• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Referee Headquarters

Grr. no Advanced Mock. I'll try novice.

Round X

Skyfyre: OO
[Kitkat] (F)
Health: 44%
Energy: 49%
Ability: Pick Up
Condition: kind of glad the Sun has gone
Status: Feeling rather sore
Commands: Protect ~ Double Team ~ Water Pulse

Latios: OO
[Soleil {Sal}] (F)
Health: 75%
Energy: 53%
Ability: Blaze
Condition: Upset about the sun being gone but Feeling confident otherwise
Status: Defense -2, Has two clones
Commands: Rock Slide ~ Will-O-Wisp/Flamethrower ~ Dragon Claw​

Arena: The Glass Hall
Description: Light from a red sunset pours through the crystalline walls of this ancient, grandiose hall. Stout, transparent columns punctuate the space, the floor of which is comprised of orange metal plates fitted together with an expert hand. From time to time, you could swear that you caught a glimmer of a Latios in one of the glassy surfaces surrounding you...

As the sun faded, Kitkat and Sal both listened intently to their commands. By the time the trainers had finished, the Ursaref threw up a white flag. The round had begun...

Kitkat threw up a bright green barrier to shield herself from the inevitable Rock Slide. The Charmander noticed this but forgot what it was. So she began to search for some rocks. And she found none. So she forced rocks from the ground near KitKat. they flew up high and slammed down hard. Right next to the Meowth. Sal mentally slapped herself. She had to work extra hard to get the rocks and she couldn't even aim properly? Kitkat, sensing no more danger, drops the barrier. She is annoyed she wasted that energy because she doesn't have much left and glares at her three opponents.

<Kitkat -4E | Sal - 8E>​

Kikat sprints around the hall at unnatural speed for a Meowth, just as Sal had done earlier. Sal watches her and begins to get dizzy. By the time Kitkat stops, there a five more cats! Oh Great, Sal thought, More cats. She looks around at her six opponents. She randomly picks one and quickly exhales a tongue of flames and the clones copy her.. The Kitkat disappears, and the Sals cut off flow, even more annoyed and disappointed.
<Kitkat -5E | Sal =6E>​

Kitkat began to get amused at the Charmanders' failures. She began to search for a water source, and her clones imitated her. But after searching, she found none. So she had to gather saliva in her mouth, then let out a painful screech. The saliva accompanied the sound waves and slammed into the middle Sal. She was thrown backward by the force of the blow. She tried getting up, but stumbled a bit. She tried clearing her head but it didn't work. Finally she stood up and gather draconic flames around her claws. She charged at her five foes. She randomly picked the middle Kitkat and slashed with a draconic swipe. The real Kitkat was struck and stumbled back in pain. The four clones vanished, the real Meowth having been discovered. Sal was glad they were gone, they were trouble. The dragon flames fizzled out as the Ursaref raised the white flag signaling the end of the round.

<Kitkat -7E, -6HP | Sal -7E, -9HP>

Skyfyre: OO
[Kitkat] (F)
Health: 38% -6
Energy: 33% -16
Ability: Pick Up
Condition: Super tired and hurt.
Status: Feeling rather sore
Moves Preformed: Protect ~ Double Team ~ Water Pulse

Latios: OO
[Soleil {Sal}] (F)
Health: 66% -9
Energy: 32% -21
Ability: Blaze
Condition: Beginning to tire, but glad she is hitting Kitkat now.
Status: Defense -2, Confused (Mild to light)
Moves Preformed: Rock Slide (miss) ~ Flamethrower (miss) ~ Dragon Claw​

Terrain Notes:
  • There is a huge hole near Kitkat
  • There is a pile of boulders on the other side of Kitkat
  • It is wet around Sal and Latios
  • A faint image of Latios (Pokémon) is behind Latios (Trainer)

