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Brock vs Metallica Fanboy (Ref: Negrek)

Fuck it.

Wring Out + Bind + Wrap

Squezze the sub to hell and back

((damn my old profile is being used with no items or new Pokes.))
Round Fourteen

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 78%
Energy: 91%- Pumped up. Has a substitute with 10% health. +2 Attack

Brock (OOO)
Diamondback (M) <Shed Skin>
Health: 40%
Energy: 10%
- Weary and perplexed.

Megatherium is still giddy with the power of his swords dance, and he has no difficulty turning a smirk on Diamondback and laying into the snake with all the taunts he can muster. Diamondback has given him some excellent material, too--honestly, who keeps attacking a substitute with toxic like that?--and the seviper is soon to leave off biting the unmovable substitute and let out a deadly hiss. Diamondback isn't sure how to combine wring out wrap, and he has no idea what bind is at all, but it doesn't bother him all that much. He wraps his coils tight around the substitute and with one decisive wrench crushes it to powder.

Megatherium isn't in the most relaxing position right now; the destruction of his substitute leaves him open to attack, and his swords dance has him humming with excitement. Fortunately, the sloth pokémon knows how to raise laziness to the level of an art, and he flops down on his side, one paw propping up his head and the other plucking idly at the grass as he drops into a state of instant relaxation.

This only infuriates Diamondback, who is wheezing with exertion and kept conscious by his rage more than anything. The snake attacks in a daze, encircling his foe in his coils and squeezing with all his might, then lapses into unconsciousness with a sadistic grin on his face as he envisions Megatherium constricted to death.

In fact, the snake's wrap attack is only a little more painful than a firm hug, a thought Megatherium tries to put out of his mind as he unwinds Diamondback's limp form from around his body and dumps it on the ground, where Wargle's pokéball beam retrieves it.

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 99%
Energy: 77%
- No more of that! +2 Attack

Brock (XOO)
Diamondback (M) <Shed Skin>
Health: 40%
Energy: 0%
Knocket out!

Terrain Notes
The faint sounds of sirens drift on the air, and one of the skyscrapers bordering the park is showing flames near its crown. Occasional flying pokémon cross the sky overhead. The fire is approaching (4 more rounds).

Final Notes[/center]
- Because wrap, wring out, and bind can't be combined, the combo was broken down into three separate actions. Also, seviper doesn't learn bind.
- Wargle sends out
- Metallica Fanboy attacks
- Wargle attacks
How could Wrap and Wring Out not be combined? Both involve squeezing the foe!

And you're right on the Bind. A snake should really learn bind, because of Boa Constrictor-ness.

Using mah Charmander, Ferno now! ((Ironic name huh?) *shot*

Also if/when we evac My new Aerodactyl teleports in from the future to save me.
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That's exactly why they can't form a combo.

Anyway. Let's smash. Start with Focus Energy, then throw up a barrage of Slashes. Chill instead if Ferno uses Counter.

Focus Energy ~ Slash/Chill ~ Slash/Chill
Why can't he have just squeezed with more force?

((Ferno's shiny btw))

Oh well. No sub, no worries, Ferno. Start off with a Toxic. Why ruin something good? Slash is gonna hurt, so Protect from it the first one. Then, use a STAB'ed Flamethrower, because my calculations say with Stab it become a 142.5 power move. Don't worry about the boost, I'll give you some later. Also, try hard to burn him to reduce attack.

Toxic ~ Protect ~ Flamethrower
Round Fifteen

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 99%
Energy: 77%
- No more of that! +2 Attack

Wargle (XOO)

Ferno (M) <Blaze>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- Ready to fight.

Wargle mutters to himself as he runs his hands over the row of pokéballs on his belt, lamenting that he hasn't brought some of his more powerful creatures with him today. At last he makes a choice and tosses a pokéball into the arena. The pokémon that emerges would make more than one collector sit up and take notice. Ferno the charmander sniffs the air curiously, his golden scales glinting in the sunlight as he stares up at the smoke streaking the sky overhead.

Megatherium isn't entranced by the rare shiny charmander. His thoughts are more along the lines of how he's going to mess up pretty boy's nice, shiny scales as he folds his paws in front of himself and closes his eyes, fixing the image of his opponent in his mind and narrowing his thoughts to allow nothing but contemplation on how he's going to win against the charmander. His meditation is so intense that he doesn't notice when Ferno realizes he's in a battle, horks up an unpleasant stream of toxins and spews them at Megatherium--only to miss completely and melt an unoffending dandelion instead of his opponent.

