the 48 hour time limit and just be patient. Not everyone is going to post, sadly, and at the very least you should give a chance to those who can't get on every day.
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [D1]

I'd hate to be a jerk with this, but I think Light's point was that you should stick to the 48 hour time limit and just be patient. Not everyone is going to post, sadly, and at the very least you should give a chance to those who can't get on every day.
But we are past the 48 hour time limit.
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