Ursaref's Notes:
  • I made Rock Slide cost 2% more energy because there were no rocks and the A&A guide says add extra energy in such case
  • Rock Slide also missed, (98, needed 91 or higher to miss)
  • Kitkat made 5 clones on action two, no amount was specified, so I used 12.5 speed per clone
  • However, that gave me 7.2, so I decided that was too many clones and reduced it to 5
  • One clone was destroyed by Flamethrower
  • The rest were destroyed when Dragon Claw hit the real Kitkat
  • That Dragon Claw was 2 numbers away from a Critical Hit (93, needed 95 or higher to crit)
  • Both of Sal's clones were destroyed when Kitkat hit the real Sal with Qater Pulse
  • Said Water Pulse caused Mild Confusion
  • I also made Water Pulse cost 2% more energy beacause there is no water around and Meowth can't make water, I had her use saliva
  • Saliva Pulse is Disgusting.
  • The Mock's post-round info style is far different from my style so I had to edit it to fit, but then it got confusing because for Kitkat's pre-round Condition it reads: Sun Gone, which is confusing to me, so I had to change it to make sense.
  • I write too many notes
  • And far too less Terrain notes
  • Skyfyre attacks first next round
  • I failref and still don't get approved.
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2 vs. 2
Single Battle
Disqualification: 5 days
Restrictions: no OHKO moves, no Substitute, no more than one status (sleep, paralysis, etc.) at a time for either team.
Damage Cap: 50%
Arena: The Glass Hall
Description: Light from a red sunset pours through the crystalline walls of this ancient, grandiose hall. Stout, transparent columns punctuate the space, the floor of which is comprised of orange metal plates fitted together with an expert hand. From time to time, you could swear that you caught a glimmer of a Latios in one of the glassy surfaces surrounding you...
Current Pokémon Status:
Skyfyre: OO
[Kitkat] Meowth (F)
Health: 44%
Energy: 49%
Ability: Pick Up
Sun gone | Feeling rather sore
Command Line: Protect ~ Double Team ~ Water Pulse

Latios: OO
[Soleil {Sal}] Charmander (F)
Health: 75%
Energy: 53%
Ability: Blaze
Upset about the sun being gone | Feeling confident otherwise | Defense -2 | Has two clones
Command Line: Rock Slide ~ Will-O-Wisp/Flamethrower ~ Dragon Claw

The fierce, red, sparkling light that had reflected through all of the glass began to fade away as the two panting Pokémon peered at one another, who then sighed. They regained their battle position.

Round θ begin!

Kitkat was sad about the disappearance of the shininess, but thankful that he would be back on an even playing field with his opponent. She looked at the three Charmander in front of him, then put a protective barrier around herself, and rested, waiting for one of them to attack. Instead of a direct assault, however, they began to ram into the glass wall. Kitkat hoped, in spite of herself, that no harm would come to them. The hall began to shake, and as she looked up, she saw a couple of clumps of glass falling down at her. Thankfully, her barrier was still intact, so she braced herself for impact and waited for them to fall next to her. A shrill cry could be faintly heard amidst the sound of shattering glass.

Soleil [-7 Energy]
KitKat [-7 energy]

Being careful not to step on any of the glass that she had just shattered, Soleil and the two illusions to her right found a good angle to stand where the glass would not hurt them. Across the hall, she saw the opposing Meowth run around, leaving several illusions behind. But Soleil saw that two of the four Meowth happened to be stepping on, no, through the glass, without finding any case of injury. She aimed a hot breath of fire at such an angle that it would hit both. The first one that the blast impacted jumped backward, trying to avoid the shattered glass, and fell a safe distance away from it. Kitkat’s concentration was lost, and the other illusions faded away, as there was no need of them at this time.

Soleil [-6 energy]
KitKat [–11 Health, -3 energy, net gain of 0 clones]

Brushing herself off, the slightly charred Meowth decided it was time to fight back. Filling her mouth with water from an unknown source, she forcefully pushed it out along with a perfectly pitched tone coming from her voice. The tone was at such a pitch, that the crystal of the hall began to ring also. Soleil, distracted by the singing glass around her, was forcefully pushed back by the sound and the ring of water around it. She then retracted her claws, and began to rush at the tired Kitkat. Delicately dancing around the glass, she drew all of her draconic energy together, inside her claws. She then scratched and slashed at her foe, who looked up at her with vengeance.