When Megatherium opens his eyes again, his aspect has changed to one of grim purpose. He bounds forward and brings his newly-sharpened claws whipping down at his opponent. The slash glances off empty air half a meter from Ferno's body, striking a burst of silver sparks from an invisible energy shield. Ferno grins behind his protect, but Megatherium simply waits, watching carefully, until he sees that the charmander has released his defense. Then he gets his slash in, raking his claws down Ferno's side and drawing his first blood of the match.

Ferno grits his teeth against the pain and blows an intense column of flame at his opponent. The flamethrower appears to have little effect on the newly-focused Megatherium, and despite Ferno's best efforts to up its intensity, it leaves no burns severe enough to cause lingering pain.

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 87%
Energy: 69%
- Infected with a grim sense of purpose. Focused. +2 Attack

Wargle (XOO)
Ferno (M) <Blaze>
Health: 87%
Energy: 80%
- A little unnerved by Megatherium's attitude.

Terrain Notes
The sirens have grown louder and the flames are spreading through the buildings surrounding the park. With the fire have come various rescue workers and firemen, though fewer than were seen at the last site of the blaze, perhaps. The fire is approaching (3 more rounds).

Final Notes
- Right, wrap and wring out are too similar to be combined. It's like "squeeze him with wrap, but at the same time squeeze him harder." What is the weaker attack even doing for the combo?
- Wargle attacks first next round.
Hey that dandelion had it coming.

Fine, fair point. I guess wring out + wring out + wring out would have been better.

So uh, that wasn't good. Flamethrower did less than I thought. And it didn't burn. Will-o-Wisp until it works, if it does, use Flamethrower, then Dragon Dance if you have an action left over. If he uses Safeguard, or Magic Coat, skip to your attacks. If at anytime he uses Protect, go to Dragon dance.

Will-o-Wisp/Flamethrower/Dragon Dance ~ Will-o-Wisp/Flamethrower/Dragon dance ~ Will-o-Wisp/Flamethrower/Dragon Dance

I shall now prepare to watch Ferno go ??? at my commands and just stand there.
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A burn would sure be nasty. Will-O-Wisp shouldn't be very hard to avoid, though, so, see if you can dodge a little. But keep the slashing up. Should you get burned, make Ferno regret ever doing that with a vicious Facade barrage. If you're still unburned by the third action, wait for the opponent's move, then try to evade it still. If you get burned then, Facade. If you're still unburned, Yawn up to show'em who's going to cause status around here.

Slash (try to dodge)/Facade ~ Slash (try to dodge)/Facade ~ Wait, then Yawn/Wait, then Facade/Facade
Round Sixteen

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 87%
Energy: 69%
- Infected with a grim sense of purpose. Focused. +2 Attack

Wargle (XOO)
Ferno (M) <Blaze>
Health: 87%
Energy: 80%
- A little unnerved by Megatherium's attitude.

Megatherium is staring impassively at Ferno, and the charmander finds his flat aspect more than a little creepy. If the vigoroth is just going to stand there and not attack, though, he might as well make his move. The flame on the end of the charmander's tail sputters and burns low for a moment, then flares back up, now a dancing confusion of blue and purple rather than its usual bright red-orange. The ball of fire Ferno blows at Megatherium is made up of the same colors.

As soon as the will-o-wisp appears, Megatherium lunges into action. The flame's erratic path, which is what makes it inaccurate in the first place, also makes it somewhat difficult to predict its course and get out of the way. Megatherium's focus helps him take a guess at it, though, and he manages to dart around the fireball on his way to the charmander. Ferno has no time to mourn as another of his status attacks torments only the local vegetation; a moment later Megatherium's claws are in his flesh again, and then the vigoroth leaps back a pace, giving himself room to dodge the next will-o-wisp.

Ferno winces and places a claw over the new double-gash marking where Megatherium's last slash struck. He's not feeling too confident at the moment, but what else can he do but try for another will-o-wisp? Again the charmander blows out blue and purple fire, and again Megatherium tries to dodge it in his incoming rush. This time he isn't so lucky: the will-o-wisp grazes his side, blackening fur and searing the skin beneath, leaving an ugly burn behind.