Soleil [-7 Energy, -8 health, -2 clones]
KitKat [-7 Health, -5 Energy]

End of Round θ
Skyfyre: OO
[Kitkat] Meowth (F) Meowth
Health: 26%
Energy: 34%
Ability: Pick Up

Latios: OO
[Soleil {Sal}] Charmander (F) Charmander
Health: 67%
Energy: 33%
Ability: Blaze
Defense –2 stages

Terrain notices:
-Glass is shattered in the center of the hall. It easily contrasts with the bright orange flooring.
-Part of the floor is wet; it could possibly cause a slip.
-All of the columns are still intact.
-A vibrant echoing may be heard.
-One of the pieces of glass has a blue-ish looking reflection to it. Can you find it?
Extra notes:
-Three clones were created by Kitkat since a number wasn’t specified.
-Skyfyre attacks first next
-Who is follwed by Latios
-Who is being followed by a Latios behind himLatios

I just moved your second round from the last set of paychecks onto this set.


Alraunne: 1 = $7
Blastoise: 1 2 = $14
blazheirio889: 1 = $13
Chiropter: 1 = $15
Kratos Aurion: 1 = $13
Metallica Fanboy: 1 2 = $20
Negrek: 1 = $13
Shadow Serenity: 1 2 = $14
Summergale: 1 2 = $14
Togetic: 1 = $7
I had a question about reffings. Do you post every round here if it is NOT an e-ref, or is that the paychecks?

If it is the latter, which is what I think, how do you figure up the end of battle cash for the ref?

Sorry if this is a dumb question.
I had a question about reffings. Do you post every round here if it is NOT an e-ref, or is that the paychecks?

If it is the latter, which is what I think, how do you figure up the end of battle cash for the ref?

Sorry if this is a dumb question.

You only have to post rounds that you've e-reffed here. Negrek keeps track of the 'normal' rounds throughout the week, which are recorded when the paychecks are posted.

There's a section in either the rules thread or the first post of this thread that tells you how to figure out the money for the ref. Look under the 'prizes' section.
If a battle ends in a DQ is it still usable for redeeming free captures? And is there a limit on how many rounds need to have been reffed before the DQ before it can be used for such? (I'm not hoping to use any of my ones that DQed before anyone even sent out their first Pokémon of course, but meh.)
I assume so since DQing halfway through still involves distributing prizes as the first post stipulates, but.
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Yes, if there was any actual reffing done for the DQ match it counts as a normal battle for the purpose of free captures.
If I could try out as a novice..

Arena Description
2 vs. 2
Single Battle
Disqualification: 5 days
Restrictions: no OHKO moves, no Substitute, no more than one status (sleep, paralysis, etc.) at a time for either team.
Damage Cap: 50%
Arena: The Glass Hall
Description: Light from a red sunset pours through the crystalline walls of this ancient, grandiose hall. Stout, transparent columns punctuate the space, the floor of which is comprised of orange metal plates fitted together with an expert hand. From time to time, you could swear that you caught a glimmer of a Latios in one of the glassy surfaces surrounding you...

Skyfyre: OO
[Kitkat] Meowth (F)
Health: 44%
Energy: 49%
Ability: Pick Up
Sun gone | Feeling rather sore
Protect ~ Double Team ~ Water Pulse

Latios: OO
[Soleil {Sal}] Charmander (F)
Health: 75%
Energy: 53%
Ability: Blaze
Upset about the sun being gone | Feeling confident otherwise | Defense -2 | Has two clones​
Rock Slide ~ Will-O-Wisp/Flamethrower ~ Dragon Claw

Round X
As the last few remaining rays of daylight shone through the transparent walls of the arena, the ref waved his flag, signaling that round X was to begin. Upon hearing her trainer's commands, the speedy Kitkat stood still. In a few seconds, she was enveloped in spherical, barely visible energy field, and a smirk of confidence appeared over her feline face. On the other side of the field, Sal and her two doppelgangers stood ready to execute her latest orders. Having no readily available source of stone, Sal gritted her teeth in an effort to summon boulders from underneath the metal tiles. In no time at all, boulders of varying size shot out of the floor and flew into Kitkat. As all the boulders Sal worked so hard to summon cracked apart into rubble upon smashing into Kitkat's protect, Sal sighed in dismay.
Kitkat: -%6 Energy / Sal: -%6 Energy

Releasing the protect and darting out her hole, Kitkat began to rush at incredible speed in circles around the field. Five copies of the white pokémon began to trail behind her, and even when she slowed down to a halt, the copies stayed behind her. Sal responded to this incredible display of speed by spraying a fantastic burst-stream of flames out of her mouth. The huge flames rushed over two of the meowths, while the other meowths scattered away. When the flames died away from view, there were still four meowths standing.
Kitkat: -%5 Energy / Sal: -%4 Energy

Kitkat stood ready to attack as she generated a large amount of water from her body. The water shaped itself into a
grapefruit-sized ball, and Kitkat through the ball at her opponent. The ball exploded in a gush of water and emitted a high-pitched blast of noise directly into Sal's face. As Sal stumbled around and tried to pull her self together, bright bursts of ferocious energy formed along Sal's hand and wrist. Focusing her thoughts, she ran forward with great power. When she brought her arm down to strike one of the meowths, the powerful blow passed right through the copy of Kitkat and left a small crater in the metal tiling.
Kitkat: -%5 Energy / -%4 Energy -%7 Health

Skyfyre: OO
[Kitkat] Meowth (F)
Health: 44%
Energy: 33%
Ability: Pick Up
Left without a scratch this round | Feeling the glory of the RNGs | Getting tired

Latios: OO
[Soleil {Sal}] Charmander (F)
Health: 68%
Energy: 39%
Ability: Blaze
Mildly Confused | Beat up a bit, but otherwise fine | Defense -2​

Battle notes
I'm assuming that higher speed pokémon move first.
Kitkat's protect cost six Energy because of the original four percent cost, plus two percent for rock slides power.
Sal's rock slide cost more because she had to bring the rocks up from underneath the tiling.
No amount of clones was specified for Kitkat, so I picked five after reading its description in the guide.
Flamethrower missed, however it did destroy two clones. It would have been a critical hit, had it hit.
Kitkat had to generate water from somewhere, so I added a two percent energy cost. It also confused Sal.
Sal wasn't affected by confusion, but dragon claw missed.
They didn't get much attention, but Sal's clones were factored in for that water pulse. They were also destroyed by said water pulse.
This was what I used for a number generator. If anyone has any better tools, please tell me. It was how I determined accuracy, confusion, etc.
Bored out of my skull. Time for Steele to fail again. D:

Arena Description:
2 vs. 2
Single Battle
Disqualification: 5 days
Restrictions: no OHKO moves, no Substitute, no more than one status (sleep, paralysis, ect.) at a time for either team.
Damage Cap: 50%
Arena: The Glass Hall
Description: Light from a red sunset pours through the crystalline walls of this ancient, grandoise hall. Stout, transparent columns punctuate the space, the floor of which is comprised of orange metal plates fitted together with an expert hand. From time to time, you could swear that you caught a glimmer of a Latios in one of the glassy surfaces surrounding you...

Team Skyfyre: OO
[KitKat] Meowth (F)
Ability: Pick Up
Health: 44%
Energy: 49%
Status: Sun gone | Feeling rather sore
Commands: Protect ~ Double Team ~ Water Pulse

Team Latios: OO
[Soleil {Sal}] Charmander (F)
Ability: Blaze
Health: 75%
Energy: 53%
Status: Upset about the sun being gone | Feeling confident otherwise | Defense -2 | Has two clones
Commands: Rock Slide ~ Will-O-Wisp/Flamethrower ~ Dragon Claw

Round Whatevah Starts!

The moment the ref swept his flag to signal the start of the round, KitKat zipped to the nearest pillar and crouched into a defensive stance, envoloping herself in a shimmering green bubble. Sal, across the hall, reluctantly called up the power of earth, which seemed to be resisting quite heavily due to the sturdy floors. A bit more struggling against the will of the earth, and Sal had a mess of rocks levitating near her. With a quick motion from her hand, she sent the armada of stones flying at KitKat, but to no avail--the rocks shattered over the impenetrable sheild, sending shards of rocks into nearby pillars, cracking the glass ever-so-slightly. The green bubble faded, leaving a snickering Meowth and a dissapointed Charmander standing on opposite sides of the hall.
Kitkat -6% Energy -- Health, unchanged.
Sal -7% Energy -- Health, unchanged.