It's too late to pull out of his slash, and as it turns out, the attack is perfectly aimed to boot, slashing through delicate skin at the base of Ferno's jaw. The charmander reels back, blood spilling down his chest and shocked by the pain. As Megatherium rounds on him, face hardening ominously, the charmander is quick to blow out a flamethrower in self-defense.

Once again the fire doesn't seem to bother Megatherium much, but for a different reason this time. The vigoroth has to lose his cool in order to tap into his anger to execute facade, but losing his focus allows him to tap into power of a different sort. Megatherium barrels through the dying flames with a roar, both paws flailing and murder in his eyes. Ferno endures a terrible beating at the enraged vigoroth's claws and is left a whimpering wreck while Megatherium stands over him, breathing heavily and trying to get his anger in check.

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 73%
Energy: 56%
- RAAAAAGH!! Burned (3%/round). +2 Attack

Wargle (XOO)
Ferno (M) <Blaze>
Health: 39%
Energy: 65%
- Covered in wounds and thoroughly cowed.

Terrain Notes
The smoke is starting to get oppressive, and the sight of flames between the trees suggests that the park itself is on fire now, albeit on the far end. The wind is driving them towards the site of the battle, though, and with it it brings the usual cadre of rescue workers on the wing, who indicate by gestures and yells that the battlers should either come with one of them or make themselves scarce with the help of their own pokémon (2 more rounds).

Final Notes
- Megatherium's second slash was a critical hit.
- Using facade destroyed Megatherium's focus.
- Metallica Fanboy attacks first next round.
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If he Protects or otherwise stops your Facade rampage, Chill. If he tries to heal, Taunt him out of it.

Facade/Chill/Taunt ~ Facade/Chill/Taunt ~ Facade/Chill/Taunt
craaaaaaap no way to unfair. wasn't there a cap on this battle? Oh yeah, fifty percents.


I wish you know Taunt. Gotta look. No... my strategy... Counter. All the way.

Counter x3
Round Twenty-Three

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 73%
Energy: 56%
- RAAAAAGH!! Burned (3%/round). +2 Attack

Wargle (XOO)
Ferno (M) <Blaze>
Health: 39%
Energy: 65%
- Covered in wounds and thoroughly cowed.

Considering how well the last facade worked, Metallica Fanboy sees no reason to change tactics and orders another one from Megatherium. The vigoroth is more than happy enough to comply--he's only just gotten started with his raging, and he knows his opponent can't take much more.

Ferno, on the other hand, isn't looking forward to getting smacked around by another facade. He'll be able to retaliate, but he first has to weather the attack. Megatherium leaps forward on the offensive, and the charmander braces himself squarely with all four paws on the ground, a faint brown glow suffusing his scales as he prepares to absorb the facade attack.

If Megatherium notices this at all, he gives no sign. He throws himself into the facade as eagerly as he did in the previous round, and though Ferno's stance reduces the damage he takes a little, it's still severe. All the time the aura around Ferno grows stronger as he channels the power of Megatherium's own attack into his own reserves. Abruptly, as the vigoroth brings his claw down for another slash, Ferno grabs his wrist and pulls. The energy he's built up gives him the strength to launch a vicious counterattack. Megatherium is nothing short of stunned as Ferno manages to haul him up off the ground and swing him back down hard, and after that he is simply in pain. Ferno turns Megatherium's viciousness back on him, dealing twice the damage of the facade.

The action ends with both pokémon tired and bleeding, but the round is far from over. Megatherium is starting to have second thoughts about attacking with another facade, but Ferno is still in far worse shape than him, and he has his orders. The vigoroth gets himself all worked up again and unleashes a facade with exactly the same result as before--he gets a ton of damage in on Ferno, but the charmander responds in kind with his counterattack.

It's clear that Ferno can't keep going much longer, though. He gamely braces himself against Megatherium's final facade, but he simply can't sustain consciousness in the face of the brutal attack. The counter-aura around Ferno fizzles as he collapses, but he leaves Megatherium in rough shape himself. The vigoroth sits down with a heavy sigh as Ferno is recalled. He has some fight in him yet, but no pokémon could take as much damage as he did in a single round and keep on as though nothing had happened. Not only that, but the smoke is starting to make him lightheaded. He can't muster a lot of interest in the fire overall, but surely it's making his trainer a bit antsy by now.