KitKat instantly went flying through the hall, a blur, criss-crossing through pillars and dodging the remnants of broken glass from earlier in the battle. She slowed down slightly, just enough to leave behind five exact replicas of herself, then she slid to a stop, and the referee swore could have heard the "EEEERRRRRCCCCHHH" of skid marks. Sal, a bit intimidated by the sudden outnumbering let loose a brilliant inferno, sweeping it across the nearest clones, instantly incinerating them. As the flames slowed to an end, Sal was quite unhappy to see that she was still outnumbered. Dammit.
Kitkat -5% Energy -- Health, Unchanged.
Sal -4% Energy -- Health, unchanged.

Preparing for offense as a change, KitKat attempted to harness what moisture was in the air, but it was a pitiful, ping-pong ball sized orb, thanks to the former sun droughting the area. In a hurry to build up her watery sphere, KitKat began frantically spitting in her hand, making Sal raise a nonexistant eyebrow. What, does she need to cough a hairball or something? Did she have too much Rattata for lunc- She was cut off when her feline opponent hurled the shimmering orb directly at her face, and the orb exploded into a rippley mess, causing Sal to fall flat on her tail. Her clones, which she had forgotten about at this point, faded away quickly. Why you little... Sal enveloped her claws in a bright, blue flame and charged toward a Meowth, jumping high in the air and bringing her claws back down with exceptional force, renting the clone in two and causing quite a bit of destruction to the floor, as well. Gonna have to bill the trainer for that one.

Kitkat: -6% Energy -- Health, unchanged.
Sal Energy -4% -- Health -6%

Team Skyfyre: OO
[KitKat] Meowth (F)
Ability: Pick Up
Health: 44%
Energy: 32%
Status: Though a bit fatigued, she is mentally singing 'Can't Touch This'. Has two clones.

Team Latios: OO
[Soleil {Sal}] Charmander (F)
Ability: Blaze
Health: 69%
Energy: 38%
Status: "...I'm still outnumbered. D:" Defense -2 Clones destroyed.

Terrain Notes
-The glass pillar KitKat was standing by when Rock Slide hit is a bit cracked and chipped.
-The floor where Dragon Claw hit is heavily damaged.
-Latios, you're paying for repairs.

Final Notes
-Rock Slide costed a bit extra solely because tearing through a floor would be more strenuous.
-No amount of clones were mentioned, so like The Meme, I went with five, because it seemed like a good, typical number.
-Water Pulse costed extra energy due to the lack of moisture in the air.
-It also did less damage because of it's smaller size.
-Flamethrower kilked two clones.
-Water Pulse killed Sal's due to her taking damage.
-Dragon Claw killed 'nother.
-If I pass, I seriously will pay you. I'll pay you all of the dollar in my bank account.
-Point out any mistakes, will you?​

Your battle description could still use some attention to grammar and punctuation; there are tense shifts and plenty of missing commas. For the most part it's readable, although it feels oddly stilted. At times your description gets a bit vague as well, e.g. dragon claw is a "draconic swipe," which doesn't really say anything about it.

Water pulse doesn't require an outside source of water; most water attacks don't. Surf, which involves a big wave of water, does, but most water attacks come from within the pokémon using them. If a pokémon can use one of these attacks, it is assumed to have no problem producing it without penalty.

I would have taken a point or two more off Soleil to use flamethrower, myself...‎ it shouldn't really cost only one percent more energy than a water pulse (ignoring the extra you added to that attack in this case). Water pulse, on the other hand, I wouldn't have thought would do quite so much, given that it's not a STAB move for meowth. Overall this section is reasonable, though.

This is a pretty good attempt, but it's not quite there yet. I'd like you to work on polishing your battle description a bit more. Not Approved

Sage Noctowl

Your battle description is still shy aky in parts, but for the most part it works well enough. I was a bit confused as to what was going on with KitKat's double team--whether it was just a lucky roll that allowed Soleil to hit her with the flamethrower, or whether he was actually able to deduce from the way the clones acted. The description you gave made it sound like the latter, though I'm guessing it was really the former. In any case, clones usually wouldn't make such an obvious mistake that would give them away to opponents.

Health and energy are fine.

You've improved on these a lot since you first started trying out. I think you're good to go now. Approved

The Meme

Your battle description is pretty good. There are some minor errors throughout, but nothing glaring.

Water pulse doesn't require an outside source of water; most water attacks don't. Surf, which involves a big wave of water, does, but most water attacks come from within the pokémon using them. If a pokémon can use one of these attacks, it is assumed to have no problem producing it without penalty. Therefore, KitKat shouldn't have taken an energy penalty on the attack.

If a pokémon has clones on the field at the end of the round (which KitKat did), you should mention that in the pokémon's ending stats. You also never mentioned Sal's clones disappearing when she was hit by water pulse--did you forget they were there? Also, it seems a bit early for Sal's confusion to have been reduced to mild, unless it started out mild to begin with.

Flamethrower should have taken a little more energy to use--while Soleil is a fire type, she's only a basic pokémon, and flamethrower is a very powerful attack. Five or six energy would be more appropriate. Similarly, 6% is what I would expect rock slide to cost before any energy increase on account of difficulty.

It's pretty close, but it looks like you're having a little different with common ASB conventions (double team, the confusion thing). Perhaps look over some matches by current referees to get an idea of some of the more tricky conventions. Not Approved

Blackthorne Steele

This looks rather suspiciously like The Meme's reffing above, right down to two clones being destroyed by flamethrower (usually single-target attacks destroy only one). See my comments above, except that you got the clone thing right. Also, rock slide is fine at that energy cost, and 6% is around what I would expect water pulse to do before any reductions for size considerations.

Nitpick: skid marks don't make noise.

Not Approved

Blastoise: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = $56
blazheirio889: 1 2 = $26
Byrus: 1 2 = $26
Chiropter: 1 2 = $26
Full Metal Cookies: 1 2 3 = $21
Kratos Aurion: 1 2 3 4 = $42
Metallica Fanboy: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 + $5 = $235
Mike the Foxhog: 1 2 3 = $39
Negrek: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 = $130
Psymon: 1 2 = $14
Shadow Serenity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 + $5 = $187
Summergale: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 = $98
Togetic: 1 2 3 4 = $28
Last edited:
Trying out for novice ^(^(oo)^)^

Arena: The Void

The Void is a black space in the middle of nowhere. Large floating rocks act as platforms. The expance of nothing seems to extend out in all directions infinitly. The trainers start on the largest of the platforms but Pokemon have the ability to jump from rock to rock.

-12% chance that a floating rock can careen into a pokemon knocking it back and inflicting 5% Non-type damage

Negrek's Pokemon: OOX

Hetagon (X) (Porygon)
Ability: Trace [Static]
Health - 100%
Energy - 94%
Chills Used: OOO
Zap Cannon/Mirror Coat~Jump to rock on far left

Weathermaster's Pokemon: OOO

Health - 33%
Energy - 56%
Status: None; Excited
Chills Used: OOX
Toxic~Shock Wave

We're back in The Void and Hetagon is fighting it out with Sparky. Sparky makes the first move by swirling all the poision in him in his stomach. Once he feels ready Sparky realeases all of the acrid fumes towards Hetagon. Luckily, Negerk knew this was going to happen so she told Hetagon to use Mirror Coat.

A glassy flim begins to form around Hetagon while the Toxic steadily approaches. Hetagon manages to pull off the Mirror Coat and suddenly the cloud of Toxic is surrounding Sparky. He begins to cough, but fights through it.

Sparky is begining to start his next move Shock Wave by charging an electric current through the diodes in his head. When suddenly a giant rock comes hurtling downward onto Sparky. He gets knocked back and dazed. Hetagon takes advantage of the moment to use it's next attack.

Hetagon charges up a large amount of energy into it's body then lets it go all on Sparky. Sparky gets thrown back to his trainers feet exausted, coughing, but fighting to survive. After finishing the attack Hetagon retreats to the platform on the far left of the field and waits there.

Negrek's Pokemon: OOX

Hetagon (X) (Porygon)
Ability: Trace [Static]
Health - 100%
Energy - 90%
Status:None; Seeminly proud of it's exceptional performance on the field
Chills Used: OOO

Weathermaster's Pokemon: OOO

Health - 15%
Energy - 54%
Status: Toxic (2%); Puzzeled and angry how his Toxic backfired
Chills Used: OOX

Mr2pudding's Notes
-Negerek to issue commands first
You can only apply using one of the mocks listed in the first post; at this point only an elite one is available. Hopefully I'll get the other two levels up tomorrow. In any case, I'm afraid that your submission isn't going to get graded.
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