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 23% (capped)
Energy: 35%
- Has developed a healthy respect for shiny charmander. Burned (3%/round). +2 Attack

Wargle (XXO)
Ferno (M) <Blaze>
Health: 0%
Energy: 24%
Knocked Out!

Terrain Notes
The fire has spread to the park, and flames are beginning to threaten on all sides. It won't be long before the heat and the smoke force the evacuation of the battlefield--that, or one of the rescue workers hovering ominously over the field and indicating in an increasingly forceful manner that the trainers had better get moving (1 more round).

Final Notes
- Wargle sends out
- Metallica Fanboy attacks
- Wargle attacks
Hey Negrek, with out the cap, how much would the counter have done?

Using my....

Growlithe Cainus.

((I nominate we gtfo this place))

Also, I'm gonna fly out n my new Aerodactyl, even though it isn't here.

It'll play a Charizard and just fly in, save me, then leave.
Wargle recalls Ferno and returns the pokéball to his belt. Rather than pick out another one, though, he calls across to Metallica Fanboy that they ought to be moving on now. The other trainer concurs at the top of his lungs in order to be heard over the sound of sirens and raging flames, but while both he and the referee move to produce pokéballs and release their aerodactyl, Wargle remains where he is standing. When asked why, he assures them that his own aerodactyl will come to his aid.

Metallica Fanboy is quite surprised when, true to Wargle's word, a streamlined form rockets out of the smoke, dipping low over the grass and snatching Wargle up in its talons. He turns to watch as the aerodactyl ascends at top speed, squinting watering eyes in order to watch it depart and feeling faintly jealous of Wargle's timing and sense of style. He is brought out of his reverie by the referee yelling at him to hurry up and follow her. When asked why, she responds, "Because Wargle doesn't own an aerodactyl." And, as any good referee knows, the temporal isntability that sometimes allows ASB pokémon and trainers to exist in several battles at once should never be tested.

Metallica Fanboy is only starting to work out the implications of the referee's statement as her own aerodactyl leaps into the air and takes off in the same general direction as Wargle did a few seconds ago. Suddenly aware of the possibility that he might be left behind at the edge of a tremendous fire, Metallica Fanboy urges Megatherium to climb onto his back, where the vigoroth hangs like a furry backpack, paws slung over the trainer's shoulders. Metallica Fanboy in turn boards his own aerodactyl, Dextrous, and commands him follow the two that went before.

Dextrous kicks off, and in a matter of seconds the burning park has fallen away far below. By now both the other aerodactyl are far ahead, though, and Dextrous is laboring under more weight than either of them. The old pokémon's blood is up, now, and he is determined not to be left behind by a couple of whippersnappers. With a defiant screech, he soars off in pursuit, gaining slowly but surely.

By now, Wargle has realized that something is definitely wrong. "His" aerodactyl doesn't seem to be responding to commands, and he has no idea where it's taking him. He tries calling out to some rescue workers on the wing for help, but they are preoccupied with their own problems and none take up pursuit. There are fewer and fewer of them, too, as the aerodactyl carries him away from the fire--that, at least, is an upside to this mess.

Meanwhile, the referee's aerodactyl is edging up behind, and at her urging tries calling out to the one flying ahead, asking it to land somewhere and put down the human so they can get this mess worked out. The aerodactyl carrying Wargle, already confused and out of its element, understands only that it is being pursued, that another one of its species is trying to steal its prize. It puts on another burst of speed, and Wargle yells as his world abruptly tips, the sides of skyscrapers swinging past his shoes as the aerodactyl whips through a tight turn and starts to dive. The referee's aerodactyl follows, her trainer clinging grimly on, and behind, though not so far behind, Dextrous does likewise.

Metallica Fanboy has come to discover that Megatherium does not like flying, and the vigoroth's mood is not improved when they go into a sudden dive that threatens to pitch him into empty space by flipping him up over his trainer's head. Metallica Fanboy chokes as the vigoroth's embrace tightens around his neck and Megatherium's back paws crush into his sides. The vigoroth's weight throws off his balance as well and makes it all the more likely that he will get thrown from his own ride.

Dextrous is falling behind again, the cumbersome burden on his back making it hard for him to maneuver in the same tight turns that the two aerodactyl ahead are making as they weave in and out around skyscrapers. Now and again he catches sight of one of their reflections flashing in the mirrored windows of an office building as they disappear around a corner, but that's the best he can do.

He has no idea that, far ahead, the mystery aerodactyl has at last spotted the ideal place to make its stand. An elevated car park brings back distant memories of a cave-pocked hillside, and the aerodactyl angles down towards it, tucking in wings and legs and shooting into the narrow open gap between two levels, slamming Wargle's feet against the concrete barrier running around the lower deck in the process. It drops the trainer none too gently, heedless of his groans, and whirls around, stretching wings wide and preparing to defend its prey against the interloper. When the referee's aerodactyl comes shooting through the same gap that the rogue one did scant seconds earlier, it is to meet a hyper beam head-on.

The pokémon takes the brunt of the blast and plows unceremoniously into the concrete, but her trainer is still thrown from her back and slammed into the side of a van by the force of the attack. Fortunately, she doesn't need her trainer's direction to pick herself up and charge at her opponent. The two aerodactyls meet in a vicious scuffle, teeth and talons scoring at rocky hide and the occasional burst of energy blooming between the two of them as they spar. In the background, Wargle tries to crawl away and hide under a parked car, as his shins are protesting after being banged against the barrier. The referee is moving slowly as she tries to get her wits about her.

Naturally, this is the time that Metallica Fanboy's aerodactyl arrives and throws everything into confusion again. At the sight of the fight, Dextrous forgets completely about the human hanging onto his back and charges full into the fray, not bothering to distinguish between friend and foe in his excitement. Metallica Fanboy hastily releases his grip on Dextrous' neck and slides to the ground, then retreats from the vicious flurry of violence that has engulfed the aerodactyl.

The referee manages to get a pokéball off her belt and release her espeon, which grabs the mystery aerodactyl with her mind and drags it loose from the other two, then slams it into the ceiling until it stops fighting. As she lets it fall unceremoniously back to the floor, the aerodactyl reflects muzzily that it simply isn't fair. One moment it's laboring away from a volcanic eruption on a damaged wing, and the next thing it knows it's in some strange, white cave where everything is too bright and weird creatures are milling around and chirping at it. Mere hours later, a huge fire consumes the cave, it manages to break free of its cage and escape, and when it does, it just happens to spy one of those funny little creatures in the patch of trees just beyond the odd place. Being hungry, it decides to grab a snack, and what happens--these other aerodactyl get all worked up for no good reason. With that thought, it passes out.

The two other aerodactyl have been calmed down now, and the espeon has disappeared into her pokéball. Wargle is back on his feet by now, as is the referee. She leans against the side of the van, one arm wrapped around her ribs and giving Wargle a glower that says, This is what you get. "Are you going to send out your last pokémon or what?

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 20%
Energy: 40%
- Resolved never to let his feet leave the ground again, ever. Burned (3%/round). +2 Attack

Terrain Notes
The new place of battle is a car park. It's mostly empty, but there are a few vehicles sitting unattended. Fluorescent lights shine from the ceiling overhead, but the place is overall quite dim. A concrete barrier behind the referee separates the parking deck from open air and a drop of about four stories. A fair amount of the floor has been torn up and scorched as a result of the aerodactyl's battle. The fire has been left far behind (seven more rounds).

Final Notes
- It wasn't a very relaxing round, but Megatherium did regain some energy on account of the fact that he wasn't really *doing* much. On the other hand, he still took burn damage.
- Got a little carried away on this one. Sorry about the length and liberties taken.
- Wargle sends out
- Metallica Fanboy attacks
- Wargle attacks

WAY AWESOME. I love you Negrek!!! We're all battered and bruised because of my Aerodactyl.

And you can see up there^ I said I would use my Grwolithe, THEN we left.

((But hey if I can change my mind I'm totes cool with using Baltoy))
You can change if you'd like, yes. Just post your final decision.

Also, I realize that I didn't answer your question about counter. 64%
Holy crap that's so awesome!!!

COunter is like, my new forvourite move.

GOing with a Baltoy folks. YAY GO NERO YOU CAN BURN ROME*shot*
Awesome round. Except for the part wherein I misread "furry" as "furious" and find myself forced to imagine an angered backpack.

Well, anyway. I'm assuming Slack Off won't energy kill you, so, let's start with that. Afterwards, keep the relaxing up by Chilling. Chill in your sleep if you get hypnotized at any point. If Slack Off would actually energy kill you in the first action, Chill until it won't, then do it.

Slack Off/Chill ~ Chill/Slack Off ~ Chill/Slack Off
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